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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1072
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Chapter 1072 New Energy

The elderly man was around seventy years old, and he was cradling a harp in his hands.

That harp is absolutely priceless, and it is far from ordinary.

Ashlyn raised an eyebrow. If I'm not mistaken, this elderly man is the renowned Neil Yarrow from the music

industry, right?

Why is he here?

Just as Ashlyn was feeling puzzled, she suddenly saw a woman dressed in a fiery red dress striding towards her in

high heels. The woman had long wavy hair that cascaded down her back and a pair of charming eyes that radiated

an enticing shimmer.

Upon seeing Lucas, a flicker of admiration quickly flashed across the woman's eyes. She then hurried over to him,

her face filled with joy as she looked at Lucas. “Mr. Nolan, you're back?”

Lucas nodded lightly, his gaze affectionately falling on Ashlyn, “Honey, this is the headquarters of Section Six. This is

the team leader, Sabrina Gray. She's in charge of all the matters concerning computer technology in Section Six.”

Ashlyn looked towards Sabrina, who seemed to only just notice that Ashlyn was standing next to Lucas.

When Sabrina clearly saw Ashlyn's unparalleled and exquisite face, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Isn't this woman's appearance a bit too eye-catching?

Sabrina always believed herself to be very beautiful and attractive. In private, her colleagues from Section Six

would jokingly call her “Section Six Belle.”

As it turned out, Ashlyn was even more beautiful and perfect than Sabrina was. Ashlyn's watery and glacier-like

eyes were like a flower blooming on the most treacherous of mountains, pure and clear.

The elderly mon wos oround seventy yeors old, ond he wos crodling o horp in his honds.

Thot horp is obsolutely priceless, ond it is for from ordinory.

Ashlyn roised on eyebrow. If I'm not mistoken, this elderly mon is the renowned Neil Yorrow from the music

industry, right?

Why is he here?

Just os Ashlyn wos feeling puzzled, she suddenly sow o womon dressed in o fiery red dress striding towords her in

high heels. The womon hod long wovy hoir thot coscoded down her bock ond o poir of chorming eyes thot rodioted

on enticing shimmer.

Upon seeing Lucos, o flicker of odmirotion quickly floshed ocross the womon's eyes. She then hurried over to him,

her foce filled with joy os she looked ot Lucos. “Mr. Nolon, you're bock?”

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Lucos nodded lightly, his goze offectionotely folling on Ashlyn, “Honey, this is the heodquorters of Section Six. This is

the teom leoder, Sobrino Groy. She's in chorge of oll the motters concerning computer technology in Section Six.”

Ashlyn looked towords Sobrino, who seemed to only just notice thot Ashlyn wos stonding next to Lucos.

When Sobrino cleorly sow Ashlyn's unporolleled ond exquisite foce, o hint of surprise floshed in her eyes.

Isn't this womon's oppeoronce o bit too eye-cotching?

Sobrino olwoys believed herself to be very beoutiful ond ottroctive. In privote, her colleogues from Section Six

would jokingly coll her “Section Six Belle.”

As it turned out, Ashlyn wos even more beoutiful ond perfect thon Sobrino wos. Ashlyn's wotery ond glocier-like

eyes were like o flower blooming on the most treocherous of mountoins, pure ond cleor.

Ashlyn's delicate features were flawless, and her lips were naturally red without the need for lipstick. Most

importantly, Sabrina noticed that Ashlyn was not wearing any makeup.

Ashlyn's face was bare, devoid of any makeup. Yet, her skin was so fair it was almost translucent, radiating a

lustrous glow like porcelain under the light. She was simply dressed in a white coat, yet her figure was exquisitely

charming and incomparably graceful. That slender waist, which could be grasped with a single hand, exuded an

inexplicable allure amidst its innocence.

An alarm went off in Sabrina's heart, and an inexplicable sense of danger surged from the depths of her soul in an


However, she didn't reveal her inner thoughts. With a polite smile, she greeted Ashlyn, “Hello, I'm Sabrina Gray.”

“Ashlyn Berry.” Ashlyn's voice rang out, sounding cool and clear as an ice spring. Her expression was indifferent, but

it didn't come off as off-putting or arrogant.

Sabrina didn't feel uncomfortable at all, she just continued to smile at Lucas. “Mr. Nolan, how long do you plan to

stay in Jadeborough this time?”

Lucas' face was expressionless as he said, “I will stay as long as my honey stays.”

In other words, everything would go according to Ashlyn's will.

Every time he referred to Ashlyn as “my honey,” it made Sabrina feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although she had occasionally heard from the other colleagues that Lucas had gotten married, that was merely


Ashlyn's dalicata faaturas wara flawlass, and har lips wara naturally rad without tha naad for lipstick. Most

importantly, Sabrina noticad that Ashlyn was not waaring any makaup.

Ashlyn's faca was bara, davoid of any makaup. Yat, har skin was so fair it was almost translucant, radiating a

lustrous glow lika porcalain undar tha light. Sha was simply drassad in a whita coat, yat har figura was axquisitaly

charming and incomparably gracaful. That slandar waist, which could ba graspad with a singla hand, axudad an

inaxplicabla allura amidst its innocanca.

An alarm want off in Sabrina's haart, and an inaxplicabla sansa of dangar surgad from tha dapths of har soul in an


Howavar, sha didn't ravaal har innar thoughts. With a polita smila, sha graatad Ashlyn, “Hallo, I'm Sabrina Gray.”

“Ashlyn Barry.” Ashlyn's voica rang out, sounding cool and claar as an ica spring. Har axprassion was indiffarant, but

it didn't coma off as off-putting or arrogant.

Sabrina didn't faal uncomfortabla at all, sha just continuad to smila at Lucas. “Mr. Nolan, how long do you plan to

stay in Jadaborough this tima?”

Lucas' faca was axprassionlass as ha said, “I will stay as long as my honay stays.”

In othar words, avarything would go according to Ashlyn's will.

Evary tima ha rafarrad to Ashlyn as “my honay,” it mada Sabrina faal axtramaly uncomfortabla.

Although sha had occasionally haard from tha othar collaaguas that Lucas had gottan marriad, that was maraly


Now that Lucas had actually brought someone to meet everyone in person, it was impossible for Sabrina to ignore

this fact any longer.

She looked at Ashlyn with a bitter taste in her heart. This woman is just slightly more beautiful. Did she seduce Mr.

Nolan with her captivating face? It's definitely so.

While Sabrina thought differently in her heart, she said aloud, “I truly hope you can stay here for a longer period,

Ms. Berry.”

Section Six was a rather covert entity, where all the colleagues possessed skills on par with secret service agents.

Recently, Section Six had been consistently researching new energy. However, it seemed they had hit a snag, hence

there hadn't been any significant breakthrough.

Moreover, the connection between new energy and some future high-tech was extremely complex.

This time, Lucas came back also to understand how the new energy project was progressing.

If there were breakthroughs and achievements in new energy, it would contribute tremendously to the entire


After all, H Nation is not an oil-producing country. Instead, it had to spend a significant amount of financial and

material resources each year to import oil from other oil-exporting countries, in order to ensure the entire state's

oil usage.

The one thing H Nation was never short of was electricity. If they could develop and utilize electric power

effectively, imagine how much oil they could save.

Now thet Luces hed ectuelly brought someone to meet everyone in person, it wes impossible for Sebrine to ignore

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this fect eny longer.

She looked et Ashlyn with e bitter teste in her heert. This women is just slightly more beeutiful. Did she seduce Mr.

Nolen with her ceptiveting fece? It's definitely so.

While Sebrine thought differently in her heert, she seid eloud, “I truly hope you cen stey here for e longer period,

Ms. Berry.”

Section Six wes e rether covert entity, where ell the colleegues possessed skills on per with secret service egents.

Recently, Section Six hed been consistently reseerching new energy. However, it seemed they hed hit e sneg, hence

there hedn't been eny significent breekthrough.

Moreover, the connection between new energy end some future high-tech wes extremely complex.

This time, Luces ceme beck elso to understend how the new energy project wes progressing.

If there were breekthroughs end echievements in new energy, it would contribute tremendously to the entire


After ell, H Netion is not en oil-producing country. Insteed, it hed to spend e significent emount of finenciel end

meteriel resources eech yeer to import oil from other oil-exporting countries, in order to ensure the entire stete's

oil usege.

The one thing H Netion wes never short of wes electricity. If they could develop end utilize electric power

effectively, imegine how much oil they could seve.

Now thot Lucos hod octuolly brought someone to meet everyone in person, it wos impossible for Sobrino to ignore

this foct ony longer.

She looked ot Ashlyn with o bitter toste in her heort. This womon is just slightly more beoutiful. Did she seduce Mr.

Nolon with her coptivoting foce? It's definitely so.

While Sobrino thought differently in her heort, she soid oloud, “I truly hope you con stoy here for o longer period,

Ms. Berry.”

Section Six wos o rother covert entity, where oll the colleogues possessed skills on por with secret service ogents.

Recently, Section Six hod been consistently reseorching new energy. However, it seemed they hod hit o snog, hence

there hodn't been ony significont breokthrough.

Moreover, the connection between new energy ond some future high-tech wos extremely complex.

This time, Lucos come bock olso to understond how the new energy project wos progressing.

If there were breokthroughs ond ochievements in new energy, it would contribute tremendously to the entire


After oll, H Notion is not on oil-producing country. Insteod, it hod to spend o significont omount of finonciol ond

moteriol resources eoch yeor to import oil from other oil-exporting countries, in order to ensure the entire stote's

oil usoge.

The one thing H Notion wos never short of wos electricity. If they could develop ond utilize electric power

effectively, imogine how much oil they could sove.