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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Novel

Chapter 331 - The Beasts Secret Realm
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Ning stood in front of the nearly 20 meters tall stone door and pushed it open only to realize that it was just an illusion. The door was in fact a portal that teleported him the moment he walked in.

Along with him, Aegis, Blue, and Night also walked into the portal and got teleported.

When they reappeared they were still inside a cave, but just a little ahead of them, they could see the path lead to a way outside.

Ning walked forward with the three beasts and went out of the cave. The moment they reached outside, they were welcomed by some bright light.

When the bright light finally went away, Ning could see a massive jungle down below with hundreds of birds of different colors flying in the sky.

The 4 of them were on top of a mountain, looking down at the beautiful green scenery down below. "Woah! look at that. That looks amazing," Ning said as he looked at the unending forest with beasts running about everywhere.

"The Qi here is also very concentrated. It's about the same, if not higher than that one beast island up," Ning said. "What do you guys think?"

"It… it really is amazing, master," Aegis said.

"I can see my brethren," Blue said as he saw many flood dragons far away in the distance.

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The night however remained quiet, not answering anything.

Suddenly, 2 beasts flew up through the air and arrived in front of Ning. Once they reached close to him, they sent out divine sense towards all 4 of them.

Ning didn't mind and let them check him as much as they wanted. The two beasts, one a Seven tailed fox, and another a Mind Flaying Moth, were both surprised when they saw their cultivation base and started getting cautious.

"Seniors, who might you be?" the Fox asked cautiously. Suddenly seeing 4 different strong individuals arrive had them scared.

Soon, more and more beasts started appearing around them as they seemed to have noticed something was happening. Most beasts here had been born inside this secret realm, so they didn't even know what a human looked like.

The newer generation curiously checked out Ning, while the older generation nervously stood around waiting for Ning and the others to answer.

"Don't be scared, we aren't bad company. I found the seal to back there accidentally, and your ancestors told me to come here to see you guys," Ning said.

"The ancestors allowed you inside?" the beasts asked.

"Yes," Ning said.

"Why would they do that?" the beasts asked amongst themselves. They saw no reason why their ancestors would ever send someone so strong to them.

"Well, they probably wanted to guilt-trip me into helping them. They didn't know whether I would help them out otherwise or not," Ning said.

"So, your purpose of the visit is… nothing?" they asked.

"Pretty much. I guess I will just look around and leave," Ning said. The beasts were still quite cautious and didn't immediately accept the answer.

Suddenly, Ning fully unleashed his cultivation base, drowning the entire group of beasts in his incredibly strong aura. The beasts could barely use their cultivation base to not get crushed.

Then the aura disappeared. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The beasts got back up and immediately put up a fighting stance.

"Can you guys defeat me if I were to fight your?" Ning asked.

The beasts looked around at themselves, trying to look for a positive answer to that question. Unfortunately, there was none.

"No, right?" Ning asked. The beasts couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Then you guys should stop being too untrusting of me. If I wanted to come here for any malicious reasons, I wouldn't have to fake an act in front of you guys," Ning said.

The beasts looked at themselves. "I guess… that's true," the Seven Tailed Fox said. "We're sorry for showing such a disrespectful side of us senior, but we could never be too careful. I hope you can forgive us, Senior."

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"It's alright. Let's go and see what your little realm is like. I'm really curious what the ruler of the past made of their final gift to their children," Ning said.

"Yes, please come, senior," the beasts started taking them down below. Ning nodded and flew down. Night, Aegis, and Blue followed him and flew downward too.

The beasts kept on looking at Ning as if he was something they had never seen before. Ning chuckled a little since that was true.

They also kept on staring at his beasts, especially at their aura. Aegis was normal. He was strong and had a very high cultivation base, but he inherently wasn't any different from the other beasts here.

However, Night and Blue were different. Their unusually domineering aura kept attracting the gazes of the many beasts.

The 3 of them too felt quite weird about the entire situation. Aegis was surrounded by a few of the Golden Shelled Beetles as well as the other beasts and was talking about them.

Blue had started acting all high and mighty in front of the many beasts that were surprised by his aura that included the aura of his True Dragon's bloodline. That was especially effective at pulling in the gazes of the beasts with dragon bloodlines in them.

As for Night, he tried to remain by himself but was also getting surrounded by other beasts. They were asking him about the unique bloodline he had, but unfortunately for them, Night still had no clue he even had something unique.

The powers he had were something he instinctively knew to use since he was born. It was only now that he met with the other Dark Emperor crows that he finally learned that was not the case.

Ning looked at the 3 of them and started getting a bitter feeling in his heart regarding the fact that the three of them had been stuck with him for so many years, unable to live a life of their own.

He was starting to feel very guilty about it.