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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 463
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Chapter 463

The two continued to tolk for o while, ond Su Ziyue only hung up the coll when the food orrived.

Before honging up, she osked Qin Muchen obout his condition ogoin.

Qin Muchen replied briefly, "Everything's normol. I'm fine. Just focus on your motters."

Su Ziyue wos very relieved when she heord the reply. Since Qin Muchen hod repeotedly urged her to focus on her

offoirs, she didn't wont to let him down.

As such, Su Ziyue concentroted on hondling Feng Group's offoirs the next few doys ond worked until lote ot night os

she wos yeorning to go home os soon os possible.

Finolly, ofter o few doys of hustles, she finolly finished deoling with the cruciol ogendos on the fourth doy ond wos

reody to heod bock to Yunzhou City. She didn't inform Qin Muchen obout her return os she wonted to give him o


The doy before, she only gove Qin Muchen o short coll in the morning. Qin Muchen knew she wos occupied, so he

didn't coll her either ofter thot.

However, little did she expect thot not only did her plon to surprise Qin Muchen foil but there wos bod news

owoiting her.

Before Su Ziyue flew bock, she especiolly took some time to buy some souvenirs for Qin Muchen ond Qin Zixi. After

the plone londed ot Yunzhou City, she eogerly took o cob ond heoded bock to Cloud Boy.

When the cor orrived ot the villo, Su Ziyue didn't bother toking her luggoge ond directly strode into the villo with the

souvenirs in her hond.

There were only o few servonts in the house, while Qin Zixi ond Qin Muchen were nowhere to be seen.

"Are both Muchen ond Zixi not ot home?" Su Ziyue osked one of the servonts.

"They're not in." The servont shook her heod.

Su Ziyue nodded in response, thinking thot Qin Muchen might hove brought Qin Zixi out to ploy or brought him to

the compony while he worked.

Let me give Muchen o coll ond check where they ore ot. Then, I'll toke o shower ond go find them.

After going bock to the bedroom, she put the souvenirs oside ond colled Qin Muchen.

"Hey, I thought you would be busy working." Qin Muchen's voice wos extroordinorily gentle.

Su Ziyue subconsciously softened her voice. "I need to eot ond rest despite being busy. Although I didn't coll you, I

wos hoping for you to coll me first…"

It wos oround lunchtime, so Qin Muchen hummed, "Go ond hove lunch then. I'm ottending to some motters outside.

I'll coll you bock ot night."

"Is Zixi with you?"


"Did you bring him to work?"

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Qin Muchen hummed in response ond storted urging Su Ziyue to go get lunch ogoin.

Su Ziyue didn't question further os she reckoned Qin Muchen would either be in the office or ot Lumiere Jode

House. If he were ot neither of these ploces, she would coll him to osk ogoin.

The two continued to talk for a while, and Su Ziyue only hung up the call when the food arrived.

Before hanging up, she asked Qin Muchen about his condition again.

Qin Muchen replied briefly, "Everything's normal. I'm fine. Just focus on your matters."

Su Ziyue was very relieved when she heard the reply. Since Qin Muchen had repeatedly urged her to focus on her

affairs, she didn't want to let him down.

As such, Su Ziyue concentrated on handling Feng Group's affairs the next few days and worked until late at night as

she was yearning to go home as soon as possible.

Finally, after a few days of hustles, she finally finished dealing with the crucial agendas on the fourth day and was

ready to head back to Yunzhou City. She didn't inform Qin Muchen about her return as she wanted to give him a


The day before, she only gave Qin Muchen a short call in the morning. Qin Muchen knew she was occupied, so he

didn't call her either after that.

However, little did she expect that not only did her plan to surprise Qin Muchen fail but there was bad news

awaiting her.

Before Su Ziyue flew back, she especially took some time to buy some souvenirs for Qin Muchen and Qin Zixi. After

the plane landed at Yunzhou City, she eagerly took a cab and headed back to Cloud Bay.

When the car arrived at the villa, Su Ziyue didn't bother taking her luggage and directly strode into the villa with the

souvenirs in her hand.

There were only a few servants in the house, while Qin Zixi and Qin Muchen were nowhere to be seen.

"Are both Muchen and Zixi not at home?" Su Ziyue asked one of the servants.

"They're not in." The servant shook her head.

Su Ziyue nodded in response, thinking that Qin Muchen might have brought Qin Zixi out to play or brought him to

the company while he worked.

Let me give Muchen a call and check where they are at. Then, I'll take a shower and go find them.

After going back to the bedroom, she put the souvenirs aside and called Qin Muchen.

"Hey, I thought you would be busy working." Qin Muchen's voice was extraordinarily gentle.

Su Ziyue subconsciously softened her voice. "I need to eat and rest despite being busy. Although I didn't call you, I

was hoping for you to call me first…"

It was around lunchtime, so Qin Muchen hummed, "Go and have lunch then. I'm attending to some matters outside.

I'll call you back at night."

"Is Zixi with you?"


"Did you bring him to work?"

Qin Muchen hummed in response and started urging Su Ziyue to go get lunch again.

Su Ziyue didn't question further as she reckoned Qin Muchen would either be in the office or at Lumiere Jade

House. If he were at neither of these places, she would call him to ask again.

After hanging up, Su Ziyue put her phone aside and went to shower. She was so impatient that she didn't bother

taking a bath in the tub and directly took a shower. However, after finished showering, she realized the drainage

system seemed to be blocked as the water accumulated in the area.

This is weird. Why would the shower drain be blocked?

She put on her clothes and asked the servants to get a plumber to unclog the drain. Then, she went to dry her hair

in another room.

When she walked out of the room after drying her hair, she saw a worker walking out of her bedroom, so she

reckoned he was the plumber.

"Is everything okay now? How did the drain get blocked?" She asked casually.

"It's blocked by hair." The worker replied honestly.

Su Ziyue's tone changed as she was surprised. "Hair?"

I haven't been at home for a few days. Where did the hair come from?

"Here." The plumber showed Su Ziyue the plastic bag in his hand as proof.

Su Ziyue lowered her head and was shocked to see the bag full of men's hair!

Frowning, she nodded at the plumber who was still standing at the spot. "Thank you, sir."

Then, she looked toward a servant and ordered, "Walk him out after paying him."

Just then, another servant spoke up in hesitation. "Madam…"

"What is it?" Su Ziyue turned to gaze at the servant. Seeing her hesitant look, she said, "Just spit it out."

"Sir has been losing a lot of hair recently. Maybe… he should go for a body checkup…" The servant finished her

sentence when she perceived that there was no obvious change in Su Ziyue's expression.

After hearing the servant's statement, Su Ziyue was reminded of something all of a sudden.

Muchen can't possibly have such severe hair loss for no reason. The only issue with his body is that he's inflicted

with the K1LU63 virus. Since he's showing symptoms like this, the only explanation is that the virus started taking

effect in his body, and his situation has deteriorated.

Only then did Su Ziyue realize why Qin Muchen had been urging her to focus on attending to Feng Group's matters.

He must have known that his condition is getting out of control, so he's trying to delay my return.

Immediately, tears of anxiety welled up in Su Ziyue's eyes. Without wasting more time, she directly called Mo Xiyi,

but the latter didn't pick up the call. So, she called Nan Chuan. Fortunately, Nan Chuan answered the call.

"Where's Muchen?" Su Ziyue went straight to the point.

"Boss is…"

Su Ziyue interrupted Nan Chuan. "Tell me the truth. I know his situation has deteriorated."

Hearing Su Ziyue's shaky voice, Nan Chuan couldn't bring himself to deceive her. "He's in a rehabilitation center on

the outskirts of town."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After hanging up, Su Ziyue put her phone aside and went to shower. She was so impatient that she didn't bother

taking a bath in the tub and directly took a shower. However, after finished showering, she realized the drainage

system seemed to be blocked as the water accumulated in the area.

After getting the address from Nan Chuan, Su Ziyue hung up the call and headed straight to the rehabilitation


When Su Ziyue arrived at the rehabilitation center, Nan Chuan was already waiting for her at the entrance. Nan

Chuan greeted her with a weary look. "Hi, Mrs. Qin."

Seeing Nan Chuan's look, Su Ziyue felt her heart squeeze again, although she had been trying hard to stay calm

while traveling to the rehabilitation center just now. "Where is he?" She asked calmly.

Nan Chuan forced a smile and said, "Let me show you the way."

Then, he turned and walked into the building in silence.

Perhaps it was because the rehabilitation center was located on the outskirts of town, Su Ziyue perceived a cold

and gloomy sensation as she walked down the corridor.

With her heart in her mouth, she was hoping that Qin Muchen's situation was not as terrible as she had imagined.

"Here it is. You may go in."

Nan Chuan's voice interrupted Su Ziyue's thoughts.

She lifted her eyes to gaze at the ward door. Then, she released her fists which were covered with sweat before

she pushed the door open while biting her lips.


The atmosphere was so quiet that the sound of the opening door was extraordinarily discordant.

The moment she opened the door, she saw Qin Muchen sitting beside the window, answering a call with his back

facing her.

He was dressed in a patient gown and wore a hat.

Su Ziyue had never seen him wearing a hat.

Hearing the commotion from behind, Qin Muchen hung up the call and said while turning around. "That's fast.

Didn't you…"

When he saw that the person standing at the door was Su Ziyue, his voice stuck in his throat.

Su Ziyue had a sharp eyesight. She could clearly notice the wrinkles between Qin Muchen's forehead, which used to

be smooth. His face was as white as a sheet, as if he had aged ten years overnight.


In fact, she had heard that the K1LU73 virus would cause one to age rapidly, but she had been deceiving herself

that Qin Muchen's situation was not that serious since he had not shown obvious symptoms all the while.

But now, the symptoms are gradually showing. Does this mean that Mo Xiyi's drugs are not effective anymore?

Qin Muchen stared at Su Ziyue stiffly as he remained silent and motionless.

Gulping, Su Ziyue squeezed a smile and walked toward Qin Muchen after closing the door. "Hey, I'm back."

She drew close to Qin Muchen and held his face to kiss him, but Qin Muchen turned his face away to avoid her.