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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Novel

Chapter 838: Besailach
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The girl and two men took Ning to a location with a little more light. The room they had arrived in seemed to have a small hole in the ceiling through which light could pass.

Ning was looking around at the dome-like room when suddenly the woman did something so ridiculous that Ning thought he wasn't seeing right.

The girl reached to her back and unhooked her wings to lay them down beside her.

"Wh-what?" Ning was confused. "How did you do that?"

"What? This?" she looked at the wings. "It's not mine to begin with. It belongs to one of the blessed ones that fell in battle."

"Blessed ones?" Ning asked. 'Players?'

When he thought about it a little more, he remembered that NPCs shouldn't have wings to begin with. 'Right, I was so caught up in being caught that I didn't catch the fact that they had wings.'

"We use our fallen soldiers' wings to scare the demons. Otherwise, they look down on us quite a lot," the girl said.

"Oh," Ning said. "Are you three the only ones alive?"

"What need do you have to know about our survival, demon?" the man at the side spoke. "Do you wish to go and tell your superior about this?"

"Geez, calm down. I don't have a superior. I'm not from the army, I told you," Ning said.

"You never trust a demon's lies," the man said.

"Fine! Whatever," he looked away from the man and towards the woman. "What do you want from me exactly?"

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"Good, let's talk business," the girl said and started explaining the situation. "Up north, near the city of Winterheart, there are currently demons trying to invade the city. The commander of the demon, from what we have gathered is a demon known as Besailach. Kill that demon and meet us in the forest near the Highcastle."

[Quest Updated:

Kill 'Besailach', one of the fastest-rising demon commanders of the time.

Failure to kill will result in the quest's removal. In which case you will have to meet 'Gariin' to receive another quest.

Failure to kill Besailach without being noticed will result in a bounty put on you, making you a target for all demons.

Reward: 5 Gold coins, 55000 Exp, and a Skill Book 'Demon Stats']

"Ooh, that's quite good," Ning thought. "I'll do it. Is there a time frame?"

"Not really, but we will prefer if you do it before they attack the city," Gariin answered.

"Got it," Ning said as he looked at the quest. Killing a demon… that should feel that bad right? Especially given that he would now not have to kill humans.

At least not the innocent ones.

"Okay, I'll leave now," Ning said.

"No," the men suddenly said.

Gariin sighed. "We cannot let you go just like that. We will have to blindfold you so that you don't know where you are."

Ning sighed as well. "Really? Didn't I already promise not to hurt you folks?" he asked.

"That… no, you will have to be blindfolded," the girl said. The men brought a piece of cloth and tied it around his eyes.

Then, another cut scene began where Ning couldn't do anything was listen from the darkness as his body was taken somewhere else.

After a while, he was dropped on the side of the road, where he had been previously taken from.

"Walk ahead for 2 more hours and you will come across the next city. A day's journey after that is the Winterheart city. Good luck," The girl said and left.

Ning stood there in the road with no one around him, and after a while, he continued walking down the path.

He thought about the situation of the world right now, the lore of the game.

The demons were invading this foreign land, bringing death and destruction wherever they went. The humans were the ones being attacked and they were fighting back.

So, where were the angels? Given that they were angels, Ning expected them to be helping people fight off the bad guys, but he hadn't heard about them yet.

It couldn't be that there were no Angels on this continent, right? Could it be that they were fighting on the other two continents?

Ning continued on and slowly he started seeing fewer and fewer monsters around him.

By the time he saw a crowd of demons, he was already close to the next city on the road.

The Greenveil city.

Ning looked at the city that was less of a fortress than the Waterfort city. This city had low walls, and the buildings were made up of more wood than stone.

At least, they used to be. Now, they were all destroyed. Whatever remained was used by the demons for trade and such.

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Ning sighed when he saw that, but he couldn't do anything about it. He walked through the city and went to a building where one would respawn after dying.

He quickly set Greenveil city as the city of choice for his respawn. He didn't want to accidentally die and respawn back in the Waterfort city after all.

Once set, he went around the city, looking for any quests he could get to level up.

As of yet, he was level 21, so he wanted something more.

"Oh, can you help me get some Wolf Skin, young lad?" a demoness who worked as a tailor spoke.

"Wolf Skin?" Ning asked.

[Quest: Gather Wolf Skins.

Gather some Wolf skins from the nearby BrownWolf Dungeon. The more skins you gather, the more reward you will get.

Reward: 100 Exp and 3 Silver coins per wolf skin.

Special Reward: Gather more than 500 Wolf Skin to get a custom-made Wolf Leather Belt from the tailor.]

"I will do it," Ning told her.

[You have accepted the quest.]

"Are there any other beasts aside from the Wolves?" Ning asked.

"There are. There are some Goblings to the northwest, and some Grayworm to the east," the tailor said. "If you find wolves to be hard, you can start with the other beasts."

"I see," Ning said. "Thank you."