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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 499: Choices (2)
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The next set of choices were tough to make for Max.

Instead of 5 class specific choices for getting SSS rating, he got six of them this time around for getting SSS+

While this was a good thing overall as having an extra choice was always welcome, but it also added the difficulty of making the final choice since all six options had their own merits and demerits.

The move that Max was fine with eliminating was Viel of desolation. It was the best sounding move on paper, but it's practicality was limited.

Morale was an intangible thing and he had first hand experienced how important of a role it could play in a war.

While it sounded powerful that a move could make the enemy morale low and may lead to them breaking ranks, Max got the feeling that this would most likely apply for weaker tier0 - tier2 troops mainly while not affecting the really well trained troops who would not crumple under morale restrictions.

Ofcourse it was a cool move to have with a specific application, it wasn't an absolute guarantee which was why Max chose to give it a pass.

Rise Of The Horde was a move that Max did not want to pass on.

The sheer idea that he could raise the fallen as his own sort of undead in battle gave him the chills.

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He could already imagine the sudden change in the tide of battle that it would bring when somehow he was able to re-introduce 100-150k dead soldiers back to the battlefield, raising a horde that would completely overwhelm whatever the enemy lines were holding against within moments.

Despite the passive nature of activation and the high mana cost, It was a ' MUST HAVE ' move, but Max was slightly hesitant about choosing it knowing full well that it was one of Angakok's skills.

He was the shaman god's chosen and was training by his side daily. If he wanted to learn one of his signature moves he could always request Angakok to teach it to him and while it was not a guarantee that Angakok would oblige, there was a fair chance that he might do so.

That being the only reason, Max chose to pass on it for the moment.

Another move that Max chose to pass up on after much regret was heart of storm.

Personally, he was all for such an AOE move that would literally create a tornado of wind and thunder with him at its centre as it would not only lift enemy soldiers up from their feet but also pelt them with constant lightning once they are lifted off their feet and this carnage would go on for several minutes wiping all enemies within a certain region.

The only reason why Max chose to pass on such a broken ability that he desperately needed was because it came with the restriction that he could not move once he triggered the start of the spell.

Not moving would expose him to many potential risks and should there be a tier 5 or higher opponent in the vicinity who could lock onto him despite the storm, he would become unable to dodge it considering his movement would be impaired.

Since the move had a lot of drawbacks alongside advantages, Max chose to pass on it.

This meant that the choice he needed to make now was choosing two moves between Elemental Convergence, Sanctuary Of Serenity and Elemental Conclave.

He knew he could not pass on Elemental Convergence. The very thought of combining two different elemental moves of varying damage to create a third unstable move with even more damage was something that opened the door to creating a lot of creativity and allowed Max to express all the abilities under his belt in a much better way.

It was a broken skill through and through, one that could supplement all his other attack moves perfectly, which was why Max knew he had to select it.

Having chosen Elemental Convergence, the choice was only left between Sanctuary Of Serenity and Elemental Conclave.

Both moves had its merits, and Max was quite aware of the sanctuary of serenity move in general as it was one of the core moves of the believers of the goddess Beniogre.

If he had that move under his belt, he would not need a capable healer for his army and could fulfil that role himself.

But the reason to choose it was also the reason that Max decided to pass on it.

If he had a capable healer for his army, there was no need to select such a move and a capable healer for his army could always be found.

Now was not the time to play healer when he sorely lacked offensive capabilities for which Elemental Conclave was the best option.

Hence making up his decision, Max chose the final skill option as Elemental Conclave fully completing his tier5 promotion.


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( Meanwhile Sebastian )

Sebastian was currently on a desolate corner of the wet planet ruled by the BloodFall clan, in an area where there was no civilization for hundreds of kilometres.

There he was trying out his newfound abilities from the necromancer's ring as he was having his fun summoning thousands and thousands of undead soldiers who were marching to his every order.

" Hahaha! I can summon 100,000 tier3 undead soldiers! I am a commander now! " Sebastian said as his laughter echoed in the empty plains.

" Hahaha, I can summon undead golems too! Just look at these 30 meter tall damage soaking machine's! Looks like I have my own version of Max's Giant Summoning " Sebastian said as he hugged the legs of his golem, but ended up looking like he was attempting to hug a wall.

" Hahaha, I can summon headless durahal riders "

" I can summon 25,000 archers "

" I can summon 10,000 mages "

" I can summon 15 liches which can raise undead of its own! "

" I've become a one man army! "


/// A/N - All choices have been made, cheers guys, thanks for voting ///