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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Novel

Chapter 937 Demons
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"That… that cannot be…" Kim said. "If a dungeon disappears after beating it when it reaches SS-rank, then how are the people supposed to get stronger? No hunter will ever fully reach SS rank."

"As I said, ask your god," Ning said. "Also at the same time, ask them why they let you go into the dungeon knowing that you had a very little chance of survival."


The group felt scared and hesitant. They did not want to believe that their gods knew about the danger before they went in.

"Anyway, that's that," Ning said. "You can tell me what you find later. I already see the sun coming up so I'm gonna go take a nap. Speaking of which, is there a reason for me to stay or can I just go back?"

The director looked at the portal and sighed. "I don't think there's any reason to keep you here," he said.

"Great, I'm leaving then," Ning said.

"I will prepare the chopper so you can go back quickly," the director said and brought out his phone.

"No need," Ning said. "I can leave on my own. Also, while we didn't manage to kill many things inside there, here is an SS-ranked Mana stone for you."

"Wait, I didn't get one either," Soo-Yun said. Sorlus had appeared right before she was supposed to charm the lizard.

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"Bad luck to you then I guess? Well, if you kept count, I gave mine to the director too, so ask for compensation from these 4," Ning said. Without even waiting for anyone to say anything else, he simply turned around and left.

He walked out of the site and right after he was away from everyone's vision, he teleported back home.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Sorlus sitting next to White by the sofa, watching some sort of cartoon on the TV.

"What are you guys doing?" Ning asked.

"Master, I'm showing him this funny thing that comes on TV," White said.

"Master, is it true that humans in this world look like this?" Sorlus asked.

"Of course not," Ning said. "Can't you see how I look? Do I look like a cartoon?"

"Oh… then why am I watching this? I thought he was giving me knowledge of this world," Sorlus said.

"This is knowledge, you idiot. Have you ever had fun?" White asked.

"This is not fun at all. Fun is when I get to sleep for 200 years on top of my pile of gold. Ahh… how I wish I could do that again," Sorlus said.

Ning shook his head. "Sorlus, you want to know why you were there right? Come I will tell you," he said.

"Really? Thank you, master," Sorlus said as he quickly ran up to Ning.

Ning explained what he knew on top of asking the system for new information.

Currently, there were 3 universes that were passing by each other. They were barely touching each other, but that still meant that galaxies were colliding on a different plane.

Portals formed naturally between galaxies, but these portals were normally not wormholes that lead to other galaxies.

The white portals that appeared on the planets in various cities weren't natural at all. They were something carefully engineered to be there.

In this instance, of the three galaxies colliding with each other, one of them had a dormant will that had not manifested itself.

As such, it was acting on some bare instincts that it had learned over the course of eons.

Ning was curious. Why portals? Why dungeons? Why would something like a dormant Will ever think of filling another world with its energy and creating a stable portal to the place?

It wasn't long before Ning learned that it was for no reason.

To be more accurate, the dormant will had no idea what it was doing. It was merely acting on instinct. It had no intention of hurting the humans or inhabitants of other worlds.

That begged the question then why the will was even doing what it was.

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That was when Ning learned something he wished he had learned a very long time ago.

The will had learned it all by watching the Constellations do the same thing.

The constellations, on a galactic scale, would make dungeons to a different world where they would send their soldiers to terrorize humans and make them submit to pray for them.

If the humans resisted, they would be killed and the constellation would move onto a different world.

Ning continued learning. A Constellations will in most cases were former humans that were transformed by Magicules.

Magicule was a corrupted form of mana that could only be created by a constellation. As mana was the only energy that could be affected by the constellation, they more often than not worked around it.

When a magicule transformed someone, they would usually grow large, and angry. Their skins would change and most of the time grow different body parts like horns, tails, or wings.

These humans would become demons under the influence of the constellations. And under a constellation's order, they would wage war on different worlds to bring them to worship their god.

The constellation had no regard for human life, so whenever a demon army attacked, they would either make the habitants submit to them or kill them all.

If they did kill them all, there was nothing for them to worry about as they could simply go to another world and keep up what they were doing.

Ning sighed when he learned this. 'So that is why there are so many demons, huh?' he thought. He remembered the game he played in the Yomire galaxy.

He wondered if Yomire galaxy was once under threat from the demons, and that's why they knew about it.

"They don't have any demons this time around, do they?" Ning asked the system.

<The constellations have no control over the dungeons, so whether there is or not is not up to them.>

"Good," Ning said. "All long as they stay in their lane and don't try to do anything disruptive here, I will let them live for a little longer."