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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2672
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Southern King reckoned Speedy would be much safer with this kind of arrangement.

No matter how capable the Centurias were, he thought that they would not dare harm the rent collector.

Southern King was just done with the foreplay and was prepared to bed his lover when a knock sounded on the


Furious that he was interrupted, he barked, “Who is it? You should know not to bother me if it's nothing important!”

There's nothing I hate more than to be disturbed at such a time. Besides, didn't I instruct my subordinates to not

bother me unless it was something very important?

The person on the other side of the door replied, “Southern Master, I do have something very urgent to report to


Southern King glanced at the woman in his arms before saying, “Go look for my deputy if there's anything, and he

will report back to me.”

To that, the person said, “I've already met with the deputy, Southern Master. He's the one who asked me to come

and inform you of this as soon as possible.”


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Finally realizing the gravity of the matter, Southern King inquired, “So, what is it that you want to report to me


“It... it has something to do with Speedy,” came the reply.

Huh? Could it be that Speedy's in trouble? He's the only son I have left. What am I going to do with my life if

something happened to him?

Ignoring the woman in his arms, Southern King got dressed and said, “Okay. I'll deal with it right away.”

Reluctant to part with him, the woman whined, “What about me, Southern Master? I'm... I'm so hot for you right

now. So please, just f*ck me. F*ck me hard...”

Southern King gave her tight rump a slap and said, “You saucy little minx! Wait here for me. I'll give it to you all you

want when I get back.”

After straightening his clothes, he headed out of the room.

The guard who came to give his report hurried over. “Southern Master, he's already waiting for you at the palace,

so please make haste there at once.”

While walking in the direction of the palace, Southern King asked, “Tell me what happened to Speedy. What is it that

made you all so anxious like this?”

Naturally, the guard dared not mention Speedy's death, for he knew there was a high chance that Southern King

might slap him to death in a fit of rage.

He mumbled, “I'm not too sure about the details, so let's just head over to the palace to learn more about the


An ominous feeling surged within Southern King at that. He scrutinized the guard's expression and realized that the

situation might be worse than he thought.

He quickened his pace and soon arrived at the palace.

The place was jam-packed with people. Apart from the guards lining up at the side, the elders were also present.

Normally, such a scene would only happen whenever there was a meeting of utmost importance being held.

Southern King looked toward the group of elders, asking, “What the hell is going on?”

The elders trained their gazes on the commander. “I think it's best to let the commander tell you about it.”

The commander fell to his knees and said cautiously, “Southern Master, earlier... the rent collector of the Northern

Faction, Johnny Rowaz, requested to see you.”

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Surprised, Southern King asked, “What is their rent collector doing here in the Southern Faction?”

Even if the Northern Faction wanted to initiate contact with the Southern Faction, they should have sent envoys

instead of the rent collector. After all, the rent collector always deals with the Centurias. In theory, it is disrespectful

to send a rent collector to deliver a piece of news.

The commander elucidated, “He even brought something for you...”

He brought me something? What is it?

Having his curiosity piqued, Southern King quizzed, “Why are you all being so mysterious? Just get the rent collector

from the Northern Faction here to see me.”

“Of course.”

The commander then turned toward the entrance and called out, “Come on in!”

Upon that command, in walked Johnny in a gingerly fashion. He got to his knees in front of Southern King and

greeted, “I, Johnny Rowaz, the rent collector of the Northern Faction, offer my sincerest greeting to you, Southern


In response, Southern King asked, “I heard you brought me something?”

Johnny nodded. “I did, Southern Master.”

After saying that, he placed the bag he had brought on the ground.