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Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 289 Exchange Of Favors
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"You want the corpse of a Middle-Level Heaven Ethereal Realm beast?" Triton asked in a slightly surprised tone.

Damien casually replied, "It is for my girlfriend's master. He wants me to do some experiments on the corpse of such a powerful beast. And, of course, I have to get the corpse myself. It is like a sort of test put out by him to make me prove that I am worthy of being his disciple's man."

Triton rested his temple against two of his fingers as he said in a contemplative tone, "It seems like you indeed have it hard to gain the recognition of Alchemist Azrael, not that I am surprised. Since he is an alchemist, he must also want you to prove your expertise in alchemy as well other than just your combat skills."

Triton continued with an understanding look, "But you also know what it means to ask us this favor, right? Killing a Heaven Ethereal Realm beast is no joke. Not only is their ethereal seed well developed, but some also have sufficient intelligence to fight against humans and even trick them."

Blaze and Shania, who were sitting on either side of Triton, had their gaze focused on Damien as if they were looking at a prey.

Damien wryly smiled as he replied, "Of course, as a fellow forsaken member, I will gladly do a favor for this group."

Not only Damien, but they also knew that this was merely an exchange of favors. And he was prepared to do it as long as it was not impossible for him.

He was desperately in need of a Heaven Ethereal Realm beast which he can turn into an undead. At present, he was too weak to kill one of his own. Otherwise, he wouldn't be left with no choice but to approach Triton with this matter.

Triton smiled, "It's nothing big. All you have to do is procure us two Pandemonium Needles." Triton's voice sounded as if he was asking for something simple, and Damien looked as if he had no clue about it.

He had no idea what a Pandemonium Needle was, let alone what it was used for or where to find it.

Seeing the puzzled face of Damien, Blaze and Shania exchanged glances as they wondered what his following reaction would be after Triton explained everything.

Triton explained, "A Pandemonium Needle is a Saint Grade artifact. It is mainly used to activate formation arrays, big ones at that. Since you are not a formations master, this might be news for you."

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Damien was enlightened with this piece of information since he never studied the art of laying down formations because of his disinterest.

However, hearing that it was a top-notch artifact, he asked, "But it is a Saint Grade artifact. Where can I even get such a precious artifact?"

As Triton said it was a Saint Grade artifact, Damien was sure such artifacts must not be available to buy in the market but instead must be stored away in some big shot's treasury.

Even the name of the needle made it seem as if it was no ordinary needle.

After a moment of silence, Triton said in a tone to not make it sound as if it was impossible, "We heard the emperor has it the last time we checked."

However, no matter how Triton put it, Damien's brows raised upon hearing that it was with the Xeton Emperor!

'Do they have a death wish for me?' Damien couldn't help but think that since how the hell was he going to get something that was in the hands of the strongest emperor.

Triton added in order to not let Damien feel discouraged, "You can ask Alchemist Azrael's help since I am sure the emperor would give some face to him."

Damien also felt that he would have to use his alter identity to meet the Xeton Emperor finally!

He wasn't afraid to meet such a person but to ask the emperor to give him a precious artifact left him feeling anxious about it since he knew nothing in this world was for free.

Even if the emperor did not refuse him, who knows what he would ask in return.

'This is getting more and more complicated...sigh...all for a beast,' Damien again realized how hard things become when he doesn't have sufficient power.

However, one thing he understood from their request was that they must be planning to use this Pandemonium Needle for something important!

He felt that he should research more about this strange needle.

Triton said in a reassuring tone, "Don't worry about the beast. Blaze and Shaniya can easily get you the corpse of a Middle-Level Heaven Ethereal Realm beast."

"What if I can't get it?" Damien asked with one of his brows raised as he himself wasn't confident about getting something from the emperor, especially when he hasn't even met the emperor even once.

"Then you owe us one," Triton said with a slight smile.

Seeing his smile, Damien felt that it would be better not to owe them anything and just try his best to get the Pandemonium Needles.

One of his principal codes was not to owe people anything and would try to repay any favors people did for him as fast as possible.

Although he could just take advantage of them for the moment and refuse to repay the favor later, he would be at a loss since he wouldn't get the information he needed.

He also knew that this was also a way of them trying to test him, so he decided to show them what he can do.

"Alright, I will try my best to get them. But I want to be in on the hunt when Senior Blaze and Senior Shania go for the hunt," Damien said with a determined expression.

Shania asked curiously, "But why, though? We won't be mistaken and would definitely bring you the corpse of a Middle-Level Heaven Ethereal Realm beast."

Shania felt that Damien was worried about whether they would be bringing the corpse of a weaker beast.

Damien replied, "Of course, I know you two seniors wouldn't be mistaken with such things. But I merely want to broaden my horizon and witness the battle at the Heaven Ethereal Realm level. I have never seen someone fighting a Heaven Ethereal Realm beast, and I think it would greatly benefit my combat ability in the future if I were to witness one."

What Damien said was the truth, but there was also one other main reason he wanted to join them. And that obviously was that he needed to have a fresh corpse to turn it into an undead. Otherwise, everything would have been for naught.

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Shania and Blaze nodded as Blaze said, "Alright, that's fine. But you have to be careful and stay a minimum distance away from us when we fight the beast. Collateral damages are heavy when Heaven Ethereal Realm practitioners clash, and that is the same against a beast of the same level as well."

"So, how about next week? You are free to come with us, right?" Shania asked.

Damien went through his mind to see if he had anything for next week and nodded, "Yeah, sure. I am free."

Damien was confident that two peak Heaven Ethereal Realm practitioners wouldn't find it hard to kill a Middle-Level Ethereal Realm Beast.

However, he now had to meet the Xeton Emperor for the first time and felt that this was an excellent opportunity to size up the final boss of his quest.

He anyway was looking for an excuse to meet the emperor, and now he found one though he was not sure how the end result would be.

At most, he would get refused. But Damien felt that the chances of him getting refused were very less unless the Pandamonium Needles were very important to the emperor.

Triton then asked something, making Damien push away his thoughts, "By the way, did you hear the shocking news of the death of Dennisa and Roy?"

Damien had a blinking expression, "Death? Wait a sec...are you telling me they died?"

Triton and two people sitting beside him narrowed their gaze on Damien. Still, they didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, so Triton continued, "Yes. It's said that they died a very horrible death. Apparently, they were burned alive, and the strange thing was that the killer was an old woman who didn't even have an identity. It's like the old woman was a ghost, and no one was able to find out how this woman was related to Dennisa or Roy to cause their deaths."

Even Triton and the other two were inwardly surprised about their deaths and wondered who this old woman was to kill them.

Damien inwardly smiled, but on the outward, his mouth turned into an 'O' as he nodded. He then said as a hidden glint flashed through his eyes, "It seems like they offended someone they shouldn't have. We can never know when death comes knocking on the door."

A/N : Check out my new - > I Shall Devour Everything