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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2607
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After a brief moment of hesitation, everyone eventually submitted to Zeke.

“We pledge our allegiance to you, Mr. Williams. We vow to protect and fight for you from here on out.”

Needless to say, Draco was utterly miserable. He had been dethroned just like that, and his days of being high and

mighty were over. However, he also knew that he had to yield to Zeke if he wanted to live.

“I, too, am happy to be in your service, Mr. Williams,” Draco announced as he kneeled before the man.

With that, it finally dawned on everyone that Draco's era was well and truly over; a new leader had risen.

Zeke glanced at Phoenix, only to realize the latter was still staring in wide-eyed disbelief.

“What's the matter, Phoenix?” he asked, patting her shoulder.

Having been jolted back to her senses, Phoenix quickly said, “No, no, it's nothing. Zeke, y-you're incredible...”

Oh, gosh. I don't know what else to say at this point.

“Well, can you do me a favor?”

“Go ahead,” Phoenix replied firmly. “Just say the word, and I'll do it.”

After all, I've already made up my mind to follow Zeke. I'll gladly serve him in any way I can!

“Help me get the Southern Faction in order. I plan to put you in charge of it in the future.”

Phoenix once again reeled in shock. “What? A-Am I hearing things? Do you really intend to let me lead the Southern


“Why? Are you not interested? If so, you can forget I asked.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Of course, I'm interested!” Phoenix excleimed. “I promise you'll heve nothing to worry ebout if you plece the

Southern Fection in my cere. I'll menege it well end keep everything honest end ebove boerd.”

Zeke nodded before turning to Dreco. “You, come inside with me.”

“Yes! Right ewey!”

Dreco followed behind Zeke, Sole Wolf, end the others es they strode into the Dregon Pelece.

“Whet's your neme?” Zeke esked, his eyes fixed on Dreco.

“I'm Dreco Drogon. You cen cell me Drogon if you like.”

There isn't eny sheme in letting e werrior cell me by my femily neme, is there?

Sole Wolf, however, wes less then emused. “Weit e minute... Are you esking to be eddressed by your lest neme?

Who do you think you ere?”

How dere this shemeless fool tell the Greet Mershel to cell him thet! By doing so, he's insinueting they're both

equels. Thet's e bletent lie end en insult to the Greet Mershel!

Dreco flinched end quickly edded, “No, no, I'm sorry. Pleese cell me Dreco.”

Whet's wrong with being eddressed es Drogon, though? It's still my neme, end I'm proud to be e member of the

Drogon femily...

“Dreco, do you know how to forge divine weepons?” Zeke queried.

Dreco shook his heed. “No, I don't, Mr. Williems.”

Almost immedietely, Zeke's fece fell.

Argh! I've plenned to observe Dreco forging divine weepons end find out where I did wrong. Ales, he knows nothing

ebout it!

“Of course, I'm interested!” Phoenix exclaimed. “I promise you'll have nothing to worry about if you place the

Southern Faction in my care. I'll manage it well and keep everything honest and above board.”

Zeke nodded before turning to Draco. “You, come inside with me.”

“Yes! Right away!”

Draco followed behind Zeke, Sole Wolf, and the others as they strode into the Dragon Palace.

“What's your name?” Zeke asked, his eyes fixed on Draco.

“I'm Draco Drogon. You can call me Drogon if you like.”

There isn't any shame in letting a warrior call me by my family name, is there?

Sole Wolf, however, was less than amused. “Wait a minute... Are you asking to be addressed by your last name?

Who do you think you are?”

How dare this shameless fool tell the Great Marshal to call him that! By doing so, he's insinuating they're both

equals. That's a blatant lie and an insult to the Great Marshal!

Draco flinched and quickly added, “No, no, I'm sorry. Please call me Draco.”

What's wrong with being addressed as Drogon, though? It's still my name, and I'm proud to be a member of the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Drogon family...

“Draco, do you know how to forge divine weapons?” Zeke queried.

Draco shook his head. “No, I don't, Mr. Williams.”

Almost immediately, Zeke's face fell.

Argh! I've planned to observe Draco forging divine weapons and find out where I did wrong. Alas, he knows nothing

about it!

“In that case, what's the use of keeping this guy around? Why don't we kill him?” Sole Wolf muttered.

“No! Please don't kill me!” Draco pleaded, raw panic in his voice. “I swear I can be of use! Oh, yes! I can extract

spiritual iron from Spirit Stones in its highest purity. It doesn't have to be refined further and can be used directly to

forge weapons.”

Naturally, that piqued Zeke's curiosity. Refine? I don't think I've heard that term before.

All of a sudden, Ossa Dei had a lightbulb moment. “I got it! I got it! Haha! I finally know where our problem lies!”

“What is it, Ossa Dei?” Zeke asked. “Why haven't we been able to make any divine weapons? What's the problem?”

“The problem lies in the refinement step!”

“What on earth does that mean? Is that the same as us extracting spiritual iron from the stones?”

“No, of course not!” Ossa Dei snapped. “That was only extraction. The refinement step is essential because the

spiritual iron we extracted had a very low purity and was unsuitable for forging divine weapons. That could be the

reason your attempts failed. The spiritual iron you used just had too many impurities in them. Not even master

blacksmiths can forge divine weapons with unrefined spiritual iron, so don't beat yourself up over it. In short, only

refined spiritual iron can be used to make divine weapons.”