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Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 205 Don’t Regret It
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"Huh? Teach all of you?" Damien looked around at the other youths gathered. Some were even in their twenties and more senior.

But surprisingly, they all looked eager, as if they were supporting Yara Haley and wanted him to teach all of them.

"Sigh, fine. But only for an hour."

"Yay! That's more than enough."

Damien, however, asked, "Don't you people already have a teacher, though?"

Yara Haley harrumphed, "Our teacher is no good compared to you. He's boring and so high and mighty. Only sometimes would the Sky Blue rankers would teach us when they get time. But that's so rare."

"Wow, you do have a lot of complaints about him, haha. Okay, let's make this quick."

There were around 30 silver rankers in the field, and Damien started giving them tips on how to handle their weapons better and execute their attacks more efficiently.

Within a couple of minutes, they all felt a significant improvement they never expected to have in such a short time. Even after months of practicing didn't make them improve this much.

The longer Damien taught them, the more they wanted him as their permanent teacher. He made them feel as if they were just children who had no idea how to use a weapon. Despite being trained by so-called experts, they felt that they truly lacked the fundamentals themselves.

Of course, they can make up for this by using ethereal arts along with their weapons. And one with the stronger cultivation and better ethereal arts would win even if their weapon mastery isn't decent enough.

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But if their weapon mastery was decent enough, then they would be able to bring out the maximum potential of their ethereal arts and get an edge over their enemy in battle.

Damien felt that the reason these people stressed less on the foundations of weapon mastery was that they placed huge confidence on their ethereal arts.

However, he felt that it was quite natural as even he would have done the same thing had he been born in this world without any previous knowledge.

After all, people generally tend to follow the easiest path, and unless they realize or someone tells them they are following the wrong path, they wouldn't change by themselves.

No matter the kind of weapons the silver rankers used, Damien was able to guide them without much issue.

Valentina was keenly watching Damien teach them as she sat on his shoulder. Even if she was in her ethereal beast form, she would pay attention to every word Damien says whenever he teaches someone.

As she received daily tutoring from him, the more she realized how valuable his knowledge was. She was sure that alchemy wouldn't be a breeze for her if it weren't for Damien teaching her after school.

The other people, even the crippled ones, came to watch Damien teaching them as they were first curious how a young boy was teaching these silver-ranked experts.

But when they got closer and heard Damien's teaching, even they felt enlightened as they did train to have basic mastery over a weapon at some point in their life.

"What's going on here?" A disgruntled voice suddenly echoed in the area as everyone saw a handsome man with lofty bearings walking towards where Damien was teaching the others.

'Ugh, this guy again. What's his problem.' Seeing that it was Drake, Damien wondered why some couldn't just mind their own business instead of causing trouble the first chance they get.

Yara Haley muttered irately, "Shit! It's my brother. You can go now, Damien. He would be pissed off to see you teaching us."

"Huh? Why?" Damien was puzzled why Drake would be mad at him for teaching others. If it could benefit others, why should Drake have any problem with that?

Aren't they all working for the cause?

"Damien, what the hell are you doing here? This is no place for you to be here unless you want to receive lessons from me." Drake said with a scowl as his nostrils dilated.

Damien felt like laughing at his words. He said irreverently, "Take lessons from you? You must be kidding. I was teaching everyone here since they requested it. Apparently, you couldn't seem to teach them what they really needed."

Drake's expression became black, "What did you say? Did you just say that you can even teach them how to handle weapons better than me? I have been trained by five different experts and was also at the top of my weapons training class during my time at the Xeton Ethereal Foundation. And a brat like you dare to say that I am beneath you?"

Damien let out a soft laugh, "Haha, trained by five different experts? It seems like each of them got fed up with you and left before they lost their sanity. Even if you got trained by 1000 experts, it doesn't matter shit if you can't even understand what it means to be one with the weapon. I suppose in the land of the blind; the one-eyed man is king."

Yara Haley let out a giggle and covered her mouth, hearing Damien's provocative words, and even others tried their best to stop their lips from curling up.

Drake's expression became even darker as his nostrils flared. This was the second time he got humiliated before everyone, including his own subordinates and other people, openly.

The first time he was discredited before children, and that itself hurt his ego a lot. He felt like Damien was stealing his disciples and his influence over them.

The only reason he was interested in teaching any of them was that he could have a hold over them and make them do his biddings. Being in a superior position grants him the ability to do such things.

But now, with Damien meddling in his business, he felt like he was slowly losing his position and felt threatened. How can he sit still seeing a newcomer take away his years of hardwork and steal his position?

Damien didn't want to bother with Drake and ignored him, thinking that he was just a control freak. For the very same reason, during his first alchemy class, he issued a simple challenge to get rid of Drake.

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But now, he was getting annoyed by Drake trying to stir up trouble with him constantly.

Drake said with a glowering expression, "Damien, don't think that just because the higher-ups are looking at you in a favorable light, you can do whatever the hell you want here. There are rules and systems here. And I am the one assigned to teach these people, not you. You already stole my students for the alchemy class."

He continued in a dark tone, "You think you are so good? Then why don't you have a spar with me? Let everyone see who is qualified enough to teach others. I won't even use my cultivation, and we can have a spar involving only our weapons."

"Drake, stop it. We are the ones who requested Damien to teach us. It was not that he wanted to. Stop picking a fight with Damien unless you don't want any regrets." Yara Haley said in a piqued tone.

"Just shut up, Yara! Did I ask for your opinion? Hmph, I am going to have regrets? It seems like just because I have been laying low, certain people seem to think that I am just a pushover." Drake said as he glared at Damien.

'Laying low? My ass.' Damien inwardly scoffed.

Damien let out a weary sigh, "Dude, your sister was advising you for your own good, and yet you shout at her. If you spar with me, no matter how much of an expert you claim to be, you will only regret it, just as your sister said. I am not bragging, but I am telling you the hard truth. If you want to save the only face you have, just go back to wherever you came from, and I will also leave after I am done here."

Damien didn't have the mood to spar with losers, and he noticed that ever since he came into this world, most of the entitled people were too arrogant to the point that they would do anything just to keep others from outshining them or for having things that they believed were theirs.

He wondered why they couldn't even let their skills keep up with their arrogance instead of wasting time in futile challenges.

"Heh? Are you afraid, brat? It seems like you got nothing other than having a glib tongue. Why? Do you think you can't handle your weapon as well as your tongue? Or did your mother teach you to only run away? Hahahaha..." Drake laughed derisively as his eyes gleamed.

"HISSSSS…." Valentina sat upon Damien's shoulder as if she was ready to pounce on Drake. She glared at Drake and had enough of hearing Drake trying to insult Damien.

Even though Drake was at the Ninth Level of the Earth Ethereal Realm, Valentina didn't even have a tinge of hesitation to rush towards Drake and maul him.

Her blood red eyes were already looking at Drake as if he was a dead man. Even if someone insulted her, she wouldn't feel as angry if someone was insulting Damien.

Damien patted Valentina, "Shhh...don't pay mind to fools. They don't have much control over their tongues." He then looked at Drake as he curled his lips up, "Fine. I will spar with you and make you wish that you should have never crossed with me."