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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 203 203
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Tenku and Kirika looked in the direction the voice had come from and found two girls walking toward their table. He knew them very well. The first girl is Setsuka, and the other one is Kaede. Tenku didn't expect that he would meet them at that place.

He was too focused on listening to Kirika's story and didn't notice the presence of the two girls. Tenku sighed in his heart because he felt something troublesome would happen to him.

"What are you two doing here?" Setsuka stopped in front of their table and repeated her question. Tenku wanted to answer, but Kirika opened her mouth first.

"Can't you see with your eyes? We are here for lunch. We have ordered and are waiting for our food." Kirika looked at Setsuka and smiled provocatively.

"You!" Setsuka was irritated when she heard Kirika's words and turned her eyes to Tenku.

"What are you doing here with her?" Setsuka asked him in a gentler tone. She wanted to hear an answer from Tenku because she couldn't believe Kirika's words.

"I came here because she wanted to discuss something with me." Tenku replied calmly.

Setsuka nodded and quickly believed it. Kaede was surprised when she saw that. She felt that her best friend didn't have the slightest doubt about Tenku. In other words, Setsuka had blind faith in him. Kaede was worried that Setsuka would be hurt because of that.

"So, what do you want to talk about with Tenku?" Setsuka looked at Kirika and narrowed her eyes. She thought Kirika was trying to get close to Tenku, which made her heart uneasy.

"This is none of your business. So you better leave this place because I want to discuss something with Tenku." Kirika replied indifferently.

"This matter is my business because Tenku is a student from Suisei High School and my underclassman." Setsuka said coldly.

"Ooh, so whichever student from Suisei High School talks to me is your business?" Kirika smiled playfully.

"That is…." Setsuka suddenly stopped her sentence. If she answered Kirika's words, she would indirectly equate Tenku with the other students.

Tenku might misunderstand because he feels Setsuka only considers him as her junior at Suisei High School. It would ruin the relationship she had worked so hard to build. Setsuka would fall into Kirika's trap if she continued with her words.

"Why are you silent? Please answer my question. Is Tenku the same as the other students in your eyes?" Kirika urged Setsuka to answer.

"You…" Setsuka was angry when she heard that. But before she could continue her words, Tenku interrupted her.

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"Okay. You two better stop fighting. We have become the center of attention of the people in this cafe." Tenku warned the two girls.

Kirika and Setsuka quickly looked around after hearing his words. They found the people in the cafe looking at them like they were watching a show.

"I apologize."

"I'm Sorry."

Setsuka and Kirika said apologetically at the same time.

On the other hand, Kaede was surprised because Tenku could get the two girls to stop fighting so easily, and they seemed very obedient to his words.

"You two don't need to apologize to me." Tenku shook his head. Then he looked at Setsuka.

"Are you coming here for lunch?" Tenku asked.

"Yes. Kaede and I are regulars at this cafe." Setsuka nodded in response.

"Then we should have lunch together at this table." Tenku said and turned her eyes to Kirika.

"Do you have any objection to that?" Tenku asked. He came to that place to discuss something with Kirika. So he had to ask her opinion. His bad impression of her the first time they met disappeared and was replaced with sympathy because they had similar pasts.

"Alright. After all, what we're about to discuss might have something to do with them." Kirika sighed and reluctantly agreed to let Setsuka and Kaede sit with them. He couldn't refuse Tenku's request after he said it directly.

"Thank You." Setsuka replied flatly and chose a seat next to Tenku while Kaede was opposite her. After that, the waitress came and took their order.

"What exactly did you want to talk to me about?" Tenku looked at Kirika and asked. Setsuka and Kaede also turned their attention to her and waited for her response. They were curious because Kirika said that it might be related to them.

"Do you know about the space collapse that will appear in the Kumotori mountain area in one month?" Kirika asked with a serious face.

"I know because I've read the news on the forums." Tenku replied, and the other two girls nodded since they already knew about it too.

"Then you guys must also know about the invitation for all Realizers in the Tokyo area?" Kirika asked another question, and the three nodded simultaneously.

"I have registered myself in the League of Heroes. Are you guys on the mission too?" Kirika looked at Tenku, Setsuka, and Kaede in turn.

"I will participate in that mission." The first person to answer was Setsuka.

"Me too. I have registered myself in the Holy Union." Kaede added.

"I will not participate." Tenku answered, and his words left the three girls shocked.

"Why? You can easily kill fourth-level monsters and above with your strength. If you participate, the chances of the mission being successful will be greater, and there won't be many casualties, be it the Realizers or the residents living around the area." Kirika said in a hoarse voice.

Even though she knew that Tenku was hiding his power, she didn't hesitate to say it in front of Kaede and Setsuka because she thought the two girls already knew about it.

"Yes. Why don't you participate in the mission? I'm sure you'll be fine with that power of yours." Kaede agreed with Kirika's words. She was confused why Tenku didn't want to participate in the mission.

On the other hand, Setsuka was silent because she was sure that Tenku had a reason for saying that. She believes in him. Whatever Tenku does, Setsuka will support him as long as it's not a crime.

"I'm sorry, but this is my decision. I will not participate in the mission. So you don't need to say anything else to change my mind. After all, there are still many great Realizers from the three organizations. So one Realizer like me won't change the situation." Tenku replied calmly.

"But! Shouldn't you be using your powers to protect others? The more monsters you kill, the safer the residents in that area will be! Wouldn't you feel sorry if monsters killed them and many people lost their families?" Kirika slightly raised her voice. She couldn't accept Tenku's answer.

Fortunately, Tenku had secretly activated an array to cover the area with a transparent barrier. He got it from the people of the Gu family, who tried to kill him. Kirika didn't realize that because she was focused on persuading Tenku.

Kirika met Tenku because she wanted to talk about the space collapse that would appear on Mount Kumotori. She wanted to ensure that he would participate in the mission. If not, Kirika will try to persuade him because Tenku's strength is needed to fight monsters.

"Why should I help people I don't even know? It was troublesome. I have no reason to protect those people. Did they come when monsters attacked my family? No. The Realizers from the organization didn't show up when I needed their help. So what am I fighting for them?" Tenku replied indifferently.

Kirika fell silent when she heard that. She was confused by Tenku's words because she didn't know her past was the same as hers.

On the other hand, Setsuka felt pain in her heart when she heard his words. Even though Tenku didn't show it on his face, she could feel his deep sadness. Setsuka knows about Tenku's past and what has happened to his family.

"But with that strength of yours..." Kirika tried to persuade him again, but Tenku cut her off.

"I'm a little annoyed when you keep talking about it. I will use my powers for my benefit and not for anyone I don't know. If you think that I have to help others just because I'm strong, then that isn't power but a curse to me." Tenku said in a deep voice.

"Then why did you kill the monsters at Suisei High School?" Kirika still hasn't given up on asking Tenku to participate in the mission. She wanted to try to persuade him in other ways. Kirika wants to know why Tenku slaughtered the monsters and terrorists at his school but doesn't want to participate in the mission.

"The answer is simple. They had injured someone close to me. Therefore, I must eliminate them." Tenku said coldly, and killing intent overflowed from his body when he remembered the bloodied Kohana.

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The three girls at the table felt terrible coercion from Tenku and had difficulty breathing.

"Please calm down, Tenku." Setsuka squeezed the words out of her mouth and held Tenku's hand to calm him down. She knew that the person Tenku was referring to was Kohana, and she was happy because he cared so much about her little sister.

(This is!)

Kaede recognized the killing intent because she had felt it inside the school building.

(So he's the one who released that killing intent!? How strong is he!?)

Kaede looked at Tenku in disbelief. Her body was trembling, and she had cold sweat on her forehead. Now Kirika realizes Tenku is far more powerful and terrifying than she thought.

(Setsuka already knows about it. So the unknown Realizer that appeared at Suisei High School was just a story she made up to protect Tenku)

Kaede concluded when she saw Setuka's calm face under the pressure of Tenku's killing intent.

"I'm sorry." Tenku sighed to calm his mind and retract his killing intent. Somehow he couldn't control his emotions regarding Kohana because the little girl reminded him of his sister.

"I understand your feeling." Setsuka smiled in response.

"Thank You." Tenku returned the smile and turned his eyes to Kirika.

"It is my decision not to participate in that mission. I have my plan. So you don't have to persuade me anymore. I hope you can understand." Tenku said softly.

"I understand. I apologize. I shouldn't force you to participate in that mission." Kirika bowed her head to Tenku and said apologetically. Her face was pale, and her body trembled. She didn't dare to persuade Tenku anymore after feeling his killing intent.

"Alright. We shouldn't talk about that anymore." Tenku felt guilty when he saw Kirika's state.

"Yes." Setsuka nodded slightly and fell silent. The atmosphere at the table became awkward as no one spoke.

Not long after, their food came, and they started their lunch. Tenku and the others didn't take long to finish their food and leave the cafe.

After leaving that place, Kirika left them in a hurry because she had other business. Tenku accompanies Setsuka and Kaede halfway and gets separated because the directions of their homes are different. Setsuka kept looking at Tenku until his figure disappeared. She felt sad because she could feel the loneliness from the back of the man she loved.