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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 375: It begins
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The person leading the first entourage of 250,000 soldiers was Max as Captain Ravan.

He was going in first alongside Anna and Sebastian, whereas the clone and Asiva were to enter the planet alongside the remaining 150,000 soldiers and the destroyer battleships.

The initial plan was simple, upon landing the first priority was to gain ground for about two blocks as to deactivate all the air defences in those areas and destroy the mage tower built near the ship docking area.

Once these targets were destroyed, the rest of the ships would be able to land with relative ease and the war could begin at full swing.

Max, who was sitting in a small merchant ship with about 2000 troops, Anna and Sebastian fiddled with his Green Winged Angel pendant as he prayed to Hazriel in his head.

To Max, Hazriel was the only god worth believing in as he had first-hand experienced how noble and kind hearted she was.

" Captain, we shall arrive inside Dombivli in 3 minutes, we are beginning atmospheric descent now " The merchant pilot responsible for the ship's transportation reported as Max buckled up for a bumpy descent.

Unlike the destroyer ships which were unaffected by atmospheric turbulence, the merchant ships were quite pitiful.

They rocked around violently and often faced the risk of entering a spinning spiralling motion having to depend completely on the skill of the pilot to prevent such situations from arising.

Thankfully, Christian Grey's pilots were sufficiently experienced and landed all 120 ships on the dombivili docking port with relative ease.

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Once the ships reached land, cooling gas was released quickly to reduce the scorching hot temperature of the ships exteriors before the load flap was finally opened.

Only when they landed safely and Max scanned the area to make sure there was no immediate ambush in place did he release a big sigh and smile.

This plan was extremely risky, and had Christian turned out to be a turncoat playing a double game, all Max could do to survive was to use the teleportation stone on Sebastian to exit the planet alongside Anna.

Thankfully, it did not come to that and Christian did not double cross him.

' Christian you bastard, you actually came through ' Max thought as he could feel the hot blood pumping strongly in his veins, urging him to give in to the bloodlust.

" Men, this is it…. Time to take what's ours, let's go! " Max said with conviction as he gripped his Runic Bone staff and charged outside the ship ready for war!




The rebel forces shouted as they charged out of their ships and flooded the docking area, taking the nominal security forces present by storm as a conflict suddenly erupted.

The Kingsman forces who had grown accustomed to Christian Grey's ships never imagined that it would be a Trojan horse harbouring rebel forces, they looked aghast as they tried to retreat and flee for their lives, but were mercilessly slaughtered by the rebel forces.

Two minutes later, city wide alarms began blaring as a mandatory curfew was announced and military officials started to mobilise to the streets.

An atmosphere of panic and horror ensued as the message was quickly spread.

' Captain Ravan had arrived with his forces….. '


( Meanwhile Benedict )

Benedict was peacefully eating lunch inside the motel, thinking how the vampires had no understanding of how much salt in food was too much salt when he heard the blaring alarms.

Benedict raised an eyebrow, he had not even been to the city for 2 full days and the rebels had already attacked?

This was much faster than he had ever anticipated!

Benedict looked at the aghast face of the motel owner who began scrambling to take down his expensive cutlery from the display to safety as he requested Benedict to return to his room at once.

Benedict chuckled as he paid for his meal, before calmly walking out of the motel door in a clear violation of the curfew laws.

" Sir you cannot do this, the military will arrest or kill you …. " The motel owner warned Benedict, but the man believed himself to be the main character of a revenge novel and did not pay any heed to the motel owner's advice.

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" Shut-up, go tend to your cutlery " Benedict said coldly as he began sprinting towards the docking area from where he could see smoke rising and loud noise incoming.

He had not even sprinted for a full hundred metres when a passing military squadron noticed him running on the streets and redirected their attention to him.

" IT'S A HUMAN, KILL HIM! " The Kingsman vampires concluded within seconds as Benedict felt aghast as to why he was not even given a chance to speak.

5 attack spells landed at the location he was standing, as he had to perform 3 backflips to avoid getting hit by the blast.

" I'm with you-, I'm with you, I just wanna help " Benedict scrambled to explain, as in his mind this was not how things were supposed to play out

He was supposed to become a hero of the Kingsman clan after killing Max, He was supposed to be hailed by the military and not chased by them, however, the reality of the situation was quite different from his imagination.

" Don't trust humans, they are a lying species! He looks ugly and has the face of a liar! I absolutely do not trust him! Kill him! " The vampire captain said to his squad as he absolutely did not fall for Benedict's words.

Benedict did not understand whether to laugh or to cry, as instead of reaching the docking area where the war was ongoing he was forced to run away from the site of war as he was hotly being pursued by a vampire unit.

Soon, his pursuers increased from one unit to three as his situation turned truly pitiful.

Even before getting a glance of Max, he had to expend half his stamina bar and a quarter of his mana bar, just to try and stay alive in a hostile city.


A/N - Chapter 17/40, a new day ///