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Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1346 Virtuous Act
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Chapter 1346  Virtuous Act

Mu Chenyan first looked at his eyes filled with only her and then lowered her eyes to look at the rings once more. She picked up the exquisite and delicate jade ring in her hand, looking at it carefully. "I know the design isn't something fancy or modern but..."

Before he could continue, Mu Chenyan shook her head at him saying, "I like it."


"Of course!" she replied. "Don't tell me this is a family heirloom."

"No," he replied. "But it's quite special."

Mu Chenyan raised her brows at him inquisitively.

"I personally went to the mine to get this jade. I also carved this myself. And my carving skills aren't that exquisite and I can't do many tricks too. So, I just made this simple style," Xia Zhao told her truthfully.

Mu Chenyan's lips curled up, "Then this is certainly very special." She put the two rings in the palm of her hand and asked, "When did you get the time to do this?"

Xia Zhao didn't reply immediately and seeing her narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously, he informed honestly, "I didn't do it during this period of time. I did it years ago. Even when I just wanted to be responsible for what happened between us, I never thought of wronging you in any way. I always wanted to do my best for you. You just never gave me a chance to do so."

Mu Chenyan pursed her lips and didn't respond. She had to say that he was always serious about their relationship. No matter what intention was behind it. So, when she took his words as a joke and an insult, he was always sincere about everything related to her. It did feel good to be valued like this and she would never deny that.

She stretched out her hand towards him, "How about putting that ring on my finger too? Or am I supposed to do that myself?"

Xia Zhao took the ring from her hand and put the ring on her finger. Mu Chenyan took the other ring and put it on Xia Zhao's finger. "I think it looks good," she said.

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"I also think it looks good on your hand," he agreed. The most update n0vels are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Mu Chenyan smiled knowingly at him and pretended like he didn't understand why she was looking at him. "Why did you think it was a family heirloom?" asked Xia Zhao.

"Too much jade in your family," said Mu Chenyan. "Do I even need to say this? Your family certainly uses jadeite like stones, throwing it here and there. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought you all have a jade mine or something at home."

Xia Zhao hesitated a little before telling her, "Well... Actually, someone does have some jade mines in the family. And it's also true that we have too much jade at home. But the reason is that everyone likes jade more than gold or silver. But if you want, I can also find you some diamonds and rubies. Do you want it?"

"No," she said. "I have no such obsession with jewelry. My parents have left enough of those things for me. What am I gonna do with these cold things? You should know that I value people more than these things. After all, I have always had these things but they don't bring comfort or warmth."

Both of them finally stood up and took the dishes to the kitchen. One of them washed the dishes and the other one dried them. In this warm and homely atmosphere, they completely forgot about getting married today. Anyway, nothing seemed different to the two of them for now.


"Who is at the door?" asked Mu Chenyan. "Were you expecting someone?"

Xia Zhao frowned slightly saying, "No one comes here usually. Let me check." He went to check and seeing his younger brother's face on the screen, his frown deepened. He opened the door and faced his brother, "What are you doing here at this time, Hao?"

Xia Hao looked at his brother and breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God, you are here! Ge, why aren't you picking up my calls?"

"You called?" asked Xia Zhao. "I guess I left my phone in the bedroom and didn't pay attention. But what is it about?"

"Ge, Dad is in the hospital," told Xia Hao.

"What? What happened to him?" asked Xia Zhao urgently.

"He had a stroke," answered Xia Hao. "That's why I was calling you."

"How is he now?" "He is doing better now," said Xia Hao. "But he is still unconscious. I felt like I should let you know. As for whether you want to come and see him, is up to you. I won't force you."

"Of course, we'll go to see Uncle Song," came Mu Chenyan's voice from behind.

Xia Hao was very surprised to see that there was someone else at his brother's place and this someone was actually a woman. Oh, he had seen this woman the last time with his brother too. He looked at his brother and then at Mu Chenyan inquisitively but didn't ask anything. The situation wasn't right and he didn't dare to question his brother too.

"Zhao, let's go," said Mu Chenyan to Xia Zhao as she tapped his arm. "We should go to the hospital and see how Uncle Song is doing. You get the keys, I'll get our coats. Oh, which hospital is it?" The last question was obviously directed at Xia Hao who was stunned seeing how this 'woman' was ordering his brother around and his brother didn't even mind. He was actually listening. He held on to his wandering thoughts and told the name of the hospital.

Mu Chenyan brought their coats, and their phones, and changing her shoes, she went out with Xia Zhao. "Drive fast," she said to Xia Zhao who was still following the speed limit.

"We have to get to the hospital to see a patient not to become a patient ourselves," was Xia Zhao's response. "Besides, you heard what Hao said, Dad's condition is not that serious anymore. We can take our time."

"Can't you break the traffic rules?" she asked. "For once, you should do it. It's your father who is in the hospital."

"But the situation isn't urgent enough for me to put myself, you, and other people on the road in a dangerous situation," he answered.

Mu Chenyan was frustrated by his answer. "We just got married and you already are making me want to beat you."

"Let's see Dad first. I'll let you do whatever you want after we go back home."

"Why does this sound so wrong?" she asked.

"I think because you have wrong things going through your mind," was his answer. "Are you saying I have a dirty mind?"

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"Don't you?"

"What did you say?"

"I said, how is that possible? You can never have a dirty mind. It's all me."

"That's what I thought," was her smug answer.

Xia Zhao shook his head at her and focused on driving. It took them thirty minutes to get to the hospital. Thankfully, it wasn't a peak hour so they didn't get stuck in traffic.

Xia Hao also arrived there with them and thinking of something, he kept hesitating whether to say it or not. But seeing how close Xia Zhao and Mu Chenyan were, he bit the bullet and stopped them. "Ge, you wait for my signal. Only come after you get my signal."

"Are we doing an undercover operation?" asked Mu Chenyan.

Xia Hao smiled dryly, "No. Just let me take Mom elsewhere. I think you won't like to run into her first thing after coming here, right?"

Both Xia Zhao and Mu Chenyan nodded their head simultaneously, "I'll wait. I definitely don't have the patience for your mother." Seeing Xia Hao's expression, she said, "What are you looking at? Your mother doesn't like me. And I believe it hasn't changed over the years."

Xia Hao didn't know much about it but he wasn't all that curious for now either. He took the elevator up and kept thinking about what excuses to make so that his mother could leave and give his brother a chance to enter his father's ward. But all his plans failed. No matter what he said to his mother, she wasn't listening at all and refused to leave. Seeing her stubborn expression, Xia Hao was very helpless.

He really wanted to shake his mother and ask, whom she was trying to show this virtuous act after sending his father to the hospital. But considering he was still her son and she was still his mother, he really couldn't say that. So, he sent his brother a message that his mother wasn't moving and he couldn't do anything.

Xia Hao didn't know much about it but he wasn't all that curious for now either. He took the elevator up and kept thinking about what excuses to make so that his mother could leave and give his brother a chance to enter his father's ward. But all his plans failed. No matter what he said to his mother, she wasn't listening at all and refused to leave. Seeing her stubborn expression, Xia Hao was very helpless.

Xia Zhao told it to Mu Chenyan who was tired of waiting.

"Why is it so difficult? I thought your brother was resourceful! Ask him who is your father's doctor." She took the elevator up and looked around and went to find the doctor herself.