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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316

Her heart started beating wildly again.

The man’s low and sultry voice was rather appealing.

And it rang in her ears once again.

She reached up with both hands to cover her ears.

When she got out of the cab, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

“Stop right there, Ashlyn.”

Ashlyn froze.

What the heck?

Do I seriously have to deal with Penelope this early in the morning?

Before she could say anything, Penelope spoke again, “So it really is you. Don’t think that I’m not allowed to come

here today just because you chased me out last night. You do know that I’m an official employee at the hospital,

don’t you?”

When Ashlyn turned around and saw Penelope’s repulsive face, she felt incredibly irked. “You can come whenever

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you please. What does it have to do with me?”

Penelope’s cheek was red and swollen. Even now, it was still throbbing painfully.

Spencer had indeed slapped her good last night.

Penelope couldn’t suppress the anger boiling in her when she thought about this.

Her eyes burned with hatred. “I know exactly what you’re thinking. You just want to inherit Berry Furnishings, don’t


Ashlyn gave her a cold stare. “So?”

“Dad already promised my mom that Berry Furnishings will be mine. Don’t even dream about getting a single

dime!” Penelope smugly said. “Hehe! I bet you’re upset. After all, you’re the second daughter of the Berry family,

but your mom’s gone, and Dad doesn’t love you. You’re probably hurting a lot now, aren’t you?”

“You just won’t get the right of inheritance, that’s all. You don’t have to be so upset about it. After all, you have a

pretty face, right? You can get yourself a sugar daddy or something! Wait, that security captain is your lover, isn’t


“But...To be honest, with the qualities you possess, I’m sure you can find yourself a decent boyfriend. Why did you

have to pick a security captain?”

“Is there something wrong with your brain, Penelope?” Ashlyn was disgusted by Penelope’s stupidity.

She was so disgusted she could throw up.

She looked at Penelope’s swollen face, feeling slightly fed up. Seeing as she came here to provoke her, it seemed

like she still hadn’t learned her lesson even after receiving so many slaps as per Lucas’ orders.

“Ashlyn, our family is quite reputable, but here you are getting involved with a measly security captain. No wonder

Dad doesn’t like you.” After discovering that Ashlyn was a doctor, not to mention the best surgeon around,

Penelope could not think of another way to incite Ashlyn’s anger besides using their father.

She wanted to display the sense of superiority before Ashlyn. However, it was a shame that Ashlyn was better than

her at everything. Except for Horace, nothing and no one else came to Penelope’s mind.

Wait. There’s something else! When Penelope thought of something, her eyes glinted evilly.

“Hehe! He doesn’t like me? Do you think I care about whether or not he likes me?”

Ashlyn scoffed mockingly.

When Penelope and Mary were brought into the family and she was abused by them, her last ray of hope had

blinked out of existence.

To put it simply, she had long given up on Horace.

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She narrowed her eyes into slits.

Her eyes gleamed with ridicule and she looked at Penelope’s swollen face without a hint of warmth in her gaze.

Then, she abruptly took a step forward.

Penelope jolted and quickly moved a step backward. Ashlyn was skilled in combat and she knew this very well.

“Wh-What are you doing?”

Penelope was only 1.6 m in height.

Ashlyn was close to 1.7 m in height, which meant that she was almost a head taller than Penelope. She looked down

her nose at Penelope.

Penelope took two more steps backward involuntarily under her chilly gaze.

Suddenly, she realized that Ashlyn wasn’t the same little girl she had always picked on when they were young.

Seeing Penelope’s frightened expression, Ashlyn’s face remained impassive. Penelope felt as if all the air was

sucked out of her lungs by the intimidating aura Ashlyn was emanating. “Penelope, aren’t you bored? Is that why

you’re here trying to get a rise out of me? I honestly couldn’t care less about Horace’s shabby company. If you

want it, you can have it. It’s only an empty shell which isn’t worth my time or effort.”

“An empty shell? Ashlyn, you’re brushing it off as sour grapes just because you can’t get it!” Although Penelope was

afraid, she remained as stubborn as a mule.