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Reborn: Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1263: Went To The Party
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"Let's go." Long Hui offered to escort Yu Qi as they stepped out of the car.

"Sure." Yu Qi nodded and put her hand over Long Hui's elbow.

They walked to the entrance. Well, one of the entrances. Not the one that the artists used. Of course, it was guarded by bodyguards.

There were some fans wandering around. They thought they could enter through other entrances but it was guarded. They noticed the couple walking to the entrance.

"Are they going to the party as well?"

"It seems so. Look at their outfits."

"I bet they are going to go to the party."

"But who are they?"

"Whoever they are, they look perfect."

"Yeah. The man looks so cool. The woman looks so beautiful they indeed look perfect to each other."

"Why do they need to use this entrance?"

"Are they going to sneak into the party as well?"

"I don't think so. If they are about to sneak into the party, they would not wear such clothes. It will hold them back."

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"Look. They are stopped by the guards."

"The guards allow them to enter."

"Can we go in too?"

"We should try."

The fans did not know that Yu Qi already held the invitation card in her hand. She just showed it to the guards and the guards allowed her to enter.

The unknown fans went to the entrance. The guards stopped them right away.

"Why do you stop me?" The fans asked.

"Show us the invitation card and we will let you in." The guard said.

"Then, why don't you stop the couple earlier?" The fan asked again.

"They have the invitation card." The guard answered.

The fans were surprised to hear that. They did not expect the couple to have the invitation card.

Yu Qi and Long Hui did not know that they had been seen by the fans. They entered the venue. The venue was so big. There were a lot of people around.

The couple did not have any intention of talking to others. So they stayed at the corner. However, with their looks, they became the attention of others.

Some of them recognized them and were surprised to see them here. They wondered why the couple was here in the first place. Since they could enter the party, meaning they were invited in the first place.

However, some of them did not recognize them. With arrogant looks, they approached Yu Qi and Long Hui. They were a group of women and men.

"Who are you? How can you be at this party?" A girl asked. Not so aggressive because she did not want to ruin her soft image in front of the handsome man.

Yu Qi and Long Hui ignored them. The girl's friend did not like the attitude given, he stepped in.

"Don't you hear the question? Answer it." The man asked.

Yu Qi and Long Hui stopped talking and looked at the group. The people who knew Yu Qi and Long Hui were dumbfounded. They did not expect to see the dumb people here. They wondered if these people did not read the news.

"Why should I answer her?" Yu Qi asked.

"Because she is the daughter of Mr. Hang, the director of this company." The man said proudly.

Yu Qi felt ridiculous when seeing the proud look on the man's face. "So?"

The man was stunned.

"You should respect Miss Hang." Another woman stepped in to help the man.

The woman called Miss Hang smiled as she looked at Long Hui waiting for him to talk to him. But Long Hui did not even look at her. With her status as a director's daughter, she used to see people flattering her.

Then the party started officially when someone finally spoke on the stage.

"The party had started. Let's go." Miss Hang said.

Even though she was reluctant to leave but she did. After that, Song Su Jin found Yu Qi.

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"Yu Qi." Song Su Jin called her name.

"Sister Su Jin." Yu Qi responded.

"You are here." Song Su Jin was surprised to see Yu Qi here.

"Mr. Lang invites me." Yu Qi smiled.

"Oh, meaning you going to do it?" Song Su Jin guessed Yu Qi's intention of coming here.

"Yeah." Yu Qi nodded.

Yu Qi moved her eyes to Xiu Mi Lan.

"How are you?" Yu Qi asked.

Xiu Mi Lan knew Yu Qi was referring to her, she nodded. "I am fine."

"How about last time?" Yu Qi asked back.

"Thank to Miss Yu Qi. I made a good decision." Xiu Mi Lan smiled.

After talking to Yu Qi, Xiu Mi Lan started to track her boyfriend. She saw her boyfriend walking with a woman who seemed younger than her.

They walked into a hotel together. She took a picture of them. Later, she also followed him to his house. She never went to his home. He just came to her home.

No wonder, he did not her to come to his house. Because he was living with another woman in high rise condominium.

She confronted him another day. The man was laughing at her. He said, 'You are finally realized' without any remorse.

Xiu Mi Lan tried to demand her money back. But the man chuckled and said, 'it was your decision to give me the money, so, I don't have any intention to give it back to you. The man was laughing at Xiu Mi Lan for her stupidity.