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My Servant System

Chapter 953 952: Family Gifts
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When morning caround, I was awakened in the normal way; someone was grabbing at my body and pullingtowards them, first as a pillow, and then as a toy to be used, and I was surprised to see that it was Leone, which I knew to be her even before opening my eyes when I felt two sharp fangs pierce my neck and not my collarbone.

The Vampire started early, and before I knew it each of my lovers were taking turns with me, watching on from the side as they got one on one twith me, which made the morning feel rather 'long' already, and even more so when we moved to the bathroom, where I was just turned into a buffet meant to be devoured by everyone at the stime.

It certainly took stfor them to get everything out of their system - and I promise I certainly did NOT 'accidentally' sit on Jahi's lap or give Leone a coy smile and a small show by bending over right in front of her, I swear - but when they did, Anput FINALLY realized I had a new ring, which she only realized because of where she hadput my hand...

Was I a tad surprised it took this long to notice the ring?

No... no, not really, since it still surprised my lovers that I had a tattoo above my special place that they paid a LOT of attention to most of the time, but I did find it funny how they tunneled in on making us feel good that those sorts of 'trivial' things escaped their attention.

"Kat... what uh... what is that..? Wait... You didn't cut me, did you?!"

The Jackalkin's erotic expression faded instantly as it was replaced by fear as she leaned over and inspected her member, looking it over desperately and searching for skind of injury - to the point that her cheeks lightened up as she tried to find something that wasn't there.

It was hard to not laugh out loud at how amusing it was to see her fussing over herself like this, though it earned the frowns of the three futanari as both of the others looked at themselves before shivering at the thought of being injured slightly down there.

"No, no I didn't cut you down there, you idiot~! Why would I do that?!"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I stared at her incredulously before my expression went neutral as she looked atand said "Cause you have hidden sadistic tendencies that are both unnerving and extremely frightening, especially when directed AT me."


"Okay, so if you didn't cut me, what red thing is on your finger?!"

She pointed at my hand, causingto lift it up and show them all the new ring, each of my lovers blinking a few times as they appraised the ring from afar, only to furrow their brows as I said "Get washed up and we'll talk about it outside, with everyone... Goddess above, you lot are so~ quick to judge a girl who does what she likes! And for the record, I have never actually done bodily harm to you just for the hell of it! Believe me, you would know if I decided you'd be better as a eunuch; I wouldn't just knick you."

They shuddered again, with Jahi nodding and gulping as she muttered "That's for damn sure... murderpuppy here wouldn't make a mistake...", which made the other two nod their heads in agreement before flinching as I just growled at them.

So, in retaliation, I got up out of the bath and stalked out, leaving them to deal with their washing themselves as well as the remaining need to relieve themselves, though I was pleasantly surprised to see that they cout a minute or so later, with Leone huggingand givinga tender kiss while Jahi just ruffled my ears and muttered "Sorry..."

I had her keep pettingfor a few moments more before I finally said "It's fine.", though I also glared at Anput and watched in hidden amusement as she approachedand huggedfrom behind resting her chin on my shoulder and holdingtightly as she too muttered "I'm sorry, Kat..."

Letting them both pamperwas nice, and I gave them each a few seconds to really show how sorry they were before I said "It's fine, really... I'm not that~ fragile emotionally, you know that right? Because if I was... something would have happened already~!"

My upbeat tone as I smiled brightly at each of them made them all flinch again, but they relaxed as I added "So don't worry about it and just be careful~! Besides... an adequate amount of pets is enough to earn back my graces~! Now, get dressed! I have gifts~!"

"Gifts..? Oh, wait..!"

Leone stoppedas I was about to go grab myself sclothes, the Vampire's eyes twinkling as she stared blatantly at my cleavage - no, it was my pendant, obviously, but the other two took a brief moment to catch that, raising their brows at her actions before realizing what she was actually looking at, and becoming just as surprised as she was.

"Get dressed so I can explain it to everyone at the stime, hm~? Sound good?"

Giving them each a nod, I pulled on my clothes and grabbed the remaining rings before heading out into the main area, where I found Bessie standing beside Mother in the kitchen helping to cook breakfast, while the Marquess laid straight across the floor with both Lakshmi and Alessandra crawling over her, trying their best to avoid her hands as well as the small gusts of wind that brushed over them from the Countess.

"You lot are finally awake and sufficiently drained~? Might want to learn how to keep it down, y'know~? Was a bit of a pain for Ria to keep the your room's sound insulated..."

Sitting up, the Marquess scooped up both of the babies in a single motion, making Lakshmi giggle madly as she tried to escape, while Alessandra let out a huff and begrudgingly accepted her defeat, 'reluctantly' nuzzling into the Demoness' arm.

Leone blushed, Jahi smirked, Anput shrugged, and I just rolled my eyes as the Demoness continued to grin at us, showing that pride of a Demoness as she gave her daughter a nod of approval for her 'prowess', despite the rest of us thinking it to be a tad awkward.

"Ahem... since we have free time- ah, Bessie, do you think you can go fetch soranges, vanilla beans, and a bag of flour for me? And ssugar too. We'll be needing it for the arrival of the Haniel Family."

The Cowkin blinked in surprise at being asked a question, before hesitantly looking towards Mother and getting a nod, causing her to wash off her hands before rushing out to do as I asked, the woman either too simple to know I was getting rid of her for now, or being tactful enough to not try and pry.

Either way, now that she was gone, I leaned against the table and reached up for my collar, thumbing the pendant and drawing the attention to it, instantly noticing how everyone leaned closer before their eyes widened at the power that lingered around it.

Not instantly noticeable, I was happy with that result as I showed it off to them for a few moments more, before smiling wryly as I decided to start with "So last night, I went out to the Chapel when I couldn't sleep, and I decided to pray to Reincantra like normal; give thanks for everything that's happened, give thanks for coming out of the ordeal against the Fiends, and it seems that my reward for being faithful and something of a... 'deal' between us was given in the form of this enchanted pendant. It's uh... from what she said, quite powerful. Boosts my magics by a lot, including my Core capacity and regeneration... But..."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Opening my other hand, I allowed the rings to trickle down into the opened palm, before spreading them out on the table and continuing to speak, beckoning everyone closer and gesturing for them to take one each.

"She also... decided to accept my prayer for the safety of my lovers, my parents, and my new sisters. These rings are... powerful, to say the least. Two... 'charges' each that protects you from a severe injury before breaking. That's what Reincantra said, anyways... and I managed to get one for each of us."

It was an interesting thing, watching as they each picked up a ring; Jahi and the Marquess both narrowed their eyes and studied the red glass, their emotions on this idea of being able to 'cheat death' twice clearly conflicting inside their minds.

On one hand, it was logical to accept such a boon, but on the other it was against their pride as a warrior to rely on such a thing.

Meanwhile, Anput was studying it before she just slipped it onto her right index finger, finding it fascinating to see it adjust instantly before moving it to a new finger, the artisan in her wanting to figure out how and what else she could do with it... while the degenerate in her wondered what else she could do with it...

Leone studied its surface and seemed fascinated by the runes inscribed, the similarity between them and the runes for her Summoning Magic speaking to her academic mind, and it was there that the interactions stopped being about the rings, and more about the meaning behind them.

Both the Countess and Mother turned tofirst, with Mother staring atin shock and with slightly wet eyes and making her way towardsquickly, while the Countess smiled gently and made her way over as well.

Wrappingup in an embrace, Mother heldclose and rubbed her cheek against mine, the older Dogkin sobbing slightly as she managed to choke out "Thank you, baby...", her emotions surprisinga bit, though I could understand it as she added "D-Don't be pushing yourself..! O-Or t-trying to do more for us..!"

I had to chuckle at that as I hugged her back, stroking her back and replying "I'm not, Mother... I'm not, don't worry...", before turning to look at the Countess, who stepped forwards and huggedaround Mother, embracing us both and saying "Your 'parents', hm~?"

That madesmile wryly at her as I nodded, and the Elf smiled back as she said "Even if you and Jahi had never worked out, I would have considered myself lucky to be able to say that you were my 'daughter', Katherine. Truly."

Stroking my ears, the Elf leaned forwards and placed a kiss on my brow, before she gently peeled Mother off ofand led her over to the table, soothing the woman and slipping the ring on her right ring finger with a small smirk and a brief glance at bothand the Marquess; the symbolism was clear, and the intention even clearer.

It wasn't a wedding band - that would be weird since it was a ring I procured for the family - but it was still on that sfinger, and she made sure to be the one to do it, that slight manipulative quirk of hers shining brilliantly at this moment as she pulled Mother back into a hug, makingchuckle again as I just shook my head.

Looking over everyone, I took in the two Demonesses contemplating the rings, the Jackalkin playing around with the ring, the Vampire studying it, and the Elf comforting the Dogkin, all while the two children watched on as well, not knowing what was happening but knowing that it was good and a happy occasion, so they both were smiling and trying to get anyones attention to share that happiness.