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Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 242.2: Elite Troop – Part 2
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"Elias, where are we going?" Blade asked.

"Let's go north, on the map Luan made, it says there are a lot of scorpions that are easy to kill, as they are slow running, but fast with their tails, if you are careful with the tails, we can kill easily. They are of the First, Second and even Third Order can appear. In all cases, we go in formation and kill the scorpions." Elias said.

"Understood!" Brede makes soldier sense.

Afterward, they walked, but Elias was finding it all very strange, this was not very similar to what Luan was saying. In the marking, there were to have some trees to small lakes, despite having so much sand. What caused the drought in this place?

As he thought, they had already come a long way and had almost reached their destination.

"I am afraid," Alice said in her soft childish voice.

Despite being 14 years old and in the Third Order, she was, after all, a teenager who had never fought in her life. She just trained a lot and with the help of pills she made it to the Third Order, but that didn't give her enough courage to face monsters.

"Stay calm. Until you get used to it, you don't have to fight. The important thing is to get used to it and be cautious, and also not need to go against strong enemies, just choose the weaker ones and get some Credits." Bruno (Blade) told her with a gentle smile.

"Okay." She still hasn't totally got used to her mother dating Bruno, not that she was against it, but she felt shy around him, after all, she never had a father present, her mother was a lover and her father, she only saw a few sometimes in person, or on television.

"Mommy won't let my princess get hurt, don't worry," Arlinda said in her sweet voice.

Alice held her mother's hand tightly and continued to walk with the group.

The red scorpions appeared, some came out of the ground, others were already out of the ground. Upon feeling the presence of human warmth, they became alert, especially when feeling the Qi of some who could not hide well.

After that, the scorpions ran in groups towards them, but as expected, they were slow, at a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour. For them, this was too slow.

If it was for ordinary people, maybe this would be quick, but not for them.

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Elias took the heavy sword from his back and took it in both hands.

Ezekiel held a shield and sword, he took the front, to serve as a tanker.

The tail attacks caught the shield, but it bounced off, after all, it was a Third Order shield, it wouldn't break so easily.

Brade advances with his spear and pierces the head, piercing and killing the scorpion.

Their teamwork was well coordinated, with some defending, others attacking and killing.

Maihara used a bow and arrow and needed a maximum of 2 arrows to kill a Second Order monster. Of the Third Order, she hasn't tried it yet, but as her bow and arrow were of equivalent level, she figured she could kill with the support of her peers.

Alice held a pretty sword with a hilt made like rose petals. She saw some slower scorpions that were First Order and attacked and killed.

"Yup! I achieved!" She celebrated.

However, something came out of the ground. A scorpion tail was heading towards her back.

"Alice!" Arlinda was a little far away and wouldn't make it in time.

The blade used his agility and spear range and managed to get there in time by slamming the spear point into the scorpion's tail.


Alice yelled scared. She ran towards her mother.

The scorpion that almost attacked her was actually of the Third Order.

"I need help here." Blade said out loud.

Maihara supported him, she shot arrows making the scorpion distracted, while Blade tried to find an opening to attack, many of his attempts failed, but he finally managed to pierce one of the eyes and the scorpion got agitated and wanted to hide on the Earth.

But, Elias suddenly appeared and slashed at the neck with his sword heavy in the heel.


The sound echoed loudly. The neck was stiff, but half was cut off, Elias drew his sword and backed up and Blade finished it off with the cut in the neck.

Their Origin was not awakened, despite feeling the presence, they still couldn't use it in the fight, most of the Origin awakened when they were climbing the tower, and the one who understands the most about Origin was Luan, for now, they could only use force gross and fight. And gradually getting used to their Origin and being able to use it in battle.

Like for example: Paloma, she has Origin related to wind, it's very good, but she always messes up when using it, like hitting the ally, or increasing her running speed a lot.

In all situations, almost always something bad happened, that's why Elias forbade them to use it in battle, first they need to train individually and then train in a group. Doing this at the time without knowing how to control it was very dangerous.

They continued to fight the red scorpions until exterminating them all.

"Finally it's all over." Arlinda was dripping with sweat, the weather was already hot, and on top of that I had to fight these monsters, it was very complicated.

"Yea." They had to agree.

"Careful Elias!" Arlinda suddenly screamed, she had something like a premonition and a scorpion attacked Elias's back killing him.

Elias was confused but ran away from where he was and what appeared was something frightening. It was a scorpion twice the size of the previous ones.

"Shit, is this Fourth Order? How can there be such a thing here?" Samantha screamed completely scared.

"All!" Elias shouted, getting everyone's attention: "Stay calm! Yes, it's a strong monster, but we're at 23. Let's use the formation Luan went through. He said we could fight a Fourth Order monster if we use that formation and if everyone is in the Third Order. And that's exactly the situation we find ourselves in!"

"Yea!" Even in fear, they listened.

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"Ezekiel, come with me and help defend against his tail, but first, watch carefully what I'm going to do. Test it a bit and find out if it's as slow as the other one or not." Elias said.

"Okay." Ezekiel nodded firmly in his voice.

Elias put away his sword and took a 150 cm shield. It was silver and heavy. But for Elias, it was reasonably light.

Afterward, he ran towards the scorpion which was almost 120 cm standing, and 500 cm in wingspan. It was too big.

It was even faster than a bullet from a .38-caliber gun. Elias used his reflex to defend himself with the shield, but the shield was left with the tail mark that pierced the shield.

Even though it's a Third Order shield, it would withstand a maximum of 3 attacks, Elias figured.

"Now, attack from afar, don't stop, in formation, switching positions with those who are tired, and Ezequiel, get ready to take my place to defend against this thing. Others who use spears, try to find the best time to attack the legs and try to break one of them." Elias yelled.

They did as Elias said and some who used bows, shot arrows, those with the spear tried to break his legs, just as Elias predicted the third blow broke his shield and he backed away. The scorpion's speed was at most 100 kilometers per hour, it may seem fast, but it was actually acceptable.

Ezekiel took Elias's place and stood in front of the scorpion taking the blows.

Elias took advantage and took the last spare shield he had.

He took his big sword as well and at full speed ran and jumped, catching the distracted scorpion and slashing his heavy sword at the scorpion's head. It didn't have that much strength, because he only used one hand and the other he defended with the tail shield that came towards him. He was thrown, but his blow took effect, the scorpion started to slow down, his head was spinning like he was drunk.

The Elite Troop group took this chance and attacked non-stop while the scorpion was injured.

After almost 1 hour of fighting, the scorpion fell with a heavy "Blam" to the ground.


It is unknown who started it, but everyone started laughing, happy to succeed and survive, after all, they killed a monster in the Fourth Order!

Strangely, the mood starts to change. Before, dry air was no longer so dry.

Elias approached the scorpion and said, "This scorpion was indeed very powerful, to the point of being worth 12,000 Credit points. I can't even believe we managed to kill him. In any case, we should be fair and divide it attributable... But, I personally think we should divide 500 Credits for each, and the 500 that are left, make us a party to celebrate, how about?"

"I agree." Gradually everyone agreed. In reality, they were happy to be alive, and they made far more points killing the scorpion group than killing the boss. They then happily headed towards town to celebrate.

"By the way, isn't it better to breathe in this place? It's like there's not that dry air…" They started talking about it as they went into town.