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Master Of None

Chapter 1969 1969. Beyond Their Level
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Some runes were things that Walker's mind could not wrap around. They seemed to be forming as if that was just the way of existence. As if the runes that he saw had always been part of what he knew but he could just never see them. '

As if to make him prove that to himself, he saw that some of them faded to the point that he would not realize that they were there. The thin lines of metal making the cage around the eternal orb were clearly covered in runes just a second ago. But they had faded because he could not understand the manas within them. 

Each of the six lines of starving steel were strong. They were made of this starving steel to ensure that the manas drawn in would be more. But the six large and thicker lines that had contained many runes he could not fathom. They had been enough so that he would be able to understand that they were unique and that was it. 

Otherwise, the starving steel had been shaped like twisting vines. This change has been instantaneous with the addition of the odd leaf. It was as if the nature around them and the world itself had acted to make sure that this piece of whatever it was truly sat firmly in what they needed the eternal orb to become. 

Walker felt that it was pulled within the eternal orb as it should be. That was the goal. A unique and powerful item that could radically enhance the eternal orb. However, he had been blind to what it was because there was not a reason for it. The all around appraisal had failed him in a  sense. Not that it was an issue. He was fine with that. 

His heart, his gut, his entire being accepted that it was meant to be part of the eternal orb. That it had somehow been waiting to be used as a material within such an item linked to such a person. Even the wandering blacksmith had not been the one to make the odd leaf float inside the eternal orb. It had been the manas in the room themselves. Acting in unison toward something that they all felt and sensed. It was odd within itself to even think this way. But Walker had seen and been part of many more amazing things. 

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With a quick glance, Walker used the all around appraisal on the starving steel as it shifted again. He was greeted with the very same as what he had seen earlier. 

' starving steel

The starving steel is exactly as it sounds. Due to the spatial mana being added to it through a unique flame that uses spatial mana to burn, it was stripped of all elemental manas. It is considered empty in the sense that it can not naturally hold mana without ulterior influences.'

The stripped of mana was the way to allow all manas to flow in to it. That meant that mana must take up space. Walker felt himself analyzing this portion of the all around appraisal first. He could feel this to be true. He could sense the bond with the eternal orb as he allowed his own mana to be pulled in through it. 

'This allows it to gain mana and create spaces where mana is lacking. Therefore, it is ideal for using spatial mana overall since it can cause small teleportations or gather and push away large amounts of manas.'

The large amounts of mana were happening right before his eyes. He could see it. The unique flames all allowed wisps of what their manas were to flow in to it. To make seeds that would become more active when Walker could understand and use them to make an even larger amount of mana react to his will and the will of his goals. 

'This also allows for it to be the core of influence for other manas. It was tempered with one of the major manas that upholds existence, therefore, it is able to resist many instances of damage. Furthermore, it will be able to reform and reshape itself if damaged as long as it is provided the right care and mana from the one who owns it and bonds with it.'

Manas that uphold existence. Such a grand term was the proof that Walker was working on things beyond what he had expected already. He long ago took a new path that was walking through a place no other had gone. 

He had met many unique people and beings overall. those that were partially responsible for the way that the very world he lived being the way it was now. Those that wished to change the course of the future and create new worlds or new paths. 

All of this was a fact that he accepted but really could see now that the starving steel was being guided by more than just the wandering blacksmith and himself. The starving steel was being allowed to form itself to a degree. It was benignly allowed to take the optimal form for more discovery. 

Walker sensed this all with his very soul. That was why the eternal orb and the starving steal were making such a close bond even with the odd leaf being a part of it. Walker had always been full of mystery as he grew. Everything he went after was a mystery. He uncovered mysteries. He didn't shy away from them whatsoever. That was a fact of who he was.  I think you should take a look at

'If this metal is not properly bonded to anything or anyone within one hour, it will decay and be broken down by the world due to its odd lack of natural and elemental mana. The world does not detest it, but it is not in balance, thus, the world's manas act as the natural flow should and attempt to balance it.'

"Balance!" Walker shouted out and poured all of his mana within the eternal orb. All of his mana was directed at the starving steel as the runes he could barely comprehend faded. He had a feeling that the last bit of the all around appraisal was the most important. That his mind was in this state of slowness and thinking because he had to be spo that he could comprehend what was needed of him. 

This eternal orb was not just the perfectly bonded weapon and item for him. It was his unique item that shifted to mimic him as the master of none. The jack of all trades system user. He had to be more than that and he had to truly embody that. 

The starving steel would provide the potential and manas he might need to keep being this. The eternal orb had only been partially finished this entire time. It shouldn't even have been called the eternal orb since that was just one piece of what he was making. It was not the eternal orb at all. 

Walker felt his mana, down to the core of who he was resonate with the metal and the orb. He could feel the life mana course through his body. A flame reacting to the proper fuel it had been missing. The same could be said of the unique fire spirits that had just offered another sip of unique manas to the creation before them. 

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Teh same was between the hammer that the wandering blacksmith used. It was part of him beyond all that could be compared. Even a lost limb would not be as important as that hammer to the wandering blacksmith. Not because it was a tool, but because it was part of his very being. His own existence. 

"Balance your being with mine and we will be one!" Walker shouted this out before he fell on the ground and was only able to look at the ceiling. Little did he know, that the wandering blacksmith had fallen as well. 

The blacksmith and exhausted every ounce of mental energy he had. Every bit of imagination that he had to use. Every little bit of mana. He looked up to the side with his eyes that screamed at him to close and rest. The shining silver metal with fading runes floated around the eternal orb which had the shape of an endless tree within. It was better than anything he could ever imagine. Yet, he still knew so little about everything beyond what he was capable of right this second. A call for him to grow. 

Walker could feel something new. The true connection of his very soul expanding. He could feel it as he drifted off in to a slumber he had not expected to fall in to. But the warmth in his heart made him realize that Fleur was also welcoming this new feeling. Their success. 


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