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MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer-Novel

Chapter 127: Best Party Ever?! Weed And Danger Lurking!
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Chapter 127: Best Party Ever?! Weed And Danger Lurking!

In the New Leaf plain, a hero was claiming to have…weed?!

"Well, it's not really weed per se. But you can definitely smoke it, and it will make you as mellow as a marshmallow! So, anyone wants some?"

Many crowded around him, but suddenly the crowd parted ways as the Demon King walked forward, his face as stern as an old school catholic nun! He sized the man up: alchemical satchel, the sweet scent of potions with a hint of bitterness, and a kind face.

"You've been learning alchemy with the Old Lady?"

"Y-yes, Sir!" He nervously replied. Did the Demon King investigate him beforehand?!

"This stuff of yours is poison, isn't it?" Jack asked while frowning.

"T-technically yes? But I swear it's very mild. It's nothing like paralyzing or hallucinatory poison!" He didn't dare to lie.

"Kid, do you know what will happen to you now?" His deep voice echoed in the tense atmosphere.

"N-no?!" He gulped loudly, his hands trembling. Would the Demon King smite him right here and then?!

"You're going to tread the path of alchemy only to realize it takes an eternity to gather materials and to raise your proficiency. Will you give up?"

"No Sir!" He answered with conviction. So what if it was hard?!

"I see. Say, kid. Do you want a job? Infinite materials, free reign on experimentation, and having your name resound through Infinite as the greatest alchemist! What do you say?" Jack whispered temptingly.

The man listened to his words, with his expression becoming more and more infatuated. This sounded so damn nice: it was a direct path to glory! His whole body was now shaking with barely containable excitement.

"I'll be in your care!" He bowed hurriedly.

How fucking lucky was he?! He had just wanted to get feedback on his newest creation, and he was getting the opportunity of a lifetime! He didn't realize one bit how much exploitation would ensue, but even then…who cared?!

"Now, let me try this. All of it! Even the other stuff!"

"Even the hallucinatory pills?!"

"Yep! Show me all you got."

The Weed Dealer Guy handed his new boss plenty of small pink pills. Would these tiny things have much of an effect? Jack gulped all of them while the guy was rummaging his satchel to grab a large bong.

"Here you— Where are the pills I just gave you?!"

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"In my stomach?"

"That was a dose for freaking 12 people!" The man was freaking out.


"Oh no!"

Oh crap! How was he so quick to swallow dubious drugs?! What kind of junkie was he?! Was he gonna get mad at him?!

That's when Jack saw the whole world spin before his eyes while his sight filled with so many colors. The bonfires began glowing so much that it was blinding. He was even seeing double.

There were two Moon Moon! How nice! Jack slowly approached to pet it, only to meet air. But after a few tries, he did manage to pet the soft orange fur of his partner.

"Woo?" (Confused)

"Don't worry about it. It's those pills. They make you feel like you're floating." Jack said with a smile, not mad in the least.

"Woo?!" (Floating?! Interested!)

"Eh, why not. Give some to my guardian beast too!" Jack grandly declared. He was going all-party mode.

In his past life, he would have never done something like that. He had been so stuck on reaching the top that he had kept struggling non-stop, even when it barely gave any result. Back then, he was still fucked up from losing her.

In this life, he would make sure to reach the top, protect her and enjoy the hell out of this crazy ride! Soon a human and a wolf could be seen taking deep breaths from a bong and popping pills.

"Woo!" (Triumphant!)

The little one was howling in surprise as it felt its paws be so damn light. It happily ran all over, feeling so alive! Moon Moon was literally a party animal, howling continuously!

"Pfft— what's with that wolf?!"

"What the hell's in those pills!"

"No idea, but I'm trying them for sure!"

The players chuckled, watching the two have fun. They looked so damn silly! But whatever, this was a party!

But as this all happened, evil was creeping in the shadows. Right now, the Demon King had trouble walking: this was the perfect assassination opportunity! They watched intently, preparing to strike.

Jack was blissfully unaware of this and was planning the knife game. He had his hand held out as Bubblegum expertly wielding a knife, planting it between each finger in succession, going faster and faster.

"Wow! I can see a dozen of blades right now!" He commented in his stupor, prompting her to chuckle.

"You're so wasted! Are you sure you should have taken all those pills?" On the side, Moon Moon had its eyes bulging while looking at everything going on.

"What does it matter? This is a game anyway. It's not like it will leave any sequelae, haha."

"So carefree! Guess I'll have to protect you in the off-chance someone tries to attack you. Most of the Mighty Wolves are drunk too." She sighed.

"Oh? A mighty and beautiful heroine coming to my rescue? That does sound tempting. Can I request a princess carry while you fend off hordes of enemies?" He teased her.

"Pfft— I'm an assassin, an assassin!"

"Oh? Great, you didn't say no, haha." He chuckled.

She turned red a bit. How could a man so powerful be such a fool! But she suddenly jerked up in shock, moving toward Jack's back to defend him.

A man sneakily approached, stumbling his way over, seemingly drunk. But she could feel that he was faking it as his eyes were too focused for him to be intoxicated!

"Who are you, and what do you want?" She growled at him.

As he heard her, he smiled as he disregarded his previous act. His demeanor went from wasted to showing overwhelming confidence. This was even more striking as he was gearless and obviously low level.

His gaze was calm and scheming as he meaningfully glanced at Jack.

"The Demon King of Infinite! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Daemon Flint" He politely introduced himself, even doing a slight bow.

What was this guy doing here?! Seraphine sucked in a cold breath. This was a name she knew! Judging by the man's aura, he was the real deal too!

The Demon King stared at the Daemon Flint Newcomer with amazing poise, emitting a menacing aura. He was totally nailing his OP leader show of power!

"So you've heard of me? I sure am becoming famous, aren't I!" Jack declared, looking so damn powerful.

But instead of being intimidated, the new guy just uttered small:

"Eh…I'm actually here, not there." How freaking high was the guy?! He was at a loss, seeing the Demon King glaring at empty air.

Bubblegum could only face-palm on the side. What was he even trying to accomplish by posing so much?! He was completely wasted! She added a few words for Jack's sake.

"If I'm not mistaken, this guy is from Pandemonium, one of the top raiding guilds in World of Much War and Little Craft. He's one of their official diplomats. I didn't know they were interested in Infinite, but it does make sense."

They weren't dumb and knew that this game had the potential to become an incredible success. They would at least send a few people to investigate.

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But even hearing about his affiliation, Jack just shrugged:

"Meh, whether he's from Pandemonium or Pandemo-gone, it doesn't change much to me. Are you here to party? Yes or no? That's all that's important!"

The man twitched hearing this.

"Party? No. I'm here to warn you. There are plenty of players preparing to attack you. This is normal seeing your current state. You should run while you still can." He advised.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jack raised a brow in confusion.

"It's a token of good faith. My guild may be interested in recruiting you. I think you'd fit right in. After all we—"

"Don't care, not interested. Look, you can send me a mail at [email protected] if you want to join D.L. But just know that our requirements are pretty stringent." Jack uttered, serious.

"Pfft— You even have a mail for that?!" Bubblegum chuckled.

She wasn't sure if Jack even knew about Pandemonium or their glorious reputation. Stringent requirements? She had just seen him invite a random chicken tamer and some wannabe drug dealer too!

The Daemon Flint guy wouldn't take this lying down:

"Are you fucking crazy?! It's Pandemonium I'm talking about! We have decades of history! Do you freaking think we'll just give it all up that easily?!"

"Naw, it's fine anyway. Shoo— shoo, go away then. I'm not interested in joining your shitty guild." Jack waved the guy away as if an annoying pest.

The guy looked mad for a second but then harrumphed and left with big strides. Bubblegum watched him leave half-amused half-worried.

"You should have at least feigned some civility even if you weren't interested. Pandemonium is a pretty strong guild." She whispered while frowning her gentle brows.

Seeing this, Jack petted her pink head softly with her jerking up in surprise, but she didn't move away.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. No matter how many pro-guilds come, I will always remain. I don't care about the arrogant bastards. So what if they are legends in other games? This is Infinite. In here, I will reign supreme."

She gasped in shock, seeing the confidence he was emitting. Somehow she was sure that his intoxicated state didn't have anything to do with it.

"Then, what about the danger he warned us about?"

"What about it?"

His smile was so relaxed and contagious. She felt at peace just looking at it. But a second later, she got reminded of their predicament as she got ready for combat.

A few dozen players were making their way over with their weapons out-. Could Jack even fight?! Oh god…


[A/N] Longer chapter.. Rest is coming later ^_^v how is the party so far? I swear, nothing is better than drugs and alcohol without health consequences. VR FTW, haha! ??