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MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer-Novel

Chapter 299 Welcome to the Gang!
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Chapter 299 Welcome to the Gang!

The two newcomers were obviously members of the high society, a noble and his subordinate.

The lady wore light leather armor, allowing for ease of movement and revealing her muscular curves. There was no doubt she was very used to wielding the spear she carried.

She gazed at him as a predator would…no she was one! The orange glint gave away the fact that she possessed a particular bloodline. Lynx? Barbarian perhaps?

As for the noble, his outfit was entirely silver, elegant, and, more importantly, enchanted. This thing was probably worth a fortune! Jack almost wanted to strip the guy!

— Humph! —

"Is he the one claiming to be a Noble? How very ludicrous! As if there would ever be a Noble as unsightly as this." The man scoffed, the woman grasping her weapon tighter.

"M-my Lord….this…."

The Noble shook his head, gesturing to his subordinate. She didn't hesitate at all, mightily swinging her tool of murder right at his neck! The nerves!

He hurriedly swiped his hand at the jade table, a green shield manifesting around him. But even then, she showed a confident smile.

The pointy tip inched closer as she chuckled. As if a petty automated defense measure like that would stop her! The fool was obviously dreaming!

— Clang! —

"What?!" She gasped.

When he had activated the shield, Jack had modified its base options a bit. It was now focusing its resistance on a few core points.

"W-wait, what are you doing?! This man is our benefactor! Please stay your blade…eh, spear!!" The merchants finally reacted.

The lady didn't even acknowledge them. She gave a war cry and showcased combo after combo, going to town on the poor barrier. It even started trembling violently.

She was attacking absolutely everywhere, searching for weakness, forcing Jack to update the shield in real-time. But luckily, she was soon out of breath.

The host's legs were shivering as he saw this scene, but then he remembered Jack's words. In a time of trouble, one needs to be bold!

"STOP!" He was brandishing a glowing seal that could control the defensive formations installed in the manor.


White shiny lightning flew toward her, following her even as she tried dodging. A few seconds later, she was utterly restrained in a killing array.

Any move and her fate would be sealed.

"Oh? You lot are defending him? How very bold of you! Soon, you'll come to regret this moment, I guarantee it." The noble commented, turning talons to leave.

That's when she started sniffing. Her eyes widened as she stared meaningfully at Jack before disappearing after her master.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He could already feel that this one would be trouble.

— Sigh! —

"I thought I was going die!"

"Who was he actually?"

"That was Lord Silver."


That's when he learned that he was the one responsible for the logistics for part of the Empire's Army. That's also when his serenity crumbled.

The scent she had recognized…what if it was related to the Captain? Somehow that was the hunch he was getting.

If the man completely disappeared, he would be the #1 suspect, but it would become the #2 criminal if the Captain was set free. Both options were bad!

Even then, his worries did not show on his face, the merchants completely oblivious to it. They were even planning in case the tyrannic noble came back.

Jack didn't have time for that anymore, hurrying over to the Golden Lucky Pavilion. This time there was actually a line at the entrance, people utterly blocking it.

He simply headed forward…

"Hey, you! You, you, don't even try to cut the queue here! Otherwise, I'll—" The belligerent random guy was suddenly grabbed by the place's guards and taken away.

As the guards escorted him inside respectfully, many exclaimed in shock. This place was already super VIP! How the hell was he getting such treatment?!

"Who's that guy?!"

"Must be a noble…"

In the back, a certain spear wielder couldn't help but wince. Had she not been busy invisibly tailing her prey, they would have long died for uttering such falsities.

Inside, the atmosphere was warm, every employee bowing as he made his way toward the Boss's study.

"Sir, you're back!!" The man welcomed him with the enthusiasm of a father welcoming his son back from the war. "Do you have it?!" his eyes were already gleaming with expectation.

"Of course, but we need to discuss—"

The man suddenly turned uncannily serious.

"There's no time for that. This "guest" of ours is about to recuperate fully and wanted to leave already. Apparently, he wanted to organize a meeting with Lord Silver…."


"I bought time for now. The elf is still hurt but strong enough to fight back and cause a ruckus. How should we proceed?" He questioned.

In regular times a little ruckus wouldn't have mattered too much. As long as the Gambling Den's Boss helped, they could quickly drive most investigators away.

But what if a Noble came directly?! This could quickly get very dangerous. No, they had to handle him with a lot of care.

"Simple, if he wants to meet Silver, we'll have him meet the man," Jack uttered, pondering.

"T-that…I'm not sure this will work. The man seems rather sharp…." Yes, Jack wouldn't be able to do it for sure, and neither would the Demon or Moon Moon.

"Then we'll just have to take a gamble." Jack sighed as he sent for a helper.

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

"Are you kidding me?! Do you know how crazy this sounds?!"

In the office, the Treasure Prince was seriously considering reporting the others in the room to the authorities. Jack had requested for him, only to ask him to impersonate a noble?!

"Oh? Are you scared?"

"Of course! Do you even understand what this act even means?!"

"Yep! Good thing you personally introduced me as your new associate in front of the whole Commerce Union, isn't it!" Jack playfully mentioned.

The man turned white. Even if he stopped associating with this man, there would still be repercussions on his business.

Jack brought benefits, but was it worth it considering the risks?!

"Woo!" (Just do it!)

The little wolf couldn't understand why the human was hesitating so much. After all, dressing up was so much fun!

"Woo!" (you should request a cape too!)


A quick translation later, the man didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even the pet had a few screws loose! He could only get dressed for his new role while clenching his jaw.

Then they descended toward the inner sanctum of the casino. This place served as a temporary bunker should anything happen on the surface.

As a man wearing a silver mask entered one of the underground rooms, the half Moon Elf Captain rose in a hurry.

"Lord, I have something important to report! It concerns the very survival of Timber City!"

"Really? It seems highly improbable that only you would know information so valuable, right?"

"I swear on my honor that it is true!" He declared righteously, his eyes flashing white. This was Moon Elf appraisal magic!

"I guess we're done here." The Treasure Prince snorted, leaving.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Wait, please!! I beg you, my Lord!! I didn't mean any disrespect!!" The Captain hurriedly apologized, worried he had just antagonized his only potential ally.

After all, he couldn't return to his troops with his current appearance. Plus, the little he had seen of the man's aura had revealed enough.

He did not seem to know any black magic. —> He was a merchant, so that was natural.

He was no murderer —> He could pay people for that.

That's when the two truly started discussing. The more the fake heard and the more he realized that he was in deep shit, way deeper than he had once thought.

His "associate" has caused the undead attack?!

Furthermore, he was very possibly a demon himself?!

Oh god, this wasn't a question of benefits anymore, but survival!

Had he planned all of this just to make an impression on all the merchants at once?!


Even then, he stayed true to the script. He had no doubt that the demons were currently watching. He could be so easily silenced and disposed of in their lair!

Common sense did state that no one would dare kill him, but they were exceptions.

He concluded his task, reassuring the Captain that everything would be taken care of and that he should remain at the casino to recuperate.

As he returned, he channeled all his acting talent. He had to be the closest ally to the crazies until he was out of their grasp. Only then could he reach out for help.

"How was it?" Jack casually asked.

His associate quickly made small talk before excusing himself. Just as he was about to be free, the inside of his mask suddenly glowed a dark light.


As he froze, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome on the Demonic Path, brother! From now on, you're one of us."

"No, no, no…." He murmured, tears filling his eyes.

"It's alright to cry. I understand. Others had the same reaction when joining our family in the past!"

"Tell me straight. Are you planning to destroy this City?" The man finally gathered his courage to ask directly. He was already fucked anyway.

"No? Honestly, the whole undead thing was an accident. I was just trying to forge some weapons, and it somehow happened." Jack shrugged.

Who the hell would believe such a stupid story?! It was fine if he didn't want to say, but did he have to be that sarcastic?!

"No, this should buy us a bit of time with that Moon Elf. The next step is to find a definitive way to keep him silent. Then we need to deal with that Silver Guy and then…."

As Jack discussed his plans, The "Treasure Prince" suddenly regretted wanting to have fun by recruiting a funny employee…