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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 376: Blowing apart enemy defences
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Max watched patiently as his fireblast reduced a helpless tier1 soldier to ashes.

He was not even exerting 1% of his true strength at the moment, as he was waiting for the corresponding Military authorities to arrive before taking action.

Unlike popular belief tainted by war movies which showed wars as a constant state of intense fighting where each fighter needed to give their 100% to survive, a war was actually much more like a marathon.

One needed to fight continuously for long hours and had to consider the pace at which they were burning themselves out.

Special attacks needed to be used at special occasions only, as more often than not an attack on cooldown could be the difference between life or death.

Since there was no worthy opponent who had responded to the emergency call and appeared on the frontlines yet, Max decided to be pretty chill and conserve his energy.

Currently, his men had successfully subdued all enemy forces within the docking bay area and were rapidly moving towards housing district 13.

The initial goal was to cross housing districts 13 and 11 to reach the mage tower capable of dealing serious ground to air damage and disable it before the other ships could enter.

As Max surveyed his surroundings in district 13 he could finally see why there was no rush by the enemy forces to restrain them at the docking bay as they had created really well established defensive positions all around the housing districts in anticipation of the war.

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At a distance of every 4-5 houses, there was an Archer duo standing ready on the terrace with a small cover from return fire, dealing aerial damage to rebel forces.

On the ground, they had placed wooden pikes, stemming from holes in the ground and bags of sand to create strong defensive positions.

Should they eventually be in a desperate need to retreat, they had planted explosives at necessary intervals to create a channel for retreat.

It was a perfect defensive encampment of sorts, which the rebel army was sure to face trouble with.

Max noticed how one of his advance units at the very front got slaughtered within seconds as they tried to approach a roadblock manned by 15 enemy soldiers.

The unit consisting of 50 rebel soldiers lost 5 men to Archer shots and 10 via the ground troops attacks, even before they could reach the defensive blockades.

In the short fight that lasted 3 minutes, all 50 of them got butchered without a single death on the enemy side.

Max sighed, this war was going to be much harder than he had anticipated as the preparations on the Kingsman side were really thorough.

" Sir- Should we let the tier4 warriors take charge now? I don't think we can afford to loose too many men to sniff out their hidden cards " Abu asked Max as he nodded.

" There are 7 major roads leading into district 13, divide the tier4 warriors evenly amongst six paths, I'll personally lead the seventh " Max said as he began compressing an inferno spell as he jogged towards the enemy roadblock.

" Easy men, follow me " Max said as he gave a boost of confidence to the units who were reluctant to approach as under his lead they marched on boldly, having faith that the captain will create an opening for them.



Max practically did not even move as he dodged the weak Archer shots with no problems at all, before launching the compressed Inferno spell from point blank range.


A loud flickery sound of fire could be heard city wide as Max wiped out 3 enemy roadblocks at once with a single attack, clearing the entire street for up to 200 metres ahead.

At Least a 100 Kingsman soldiers lost their lives under this blast, but the loss of morale was even more severe as they could not believe their eyes at the ease at which the enemy blew apart their defences.

The rebel forces cheered as they charged through the opening rapidly, while butchering the poor archers on the rooftop who had nowhere left to run.

A similar situation enveloped the entire 7 entrances of district 13 as a clear message was sent to the Kingsman army, that if they wished to hold onto their encampments and draw out a fight, they needed to start sending out their best tier4 warriors to the front.

As unless they did so, their petty tricks would prove useless in stopping the advance of the rebel army.

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( Meanwhile Roy and Farid )

Under the blaring alarms, the royal guards all flocked towards Roy Kingsman and provided ultimate security to him in fears of an enemy assassin trying to sneak in and kill him, as Farid entered his chambers to seek an audience.

" How did this happen? Why was no airstrike triggered? How can they land undetected to our soil? " Roy asked Farid with an aghast expression as the commander general of the Kingsman army felt ashamed of himself for letting this situation develop as such.

" They have hijacked the Grey merchant ships, and sneaked in as cargo- , w-we were caught off-guard" Farid confessed as Roy seemed to be delving into hysteria as he feared an imminent threat to his life.

Roy's eyes widened as he clutched the corners of his bed tightly while biting the bedsheet.

" Don't worry nephew, this is what we exactly wanted. The enemy only has 250,000 troops, while we have 500,000.

We have great confidence in winning this war, we have prepared well for it, after today this problem will be solved for once and for all " Farid said as he tried to calm Roy down.

" Bring me his head uncle…. " Roy said as he looked into Farid's eyes with a hint of madness, giving chills to the veteran.

" I will, my lord " Farid said as he put on his metal helmet and walked out of the room ready for war.


/// A/N - Chapter 18/20, I'm on a roll today! ///