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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 336: Unexpected Rewards
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" MY LORD … MY LORD PLEASE WAKE UP " The servant said as he banged on Roy Kingsman's door.

Roy, who had just slept after a short session with one of the maids, woke up groggily as he searched for his pants.

" MY LORD….. MY LORD " The servant kept banging as the irritated Roy shouted " I'M AWAKE YOU IDIOT, STOP BANGING"

Roy cursed under his breath, ever since the rebels were after his kingdom he rarely has a good night's sleep.

" What is it? " He asked, irritated as he opened the door as he looked at the aghast face of the servant and his brother, realising something was seriously wrong.

" Ravan captured Geonmi " Keane Kingsman said as Roy felt like the world was spinning under his feet.

" B-but he just captured the Paratus capital, how is it possible to launch another offensive so fast? " Roy was unable to wrap his head around this situation as only a few hours ago he had heard the news about the fall of one planet.

" Nobody was expecting it, he outclassed us twice in a single day, we have already put the other two planets on high alert, but it's safe to say we won't be getting any more cheap iron for the time being " Keane said as he closed his eyes tight as if in deep pain.

" What about the dwarven shipment? That deal was worth 6 billion gold coins, we have promised to deliver them iron in exchange for state of the art air defence systems.

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We were going to load our entire stock accumulated over the last 10 years for the deal, but the planet fell into enemy hands just like that? " Roy asked as his heart skipped a beat.

The shipment was about to depart for the dwarven city of Dwargon in 2 days time, yet at such a critical juncture Ravan captured the planet.

" What dogshit luck was I born with? How did he do it? Do we have a leak within our ranks? " Roy questioned his fate and the loyalty of his council. In his mind he was convinced that someone was controlling the scenes from the shadows and viewed the Kingsman clan as their enemy.


( Meanwhile Max )

Max read the report regarding the iron vaults being ordered to load an enormous shipment of steel bound for Dwargon, in a deal whose market value was approximately 6 billion gold coins.

It was the reserves the planet had accumulated over the last decade under Will Kingsman and Cole Paratus, however, now it all fell into Max's hands.

Although Max was not privy to the information behind the exact transaction of the deal, what he did know was that Dwargon was interested in steel and since he had a lot of it, he could negotiate a deal for himself.

Max sent an attendant to fetch Sebastian as he waited patiently in what used to be Roven's office, since the Kingsman clan were not going to be able to keep up their end of the deal, Max wanted to send Sebastian as an ambassador to Dwargon and see if he could strike a deal.

The moment Sebastian entered the room, he threw his hands up in the air as he said " You were right, we barely lost 10 thousand soldiers and conquered another planet, if we had delayed the attack we might have lost much more.

Your judgement was better than mine "

Sebastian admitted his mistake in questioning Max's line of thought, it was clear that Max was a natural born commander who was well suited for this job.

Max smiled listening to this comment, getting validated by male friends was a different sort of satisfaction.

" Im sending you as my ambassador to Dwargon, we have lots of steel they want, negotiate me the best deal, I give you full authority" Max said as he explained the full situation in a few short sentences.

Sebastian lacked context to understand what Max was saying, but after reading the documents that Max handed over to him everything made sense as he nodded his head and said " I'll see what I can do "

Dwargon was about 36 hours of flight in normal spacecraft, which is why the best route to reach the city was to go to Zandar and then teleport to Dwargon.

Putting his fatigue aside, Sebastian slapped his cheeks and gave Max a confident smile as he departed for Dwargon at once.


( Meanwhile the newspapers )

[ Breaking news, breaking news - The rising star captain Ravan after leaving the army has captured two of the Kingsman controlled planets in a single day!

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Asiva Paratus has reinstated her family flag over the Paratus capital, the murder of Cole Paratus has been avenged! ]

The shocking piece of news shook the entire vampire community as once again Max's military prowess was under full display.

In a single day in two short battles he had conquered two enemy planets.

" Ravan is unstoppable, he will become a Lord sooner or later and his clan will rise through the ranks very quick"

" I'm a mercenary who is thirsty for war. If I have a leader like Ravan leading me into the battlefield, I feel like I'll be able to live my finest life, I'm definitely following him into battle and joining his army! "

" The Kingsman idiots have no chance against Ravan, that guy defeated a barbarian stronghold alone, ain't no way the Kingsman winning against him "

" I think Ravan is acting too rashly, even if his gambles pay off 100 times, if he makes a single mistake he will lose everything, my money is on the Kingsmen, they will weather through this storm "

" The Kingsman are going to definitely retaliate, trade and commerce will be affected and prices of local commodities will skyrocket.

If anyone reading this is in Dombivli, stock up on food and resources now "

" Ravan is a lucky bastard, nothing more "

" It's funny how tier 3 children are being hailed as heroes now, in my times we worshipped men like King Regus Aurelius, now that's a true vampire "

" You are just salty that you are not 1/1000000000 th the man Ravan is "

A war of words erupted as netizens once against fervently discussed the exploits of the infamous Captain Ravan.