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Master Of None

Chapter 1981  1981. Some Preparations
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1981  1981. Some Preparations

As everything that had happened made its way through the gossip of Genesis, many people did their best to show their support. This was a major event that helped establish the future of Genesis as a driving force altogether.

Specifically, it let everyone who used potions consistently relax. They had been worried about the alchemy guild remaining as the force that governed the alchemists that had run rampant before.

The high prices or poorly made potions were something that was fresh in many people's minds. Humans had been at the burden of alchemists who charged exorbitant amounts of potions. That left them without much choice than to hope that healers were always around.

The number of people that had perished while away from a healer and unable to afford a portion was too great to not worry still today.

The worries that the demi-humans were completely fair. They had been tricked by false potions that were really poison. This led to them banning potions entirely. A tremendous effort had been taken to ensure that potions were not sent, made, or used in their kingdom.

The party had ensured that this changed though. Remey had taken the main lead on producing potions with high scrutiny for the dmi-humans to use. Their quality was checked multiple times and the demi-human kingdom rightfully used many appraisals to ensure that the potions were still good.

Right this moment, as the information traveled, the demi-human people were impressed and knew that with such geniuses in the guild, that it could not cease to exist. This meant that they would have safe and effective potions for generations at the very least.

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Now that many people were seeing all the boasting that Remey and the other founding alchemists had done come true, they were impressed. More than that, it was a reason to rest easy with an upcoming war on the horizon.

The people were not some sheep being herded and kept in the dark. They knew exactly what was happening. They knew that the three demons that continued to get stronger had greater ambitions than what were known.

The people knew that these three beings could be called evil in nearly every sense, regardless of their origins. While some were falling in to a trap of their sin title, most had willingly followed such actions as documented earlier in these battles.

The people understood the needed to fight them and return the world to a natural flow. The more that they saw quests related to the world and this upcoming war, the more that they understood the gravity of their actions and other peoples' actions. It brought them together much more quickly.

But when it came to coming together, there were two people that had left Genesis for their own reasons.

"I can't believe that you are actually going through with this. You are dropping your armor and only wearing a thin tunic. A wooden bow with whatever arrows you carve yourself. Then you are going to live in the forest without help at all. You even have to rub grave herbs on your body!"

Walker had asked a few elves what their ritual was for the day before the marriage ceremony. When they had let him in on the details, he felt that Gil was crazy. But when Gil and him had left, Walker had seen Gil's parents fully supporting him.

Walker found that the grave herbs were a unique herb that grew over where the bodies of perished animals and monsters fell and became one with the earth. Because of their unique oils, they were known to be pungent and able to attract monsters much more than other plants and herbs.

This meant that Gil would be facing monsters that were ready to eat him. He would not be as prepared as he could be. He had even asked Zephyr to stop herself from helping him, even if he was facing his own potential death.

Naturally, when Walker heard this from Gil, he had pledged to silently watch from a hidden palace. He knew he could evade Gil'sdetection with his ability to use multiple manas and hide himself. There was also multiple other skills he had learned related to stealth, specifically, the shadow wrapping skills.

"Stop looking at me like that. I know you think I am trying to get myself killed. This is important though. Every young man in the elven race does this. Whether you like it or not, I pledge myself to be their hero. A uniting hero to bring them together. That means I have to live it in every way that I can." Gil was right. However, he also knew that he was cared for when he saw that Walker was clearly worried.

"You know I am strong without my dagger and bow too, right? We are much higher levels than we should be at our age. Plus, you and I have both fought without weapons. Even with you having some hand to hand skills, I can somewhat keep up." Gil smirked a little, but he hesitated as they walked toward the forests.

"By the way, did you notice anything different about my mother?" This was a question that caught Walker off guard for a moment.

"No, did she plant something new again? I know that your father has been around the mansion more and he was talking about helping her with weeding and watering tomorrow… but nothing else." Walker wondered what Gil was getting after.

"Well, with me taking care of myself and them feeling more free to have time to themselves… hmm, how do I say this, they decided that if I had a younger sibling it might be a good addition to the family and life in general." Gil sounded a little awkward saying this out loud, but his smile showed much more than what was spoken.

"What!? You are going to have a little brother or sister? Why didn't everyone start talking about that!?"

"The healer just told my mother and father yesterday. They wanted to tell everyone but were holding off to share it at the ceremony to allow the entire family to know at once. I already sent a note to Alma to let her know. She should be pretty excited since she would be an aunt in that case." Gil seemed to blush more than ever after he said that. He was finally starting to accept the reality of his future.

"It's going to be a very large party then." Walker could only imagine what would happen when everyone heard this added good news. A celebration fueled by the marriage of a hero, the future queen of the elves, and now a new child being born soon? It would be insanity. But it would be very happy.

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"So, stop worrying all the time about me and this ritual. It's part of the ceremony and who I am. Plus, there is nothing that will keep me from seeing my new little sibling born.

There was a silence as Walker moved ahead of Gil a little. This prompted Gil to start to push ahead more. The two didn't need more words. They had been the two guys of their party since the start. The best of friends that had melded right when they had gone on their first adventure. But they had also bonded many times through their adventures.

As this started the big moment for Gil with Walker watching, more was happening with Alma as well.

"We can help you get the best dress possible. I know that you have five elves that want to make your dress. You should have them come here. They can make certain plants grow that will ensure that nature is part of every single aspect. But I have more ideas." Lisa was looking at Alma carefully. She had made time to spark with Alma through Alma's busy schedule.

"I already considered you taking the lead. You already have business that beats everyone else. But I want one thing the most. I want a dress with patterns that match every single affinity that every elf has. Even though I want a ceremony for me and Gil, I want it to be for all elves too." this was something that Alma wanted the most out of all things.

"I completely understand. I think that we can make you a rune sewn fabric that can draw in natural mana even for a temporary ceremony. How does that sound?" Lisa was young. Much younger than anyone else in her profession. But she had grown a lot. She had a big shadow to climb out of since Walker was a literal hero.

"You already understand what I was thinking then." Alma smiled proudly while she looked at the designs that had been sketched. They had been carefully designed with her in mind and only her. Truly one of a kind.
