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Master Of None

Chapter 2071. Storm The Island
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2071  2071. Storm The Island

The feeling that Walker had was not one that he had had before. He had experienced resolve before. He had experienced worry before. He had even been fearful before. Yet, what he felt now was new. This mix mash of emotions was enough to make his stomach churn. But also made him feel like he had an endless supply of energy just waiting to be unleashed. It didn't help that everyone was doing whatever they could to boost their mana, check their armors, and prepare their squads for movement in the next few moments. This was just adding to the outer chaos that was weighing on Walker's mentality.

"We will make it right." Alice had stayed near them for the time being. She did not feel the need to return to the healers right away. They already knew well what their positions would be. How they would have to act. And what else they needed to prepare so that they could be the best healers they could be for this time. Many of the healers had prepared backpacks with various bandages. Healing potions and salves also had their places within their packs. This would give them the options to save their manas for the more dire situation they would encounter. "I know, we have to win this. I think the pressure is a bit much right now though." Walker knew that he had support. That alone was taking a significant weight off him. But that didn't take the sickening feeling he had in his stomach. The deep sense that he was going to face a situation where he had to challenge himself beyond what he would ever do normally. She gave his arm a squeeze before hearing someone calling for her. One of the healers was asking questions about herbs that they could wrap inside bandages to help healing burns. They didn't know what they might face, being prepared for everything was important. This left Walker to survey the dwarven golems as they went back in to the water. Their semi aquatic build proving to be ideal for the squad approach on to the massive island. They would be able to move many of the larger obstacles that they might face. Especially since it was an island full of massive ruins. They would also survey the area better with the dwarves controlling them. They would be able to tell the general information about the areas they were moving in to. It meant a safer and all around better speed of moving. Walker trusted that they would just be fine to counter the corrupted mana. He had asked this in worry because he had expected that the mana gems and the mana flow of the dwarven golems might suffer with so much chaotic mana around. But, he had been assured that the dwarves had made the rune formations with the metals more isolated to protect them. That means carved runes under layers of very thin metal armor. It was a technique that was above what the dwarves had done with their golems. It was because they could not do this to something with too many moving parts. The golems would tear apart these thin layers in their natural actions. But after hours and hours of work, a tough alloy of not secret metals had been used to ensure that it would to easily be broken by even the battle movements of the dwarven golems. An astounding change in how well the golems would be able to fight and for longer. When it came to the other forces, he couldn't even start. They were so developed and willing to take on whatever they could to ensure their victory. Even as he moved to help others board the boats, he was stunned. The immense feeling of pride within the joint forces that had come together to make Genesis were too great. Each had played their roles so far. Made sure to stand tall and accept a new form of future that they had not expected to appear in their lives. Even the dragons who had been secluded and against allies in the world, had changed so much. It had shown other races the potential within their own race. How they could open themselves to knowledge instead of cutting it off. Instead of hiding themselves, they had managed to step out in the open. Become even brighter lights. The vampires stood out immensely. Many of them were still very weak. They were not recovering as fast a rate as they had once been able to so many years ago. However, they had a new leader. Someone who had immediately stepped up to take the right patch ahead. Their innate affinity for darkness mana would allow them to use that magic to ensure enemies. To counter potential darkness attacks. But they could also use their own blood for attacks. Step in to an unexpected realm that the corrupted undead would not be able to react to as well as they could more well known skills. While these corrupted undead were not wise, they were still instinctual. They had their instincts from when they were alive. Therefore, it was easy to guess that they would be acclimated to the basics elemental manas over the more complicated skill using multiple of those manas. Or unique skills like blood skills. Taking a step in to the air after the last boat and the last aquatic soldier had taken their plunge, Walker slowly followed. The rest of the party spread out for the storming of the island. They would rush in to take the space they could as a main camp before they began making their way in to the forested area. In to the lost ruins of a civilization older than any other currently in the world. This misterios race had been there when the world was connected to everything. Had been three when the world was developing. While they were shrouded in mystery, Walker had a feeling that they were out there, somewhere beyond the elemental planes. Waiting to see what race would visit them first. That was just his thought though. He couldn't dwell on this. He had to ensure that his mind remained where it should. On the lives he would be protecting. On the people fighting beside him as equals. On the enemy that was ahead of them. As if to mock him, a sudden shaking took to the very mana in the air. The corrupted floating city burst to life with many more corrupted undead flailing down on to the island. The demon lord was making his move. The city had stopped and now the corrupted mana was spilling out even more. Everyone had hoped that they would have a base set up before something like this happened. But now, all bets were off. The demon lord has made a clearer move than just the scouting corrupted undead he had sent out. While he was not controlling them, they appeared to be still attacking the island. They had been doing so for some time. Walker and the others had assumed this was to strengthen their forces. To ensure that he had a space to make his move without being interrupted. Now, it appeared that had happened and the demon lord would be leaving the corrupted floating city. "Walker." Ventus flapped her wings in the air. The other royal dragons also moving nearby. Their focus on their own thoughts before they rushed in to battle with the city as a whole. "We will be ensuring that the floating city does not cause any more harm. I will also bring this human and Remey with us. They will be handling that final sin title holder." Ventus said this with every bit of intensity that one would expect from a mother who knew this battle would be deciding whether or not their children would be left in danger after it. This all depended on the results of this battle. "As the nature dragon of the Genesis alliance, I will give you every bit of my word and promise. I will give everything I have to bring victory here today. I will even give up every bit of strength I have if I must." his words filled with pride as he spoke. He was a dragon too. "Then we will leave when that ruined city returns to being a ruin." Ventus and the others flew off. Remey and Barry being carried through the wind as well. The following roars caused the air to shiver. It wasn't the air, it was the manas in the air to shiver. This was a war cry. Dragons crying out in rage and strength to tell their enemies that they had trifled with the wrong being. That they would be using every bit of mana to crush them! The most update n0vels are published on NovelEnglish.net

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