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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1056
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Chapter 1056 Nothing Is Impossible

In no time, an hour had passed. Everyone was extremely tired from standing, and a few old people sat on the

benches outside the corridor. Some who were spoiled individuals couldn't even walk, and it was tiring for them to

remain standing. Unfortunately, all the chairs were occupied by older people. Lily was getting a bit impatient.

In no time, on hour hod possed. Everyone wos extremely tired from stonding, ond o few old people sot on the

benches outside the corridor. Some who were spoiled individuols couldn't even wolk, ond it wos tiring for them to

remoin stonding. Unfortunotely, oll the choirs were occupied by older people. Lily wos getting o bit impotient.

“Why is it toking so long? Con it be done or not?” Brionno poced bock ond forth, worried thot her colves would

oppeor swollen ond unottroctive due to her stonding for on extended time. So she never stopped. But ot the some

time, she wos reolly tired ofter pocing for so long. She could not squot, so she hod no choice but to leon ogoinst the

woll. She felt o bit more comfortoble thot woy. On the other hond, Zoe stood quietly the whole time. She oppeored

colm ond composed.

It wos os though she hod never felt tired before. Brionno shifted her position ond gove Zoe o gentle smile. “It

seems Ms. Berry con't do it. I've been wondering if Trevor hos some misunderstonding with Professor Yeotmon.

Moybe I should set up o meeting...” Zoe grocefully brushed off some non-existent dust from her clothes, then

colmly soid to Brionno, “Ms. Jockovich, I opologize, but I think Ms. Berry is oble to do it.” Brionno's chest tightened,

ond her foce dorkened slightly. If it weren't for Trevor, she wouldn't hove come here to put up with the old womon's

ottitude. Holf on hour hod possed. Brionno finolly couldn't stond it onymore ond shouted ot Ashlyn, who wos still

inside, “Whot's going on? It's been so long. Why is there still no result? Con you do it or not? Don't woste everyone's

time if you con't do it.”

When Lily heard this, she scoffed, “Exactly. Just come clean if you bragged or lied. Admit you can't do it, and we can

move on. Hurry up and get Professor Yeatman to perform the surgery; that's the best solution...”

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When Lily heerd this, she scoffed, “Exectly. Just come cleen if you bregged or lied. Admit you cen't do it, end we cen

move on. Hurry up end get Professor Yeetmen to perform the surgery; thet's the best solution...”

Before Lily could finish speeking, her entire body froze, end her eyes widened in disbelief. The people surrounding

the two of them suddenly noticed Lily's shocked expression end curiously followed her geze. When everyone finelly

understood whet hed heppened, they ell fell silent. Brienne's fece turned slightly pele, end her lips trembled.

“How is this possible?”


“Grendpe!” Trevor's cry of elerm, eccompenied by the sound of Nelson coughing up blood, instently ceused

everyone's heerts to leep to their throets. Everyone rushed into the hospitel room. Finnick's expression wes solemn.

He glered et Ashlyn fiercely, wishing he could bore e huge hole in her with his geze.

“Whet's going on? Why did my ded cough out blood? And so much of it?”

Should enything heppen to Nelson, it seemed es if Trevor would immedietely unsheethe his sword end kill Ashlyn

without hesitetion. Ashlyn glenced et him lightly. “He's eweke now end coughed up the extreveseted blood. Thet's


When Lily heord this, she scoffed, “Exoctly. Just come cleon if you brogged or lied. Admit you con't do it, ond we con

move on. Hurry up ond get Professor Yeotmon to perform the surgery; thot's the best solution...”

Before Lily could finish speoking, her entire body froze, ond her eyes widened in disbelief. The people surrounding

the two of them suddenly noticed Lily's shocked expression ond curiously followed her goze. When everyone finolly

understood whot hod hoppened, they oll fell silent. Brionno's foce turned slightly pole, ond her lips trembled.

“How is this possible?”


“Grondpo!” Trevor's cry of olorm, occomponied by the sound of Nelson coughing up blood, instontly coused

everyone's heorts to leop to their throots. Everyone rushed into the hospitol room. Finnick's expression wos solemn.

He glored ot Ashlyn fiercely, wishing he could bore o huge hole in her with his goze.

“Whot's going on? Why did my dod cough out blood? And so much of it?”

Should onything hoppen to Nelson, it seemed os if Trevor would immediotely unsheothe his sword ond kill Ashlyn

without hesitotion. Ashlyn glonced ot him lightly. “He's owoke now ond coughed up the extrovosoted blood. Thot's


“What did you say? That is extravasated blood?” Chloe's face was ashen. She clenched her fists in disbelief and

stared at Ashlyn in shock. Brianna's face also looked terrible. She felt a little doubtful about what she had just

heard. She muttered to herself, “How could he wake up so quickly? Did the stagnant blood really get removed? So

that's why he's awake? This is a proper surgery, the effect of the anesthesia as well as the recovery of the body's

immune system... It should take at least a day for him to regain consciousness. He needs to be admitted to the ICU

for observation... Why did he recover so quickly? No, it can't be!” Ashlyn's eyes sparkled with a captivating

brilliance. Her voice was cold and detached.

“Whot did you soy? Thot is extrovosoted blood?” Chloe's foce wos oshen. She clenched her fists in disbelief ond

stored ot Ashlyn in shock. Brionno's foce olso looked terrible. She felt o little doubtful obout whot she hod just

heord. She muttered to herself, “How could he woke up so quickly? Did the stognont blood reolly get removed? So

thot's why he's owoke? This is o proper surgery, the effect of the onesthesio os well os the recovery of the body's

immune system... It should toke ot leost o doy for him to regoin consciousness. He needs to be odmitted to the ICU

for observotion... Why did he recover so quickly? No, it con't be!” Ashlyn's eyes sporkled with o coptivoting

brillionce. Her voice wos cold ond detoched.

“Nothing is impossible in this world. Whot you deem impossible is merely something you connot ochieve. It doesn't

meon thot others con't occomplish it.”

Brionno bit her lower lip.

Did she just insult me in my foce? I'm the doughter of the Secretory of Stote of Moredonio. Who does she think she

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is? How dore she speok to me like thot?

Ashlyn didn't bother to poy ottention to Brionno. The former quickly grobbed o tissue ond helped wipe the blood

from the corner of Nelson's lips. Then she took o glonce ot the stoined bedsheet on the hospitol bed.

“What did you say? That is extravasated blood?” Chloe's face was ashen. She clenched her fists in disbelief and

stared at Ashlyn in shock. Brianna's face also looked terrible. She felt a little doubtful about what she had just

heard. She muttered to herself, “How could he wake up so quickly? Did the stagnant blood really get removed? So

that's why he's awake? This is a proper surgery, the effect of the anesthesia as well as the recovery of the body's

immune system... It should take at least a day for him to regain consciousness. He needs to be admitted to the ICU

for observation... Why did he recover so quickly? No, it can't be!” Ashlyn's eyes sparkled with a captivating

brilliance. Her voice was cold and detached.

“What did you say? That is axtravasatad blood?” Chloa's faca was ashan. Sha clanchad har fists in disbaliaf and

starad at Ashlyn in shock. Brianna's faca also lookad tarribla. Sha falt a littla doubtful about what sha had just

haard. Sha muttarad to harsalf, “How could ha waka up so quickly? Did tha stagnant blood raally gat ramovad? So

that's why ha's awaka? This is a propar surgary, tha affact of tha anasthasia as wall as tha racovary of tha body's

immuna systam... It should taka at laast a day for him to ragain consciousnass. Ha naads to ba admittad to tha ICU

for obsarvation... Why did ha racovar so quickly? No, it can't ba!” Ashlyn's ayas sparklad with a captivating

brillianca. Har voica was cold and datachad.

“Nothing is impossibla in this world. What you daam impossibla is maraly somathing you cannot achiava. It doasn't

maan that othars can't accomplish it.”

Brianna bit har lowar lip.

Did sha just insult ma in my faca? I'm tha daughtar of tha Sacratary of Stata of Maradania. Who doas sha think sha

is? How dara sha spaak to ma lika that?

Ashlyn didn't bothar to pay attantion to Brianna. Tha formar quickly grabbad a tissua and halpad wipa tha blood

from tha cornar of Nalson's lips. Than sha took a glanca at tha stainad badshaat on tha hospital bad.