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Love or Die CEO’s Daily Dose of Swoon

Love or Die CEO’s Daily Dose of Swoon Chapter 196
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Chapter 196 

Sweetheart, like so many others, had a misconception about Greenmeadow International School. 

She thought it was just a playground for rich kids, a place to snag a diploma before jetting off to sfancy college abroad. They probably had terrible grades. 

And then there was Cordelia–acting in plays, gaming all night–surely, that was a recipe for wasted time. 

If she were any good at her studies, she wouldn’t be caught up in all that. 

Sweetheart was convinced that Cordelia’s grades must be tanking, so she really laid into her, “Okay, the game’s fun and all, but logging in every single night from nine to eleven? That’s a bit much, don’t ya think? Your mom doesn’t keep an eye on you or something? 

And with the SATS right around the corner, everyone’s burning the midnight oil, but here you are, gaming. It’s not a good look. 

Look, I know I’m being blunt, and maybe it’s not my place, but as a streamer, I’ve got to set a good example. It might not winany popularity contests, but someone’s gotta say it–school matters!” 

Her words carried the weight of moral righteousness. 

Cordelia, on the receiving end, was taken aback. Her eyes widened just a fraction before she composed herself, corners of her mouth lifting into a faint smile. Then, without saying a word, she just walked away. She had no interest in explaining herself to a stranger. 

After she left the hotel, she had the Delaney family’s driver drop Everard hfirst. On the way, Everard chuckled, “So, girl, how did I do tonight?” 

Cordelia, who had been burying her nose in books, replied nonchalantly. “Not bad! 

Everard was speechless at her attitude. 

After dropping Everard at Midnight Scent, on her ride home, Cordelia’s phone pinged with a notification. 

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It was a friend request from someone in the Pioneers Group. She never turned down requests from that circle. 

After accepting, the message cthrough 

Gamer said, [Lia, hey, it’s Floyd.] 

Floyd? Suddenly, it clicked. Floyd was the gamer she’d been matched with earlier. 

She texted back, [Hello.] 

Gamer said, [Cool, now we can duo whenever.] 

LearnLover replied, [Sure] 

Gamer continued. [Lia, do you know Yates?] 

LearnLover replied, [Yeah, we go to the sschool.] 

Gamer paused, the typing indicator blinking on and off for what felt like ages before he finally messaged: [Is he doing okay?] 

Cordelia stared at the screen, unsure how to respond. 

Yates seemed fine–limbs intact, healthy as a horse, glued to his phone and gaming. What was there to worry about? 

As she pondered, another message popped up: [If he’s got any trouble, can you tell me?] 

Cordelia was confused. What kind of trouble could Yates be in

She was still deliberating when yet another message arrived: I just want to help him] 

Thinking of Yates‘ demeanor earlier that day and Floyd’s concerned tone, she sensed Floyd might have wronged Yates in some 


She replied, I can’t do that. It’s Yates‘ business. If he gives the okay, I’ll let you know I 

Gamer said. [Alright] 

She couldn’t breach Yates privacy without more context. Still, Cordelia couldn’t help but be curious. 


13 16 

Chapter 196 

So, back home, the first thing she did was ask Merry, “Do you know what’s up between Little Fland the Demon King?” 

After a moment of confusion, Merry spilled “Well, I know sof it. I think it was five years ago. Yates met someone gaming. not sure how. They were thick as thieves, then had a falling out, and later becthe notorious duo in the gaming scene. Yates even said he finally had a brother in this world. But a year after, he stopped talking about him, like they had a rift. He got real quiet then, hardly spoke a word until he met you. Since then, he’s opened up a bit.” 

One couldn’t blSweetheart for her assumptions. With Merry’s tale, she conjured a whole drama of love and betrayal. 

Merry warned, “But don’t bring it up. FlNo.1 mentioned it once and got a beating from Yates. It was rough.” 

Following Cordelia’s lead, Merry had started using nicknames too. 

Cordelia just nodded. 

They went upstairs to study, and the night passed in silence. 

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The next morning, Cordelia and Merry headed to school, only to find Yates with his hair dyed red, awkwardly standing at the 


Seeing them, he straightened up and fell into step beside Cordelia. 

He coughed, asking. “Lia, how do you know him?” 

Cordelia: “Hmm? Who?” Hmm? Who? 

Yates: “Floyd.” 

Cordelia: Just through gaming.” 

Yates let out a “huh” and seemed a touch forlorn. Just as the group was about to go their separate ways, Cordelia suddenly. halted in her tracks. “He textedyesterday, askedto keep him updated on your situation, said he wanted to help you. Should I tell him?” 

Yates‘ expression ignited with fervor at her words. 

Fire flashed in his eyes, and he glared fiercely. “Don’t you dare. I have nothing to do with him!” 

Cordelia: Okay.” 

With that, Yates stormed off, his anger trailing behind him like a storm cloud. 

Cordelia and Merry exchanged a look, both choosing to remain silent. 

Back in the classroom, while Cordelia was absorbed in a book, Merry suddenly cursed under her breath. She spun around, her anger palpable. “Lia, that Sweetheart is just revolting! She’s flaunting her fancy education background today!” 

After her outburst, she showed Cordelia the post. 

Sweetheart’s background had been exposed. It turned out she was a senior at a prestigious university in Ontoky City, and she was on social media urging everyone to hit the books hard

She didn’t single anyone out, but her followers were quick to tag Cordelia in the comments. 

–“As a high school senior, you really should be buried in your studies, not video games. Maybe if you really apply yourself, you could end up at a university in Ontoky City, bump into our Sweetheart! @Cordelia” 

–“Even though I feel Sweetheart is pretentious, she’s got a point. You gotta study hard. Having money at hdoesn’t mean you should take shortcuts. @Cordelia”