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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 274
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Chapter 274

Melissa seized Jodie's arm and expressed her dislike for her daughter's hot temper. "Get a hold of

yourself! I'm the one who wants Foxy to many your brother, which has nothing to do with her." She then

sat Jodie down on the couch and said. "You need to keep your temper in check and think straight."

"I have every reason to lose my temper about that." Jodie responded in frustration, her eyes filled with

tears. "Foxy wouldn't stop getting in my way during the show, yet now. you're inviting her to be a part of

our family. How is that fair?!" Her tears began to roll down her eyes as she complained.

Melissa reacted by helplessly shaking her head, giving a look of disappointment to her daughter, who

she thought was too comfortable with her life to deal with any setback. However, she still went on to

patiently explain her point. "But you can't deny the fact that Foxy is indeed an internet celebrity. Now

that times are different than before. I have to change my thinking as well. Don't you think so?" She

patted Jodie's knee and continued her words. "Look. Foxy has over a hundred million followers, and

what does that seem to you? A gold mine is what it seems to me. If your brother marries her. we're

going to be even richer and more influential than ever before."

As a graduate of Mass Communication herself. Jodie quickly understood Melissa's point, not to

mention her desire to become an internet celebrity like Foxy as well. A hundred million followers? I

could make several times more than an average office lady ever could in a few months or even a year

by just going live every night if I was an internet celebrity with that many followers. That's not even

inclusive of any sales made during those live shows, so if I do that. I could even make billions. That's

right! Mom has a point. Foxy is a mine with unlimited gold in it.

The more she thought about that, the more excited and thrilled she felt about her mother's suggestion.

"I may be helping Leo. but I'm also giving you a chance to prove your worth at the same time. Haven't

you always wanted to become an internet celebrity? Now is your chance. You could ask her for her

guidance and make your dream come tine. Even if you can't be as successfill as her in the end. I'm

sure you'll accumulate at least thousands or millions of fans with her help." Melissa tried to talk some

sense into her daughter's head.

Who says I need Foxy's help?!

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Despite the thought of that. Jodie somehow did not feel as disgusted as she used to before when she

heard Foxy's name from Melissa. Soon, she rolled her eyes sinisterly and began to think that Melissa's

suggestion was not a bad idea. After all. she reckoned she could seize the opportunity to woo Blake

while Foxy was busy dating Leo. Then, she would find a chance to ruin Leo and Foxy's relationship

later once she became an item with Blake.

As her ego got the better of her. she did not care how Foxy could strengthen the Alston Family's

influence or help her become an internet celebrity because all she cared about was to have Blake for

herself and ruin Foxy's life.

Meanwhile. Elyse was sitting in front of the television in Michael's room when she happened to see the

part of the show, in which Leo appeared. However, the admiration on her beautiful face slowly faded

away before it was replaced by a look of hatred and jealousy. After all. she knew better than anyone

else that he did not join the show because of her but Amelie.

Wliat kind of trick has that b*tch used to put those men under her spell? Wliy are the two most

successfill men ever known in their respective areas of expertise so crazy over her?

At the thought of how popular Amelie was. Elyse's jealousy filled her mind with so much rage and

hatred that she wished she could splash some sulfuric acid at Amelie's face and destroy her good

looks. This is annoying!

She stood up irritably and saw her reflection in the minor, taking a second to admire her pretty looks,

though her terrible mood was overwhelming at that moment. Then, she gently nibbed her cheeks with

her fingers, asking herself why no man was interested in her despite her beauty.

Just when Amelie was engrossed in her train of thought, she suddenly felt a slight pain caused by what

felt like something hitting her finger joint. As she turned around, she met Ellen's innocent eyes and saw

her holding a tennis racket in an unsightly posture that made her look silly. At the same time, she

realized the impact that she felt in her finger joint was caused by a tennis ball.

Seeing the ball still bouncing up and down on the floor. Elyse allowed her anger to get the better of her

and charged at Ellen before slapping her in the face. "Are you blind?! I was standing there, so why did

you hit the ball my way?" Despite having slapped Ellen in the face. Elyse still did not think it was

enough as she grabbed her sister by the collar and shoved her to the wall.

In the meantime. Ellen was sent flying to the wall by Elyse's force, hitting it with her back. However, due

to the great inertia, the back of her head bumped into the concrete, accompanied by a loud bang.

"Ouch! It hurts!" Ellen knitted her eyebrows and curled up in agony, touching her head while gazing at

Elyse fearfully. Her eyes filled with tears and terror, which indicated that she was afraid of Elyse.

Nevertheless, the sight of Ellen's pitiful expression only served to annoy Elyse even more. Thus, she

landed a few more kicks on her sister to vent her anger. "What're you looking at?! What’re you looking

at?! Wliat have you been doing all this time? Wliy didn't you just die?!" As she went on to scold Ellen

harshly, her rude and aggressive behavior made her look just like an uncivilized battleax. unlike her

decent reputation as a celebrity.

While Ellen continued to back away and put up with Elyse's abuse. Michael suddenly showed up and

stepped in. "Oh my god! Wliat in the world are you doing?!" The man was seen to be wearing an apron

with a spade in his hand.

Ever since Ellen returned home, he had dedicated all his time to looking after her. even taking care of

the house chores, although he hardly did them in the past few decades. "Couldn't you have sorted

tilings out with her nicely? You didn't have to get physical with her at all." He pulled Ellen away and

approached Elyse, dusting Ellen's clothes while making sure she was unhurt as if she was a rare

treasure he just found. "You could have hurt her. Did you know that?!" The man lectured Elyse for her


Elyse stared at Michael, annoyed with the fact her father was giving all his attention to Ellen. "She is

nothing but a piece of useless crap, so why do you care so much about her? Just abandon her for


This woman is such an unpleasant eyesore!

"Abandon her?" Michael disagreed with her and gave her a strange look. "Are you out of your mind?"

Only a fool would leave a gold mine and walk away.

"What are you going to do with her? Keep her until Christmas so we can all celebrate the occasion

together? She's mentally handicapped. Wliat else can she do besides giggle like a fool? Don't tell me

you're counting on her to seduce Leo and win his heart! He's not even going to look at her!" Elyse

mocked her father with a smirk and glared at Ellen, intimidating her so much that she immediately hid

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behind him.

Michael then patted Ellen's skinny shoulder and patiently explained to Elyse liis point of view, "Oh. girl.

Does Leo Alston seem like an ordinary man to you? Do you think a man like him would abandon liis

pride and fall for this woman, who's mentally handicapped, as you described? No. I don't think so. but

guess what? Mr. Alston seems to care a lot about this lady. Look. Ellen only came back not long ago.

but he's already given us a few million because of that. Thus, you can't deny that this is good money

because we didn't have to work like a donkey to earn it. So. what's your take? I, for one. will not say no

to that."

To Michael, a life like that was too good for him to let go. "Besides. Mr. Alston's assistant also promised

on his behalf that we can ask them for financial assistance whenever Ellen needs it. Also, she was

given a credit card with no spending limit yesterday, which means I won't have to worry about the price

anymore before I buy anything!"

Back then, he never dared to even think about having a comfortable life like that as he was complacent

with all he had. despite his greed. Nevertheless, he was now happy he could finally kiss his poor life

goodbye, recalling the old days in which he had to steal just to make tens of thousands when he was

working for Steven.

"From now on. you will forget about whatever ideas you have in your mind and help me take care of

our 'gold mine'."

Forget about whatever ideas I have in my mind. How can I forget that Leo and Amelie are getting

closer day by day?

Elyse blinked bitterly while her jealousy gnawed at her with the thought of Leo and Amelie gio wing

closer to each other on set. While he did not even care to hide his feelings for Amelie, their intimate

interaction on TV always made Elyse go crazy, as if someone was reminding her that Amelie took him

away from her. Due to that, her wild imagination intensified in the last few days and almost drove her


"I'm the woman Leo loves! I'm the only woman who can have him!" She gritted her teeth and swore to

herself, thinking that having Leo mattered more than anything to her. including the amount of fortune

that Ellen could bring them.

"Leo is mine, and no one can take him away from me!" She got so agitated that she clenched her fists

and jaw tightly until a loud bang was heard. Before she could figure out what hit her. her vision started

to black out just when the pain began to kick in.