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Chapter 521
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「Oh? It’s Rei this time instead of her?」

Oricule spoke as he jumped back to avoid the blade of the Death Scythe as it swung in.

Ignoring him, Rei flicked his wrist and shouted out, using it as some sort of response.

「Flying Slash-!」

A flying slash flew out from the blade of the Death Scythe.

Oricule ducked down to avoid the attack, as if he had seen it coming. However, Vosk used the opportunity to close the distance as he swung his claymore.

「This is it!」

From his crouch, Oricule tried to dodge the attack by jumping away with his explosive strength.


「Nuoh, that again!」

A blow from Evil Eye Impact.

Its power was already weak if it hit an ordinary human, hardly capable of causing any injuries. To Oricule, with his regenerative ability, it was a completely meaningless attack, incapable of hurting him.

However, it did have the great effect of hindering his actions.

His movements stopped for a moment as Vosk’s claymore came down on his head.

Oricule manage to twist his body around enough to avoid a fatal blow, but the strike still cut deeply into his left shoulder.

The reason why the 2m tall Vosk was unable to cut off Oricule’s left arm completely seemed to be due to Oricule’s blue skin, which greatly increased his defensive power.


「Get back, Rei, Vosk!」

Along with those words, Elena’s sword whip changed into whip form as it flew through the air.

Her sword whip was boosted with magic power as the tip went into the wound Vosk’s claymore had caused.


As she swung her sword whip upwards, the blades followed her motion. ……The next moment, Oricule’s left arm was separated from his shoulder as it went flying.


Elena shouted to Rei.

Instantly understanding Elena’s intention, Rei shouted at Set, who was in the direction Oricule’s arm was flying towards.

「Set, bring the arm over here!」


Set gave a sharp cry at Rei’s words and grabbed the arm with his beak before moving to Rei’s side with agile cat-like movements.

Receiving the arm from Set, Rei quickly stored it into the Misty Ring, making it impossible for Oricule to reconnect it instantly, just like his second pair of arms.

「Gigigi, how petty.」

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Oricule muttered in disgust while holding his left shoulder. The wound rapidly bubbled before disappearing completely.

Even though he glared at Rei and the others with hatred, Oricule never showed any intention to escape from this place.

Due to the influence of his transformation, his personality had become extremely belligerent and he no longer had the ability to calmly think of withdrawing.

Glaring at his attackers with eyes that seemed to have lost some intelligence, Oricule dashed forward as he swung his right arm.

The target of his fist was Vosk.

Excluding Set, Vosk was the next biggest, making him and easier target.

「Don’t joke around with me!」

Vosk must have though Oricule targeted him because he thought Vosk was the easiest one to deal with……


With the momentum behind Oricule’s fist, Vosk was knocked back along with his claymore, which he had used as a shield.

Considering the wait of the claymore, Vosk’s own weight, and the weight of the armour he was wearing, his total weight must have been over 200kg.

Oricule took a step forward to pursue Vosk, but was intercepted by Set as Elena’s sword whip also approached.

「Oh, there are just too many of you!」

With his remaining right hand, Oricule tried to grab the tip of Elena’s sword whip……or rather, the whip portion of the sword whip.


However, Elena saw through his intentions and flicked her wrist as she continued to pour magic power into her weapon.

The next moment, the tip of her sword whip wrapped around Oricule’s right hand and sent it flying.



When Rei saw the hand flying towards Set, he shouted out. Set gave a cry to indicate he understood and grabbed the hand with his beak before rushing over to Rei and flicked his tail at Oricule, who tried to lunge over and retrieve his hand.

Oricule’s actions were precisely because he knew what Rei and Set were aiming for……but unfortunately, it could only be called a reckless reaction.

「GAAAAAH! Give me back my hand!」

Oricule was knocked to the ground by Set’s tail but immediately got back up to keep chasing after rolling on the ground, brushing off his injuries, which were still healing. However, Elena stood in his way.

「Did you think I’d let you go? Vosk, how long do you plan to laze around!」

「I know!」

Vosk had been knocked back along with his claymore, but he hadn’t taken any significant injuries as he moved with Elena to pincer Oricule.

Even Oricule understood now that it would be fatal to make any careless moves in this situation as he glared sharply at the two people in front of him and behind him with his three eyes.

Seeing that, Rei received Oricule’s hand from Set before storing it into the Misty Ring.

(If we cut off all his limbs and store them into the Misty Ring……no, that’s no good. As long as his body is still alive, I can’t store it into the Misty Ring. Given time, he will also eventually recover……eventually. Is there no choice but to blow him apart in one go so he can’t regenerate at all?)

As Rei thought to himself, he noticed footsteps approaching.

Looking over, he saw Vihera.

In her hands, she was holding the pouch of gems that Byune had taken from Pree.

There seemed to be more gems in the pouch than before, probably due to the addition of the gems froim Pree’s rings bracelets, anklets, and hair accessories.

However, Rei’s gaze was drawn towards the two gems in her hand that wasn’t holding the pouch.

Rei spoke after seeing th orange red and light blue gems.

「Are you sure?」

Vihera knew what Rei wanted to say without him needing to say anymore.

Vihera glanced at Byune, who was watching them from a distance. They nodded at each other slightly when their gazes met.

Turning back to Rei, Vihera spoke.

「Yes. She wants to destroy these gems and release them.」

「……I see.」

A 10 year old girl deciding to destroy the gems her parents had been sacrficed to create.

He could only imagine the willpower required to make that decision as Rei closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again as he made up his mind.

「Alright, let’s do it then. First, use Set and Vosk’s attacks to move Oricule away from there.」

In his line of sight, Oricule was currently fighting the others.

The reason for moving him away from their current location was because Oricule was currently close to the center of the room. In other words, he wasn’t that far from Tivia, who was still stuck in the center of a magic circle.

Of course, considering the size of the room, there was still a distance of 10m or so, but even so, if they were going to detonate the gems, it would be best to keep him as far away as possible.

Currently, Tivia was protected by some sort of barrier projected by the magic circle, but if asked whether it would survive the combined effect of the detonation of gems and Rei’s magic as they tore apart Oricule’s body from the inside……Rei wasn’t optimistic about it.

Vihera nodded in understanding.

「Let’s do it. For our own survival. ……And to free Byune’s parents from these gems.」

Just because someone had been sacrificed to create a gem didn’t mean that the gem contained the will of the person sacrificed. After all, everything that made up the person had to be sacrificed to create it. Still……for Byune and Vihera, the destruction of the gems mean the release of those sacrificed.

Looking at each other, Rei and Vihera both nodded.

Then, Rei shouted towards Set.

「Set! Knocking him back and move him!」


For a moment, Set was confused by Rei’s shout, but he still held a great amount of trust towards Rei. Giving a cry in response, he swung his claws out immediately.

Set also activated his skill Power Crush.

Orciule managed to dodge Set’s claws that swung in from the side. But, as if to restrict his movements, the tip of Elena’s sword whip passed right in front of him, stopping him for a moment.

The original Oricule would have been able to deal with something like this. However, the transformed Oricule was unable to make the calm judgement required……


Not missing the opportunity, Set swung his front claws again.

Like a pebble thrown by a child, Oricule bounced off the floor several times as he was blown away.

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maybe if he still had both his hands, he might have been able to slow himself down, but his hand, arm, and both his extra arms were now inside Rei’s Misty Ring.

He tried to regain his balanced using his legs and right arm, which was missing a hand, but he continued to be knocked back by Rei and Vihera.

The moment he raised his face, Rei struck him from under the chin with the Death Scythe like a sledgehammer, send him straight into the air.

Even though Rei’s attack had broken his neck and jaw bones, his regeneration ability quickly healed him.

However, even though his injuries had healed, he was still floating several meters in the air and was unable to do anything as he started to fall back down……


Vihera sent out a flurry of kicks.

Five kicks shot out in an instant, crushing Oricule’s ribs and sending him flying again.

At the same time, a few drops of Oricule’s blood splattered onto Vihera’s white, sensual thighs, making her give off a strangely alluring impression.

However, there was no way Oricule could pay any attention to that as Vihera’s kicks sent him into a corner of the wall. As he hit the wall, it sound more like a piece of meat smacking a solid object rather than a person.

The impact against the wall shattered all the bones in Oricule’s body, along with his spine.


What was the intent of that shout? Rei knew, but had no time to respond as he started his incantation.

『Fire, you are a serpent. Thus, burn the enemy as you wish.』

Along with his words, flames started to appear along the Death Scythe’s shaft.

His magic used an enourmous amount of magic power to create compressed flames, immediately raising the surrounding temperature by 10 degrees.

Holding the flame wrapped Death Scythe in one hand, Rei charged towards Oricule, who was stuck beside the wall.

Vihera ran alongside him with gems in hand.

From the perspective of Rei and Vihera, their distance to Oricule was basically nothing. The next moment, Rei thrust the Death Scythe into Oricule’s stomach with all his strength.

With Rei’s strength, the sharp tip pierced Oricule’s blue skin.

After making sure the Death Scythe had gone in, Rei activated his magic.

『Dancing Fire Snake!』

The fire snake that was created inside Oricule’s body slowly pushed its way towards his head.

Normally, it would quickly reach its target’s head, but it was moving a lot slower because of the amount of magic power Rei had put into it and to ensure that Oricule would definitely die.


Oricule cried out at the excruciating pain as his body burned away and he tried to kick Rei away on reflex.


「I won’t let you do that!」

Vihera slipped in from next to Rei and parried Oricule’s kick with her gauntlets while holding onto the gems and speaking the keyword.

『Return to Nothing.』

Stuffing the gems into Oricule’s mouth, as he screamed in intense pain, Vihera then punched his throat, forcing him to swallow the gems.


Rei instantly hugged Vihera and pulled her away from Oricule and, the next moment, a powerful explosion was felt before it was even heard. Rei could feel the impact through the Dragon Robe as he was blown away while holding on to Vihera.