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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2653
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“I... Don't you have anything you want to say to me?” Phoenix demanded angrily.

Zeke glanced at her curiously. “What should I say to you?”

“That sentence that men often say to women,” she replied, her face reddening.

He was struck with sudden realization. “Men and women shouldn't get too close to each other. Please leave. I'm

going to sleep now.”

“Go to hell!” she yelled furiously before spinning on her heel and storming off.

As she walked out, she did not forget to kick the door hard to vent her anger.

Zeke smiled bitterly. How could I not understand what Phoenix meant? However, everyone else pales in comparison

to Lacey. Having seen Lacey's beauty for myself, how could any other ordinary woman ever catch my eye?

A sad look crossed his face as he picked up Lacey's handkerchief and the strand of hair the beggar had left behind.

“Oh, Lacey. Why did you stop appearing in my dreams? Also, Mr. Old Beggar, would it kill you to release a glimmer

of consciousness from the parallel universe again? Why hasn't anything happened for so long?”

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The center of Theos Island was a remote, mountainous area blanketed with trees. No one ventured there. The

forest was dense, and there were many wild animals.

Since the place was practically untouched by humans, the vegetation and beasts in the area were two to three

times bigger than the average size of those of the same species. The animals were also much more ferocious.

At that moment, somewhere in the primeval forest, an elderly man and a fierce tiger were entangled in an intense


The tiger was as large as an ox, covered in wiry fur that was as hard as steel nails. It knocked the trees down and

trampled over the grass wherever it rampaged, and its tremendous roar shook the ground.

Its opponent was an elderly man in his fifties. He had greying hair, and his clothes were in tatters. Bloody wounds

covered his entire body, especially his back, which had a deep gash running down his entire spine. It was a

terrifying sight to behold.

However, even though the elderly man was seriously injured, he seemed to have no fear and fought even more


Meanwhile, in one corner of the battlefield sat two men—one older and one younger.

They watched the fight with great interest and showed no intention of interfering. Occasionally, they would cheer

when impressed by a particular move.

A bonfire was burning in front of them, and they were roasting a chicken Killer Wolf had specially prepared over the

fire. Although not fully cooked yet, its fragrance wafted in the air.

The younger man called out, “Hurry up and end the battle, Alfred! The chicken is almost done. If you take too long,

there might not be any left for you.”

The three men were none other than Killer Wolf, Tyler, and Alfred.

Killer Wolf and Tyler had attained Peak Class the previous day, so Alfred was the only one left.

Hence, he was using the tiger to train. His aim was to achieve Peak Class that day.

Zeke had only given the trio three days, and it was the last day already. Even if he failed, he would have to return,

and it would be tough to find another golden opportunity for him to advance to the next rank.

Alfred retorted, “You jerk! How dare you touch my food? I'll make you pay for it. Give me five more minutes. I

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guarantee I'll break through to Peak Class. Come on, little kitty. Let's make this quick. I've no time to play around

with you.”

The tiger seemed to understand what he said. Upon hearing Alfred call it “little kitty,” it flew into a rage and let out

a thunderous roar.

The roar shook the trees so hard that their leaves rustled. All the birds and beasts within a ten-mile radius fled in all

directions, frightened by the tiger's fury.

Arching its body, the tiger gathered its strength and pounced. It swiped its front claws, aiming them directly at

Alfred's head.

Killer Wolf and Tyler tensed up immediately.

It's such a vicious attack that even the two of us would have to go all out to block it!

They could not help wondering whether Alfred, who was one rank lower than them, could manage to withstand

such a blow.

Both men stared intently at the battlefield without blinking, ready to step in and help Alfred at any time.

They had a vague sense that if he survived the tiger's attack, there was a possibility he might advance straight to

the next warrior rank.