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King of succubus

Chapter 381 Evacuation.
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'It's impossible that she is so powerful. I had seen her well that she was in the same rank as Sylvia and Linn at the meeting. So it's impossible for her to become so strong overnight!' He shouted these words in his thoughts with incredulous eyes when he saw the astronomical amount of aura that Sabrina had just used to create so many weapons with a simple hand movement.

'But according to their energies, I know they are real; that's what is still absurd; even Lady Fraydja will be incapable! But why and by what twisted means could this sadist acquire such powers from the hour to the next?!'

[Face the consequences of your actions, Corrupt. Blood concept: execution!]

She murmured, splitting the air with her hand, followed by hundreds of thousands of weapons of all shapes that rushed towards Corrupt like a horde of bees!


But just before she went to the end of her actions, she suddenly stopped when she noticed Stella's silhouette behind her.

[[Captain Sabrina, the second general asks us to retreat as soon as possible!]]

[[...Sigh, Right.]] She pronounced these words in the language commonly spoken by Alvine's subordinates.

Following this statement, she looked at Corrupt, who had begun to bleed because of some weapons that had already sunk into his pulpit.

[You are lucky, but luck is also a power.] She then replied in primordial language.

And the next moment, an incredulous thing happens in front of Corrupt.

This thing was not to see Sabrina's weapons turn into a golden blood liquid that merged and crystallized into a tiny droplet of blood but to see Sabrina use a power similar to Alvine's

Her shadow wobbles under her, and she and Sylvia vanish before him, leaving only Stella alone with him.

[I knew it! It wasn't her, but another person who pretended to be her!] He shouted these words with a relieved air when he saw Sabrina use a power she would never be able to obtain; since this affinity was not even with their goddesses.

Seeing his smile relieved, Stella looked at him with disgusted eyes before she turned to leave without placing more words.

Because of his shock and uncertainty, Corrupt didn't dare to attack Stella.


"Sigh, I think it's finally over." Henia extolled a breath of hot air after noticing Sabrina's pets finally stop.

"Miss Henia, what are these beasts at the end? It's my first time seeing beasts with such healing powers." Brenda asked in a curious voice, petting the head of one of the blood wolves next to her.

"...Sigh, they're not beasts but golem beasts. They have no soul but a kind of remote-controlled command thanks to the parchment on their foreheads. Finally, to be more precise, they are like golems that work thanks to mana crystals; without this black parchment, they will disappear. But I advise you not to try to take off this parchment; these creatures look friendly with you, but it won't be the case if one of them sees you as an enemy." Henia retorted while sitting on one of the beats.

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She was the only one to ride one of the beasts, and apart from Brenda, no one else was close enough to the creatures around them for them to be touched by them.

The others did not have this luxury because they mistrusted them.

"Honestly, I can't tell if they are really powerful or just fast." Fyora then asked as her eyes switched between the parchment on their forehead and Henia.

"Yes, they were faster than us and controlled the blood of people who had already died to rescue those already alive. But I still can't know how such strange creatures can have as much control over blood as we vampires." Naturally, the person who spoke was a vampire man, more precisely, the captain of the elite squad under Brenda's orders.

At present, only about twenty people were in the kingdom of the ruined elves, namely, Henia, Fyora, and the other generals who were on missions with the clone of Alvine in the underground castle where Heepha was sealed and their captains.

It was the scene Alvine had glimpsed through the mirror of the mysterious man that Feyre called with the nickname "executor".

But unlike this planet, what he had seen on Fraydja's planet was worse than this one.

Instead of a ruined kingdom, it was a large crater in place of his kingdom, as if it had suffered an attack as destructive as his black hole. And above the crater, he had glimpsed Reha and Shadow engaging in a fierce battle.

Even if he did not fully trust Shadow, he knew that he would not be so ruthless in the face of those he considers his family. And Reha's presence had forced her to think she was the culprit of this destruction, even if it was not quite the case.

Because unlike Reha, who prioritized the rescue of citizens, starting with those who were closer to Alvine, Shadow proceeded differently by teleporting the entire kingdom to their original planet, hence the existence of the gigantic crater.

Which of these two had made the right decision? Everyone had their reasons and their wrongs.



Suddenly, the earth trembled under their feet, followed by a wave of energy that oppressed Henia and her small team of high ranks.

"Ugh! These two are becoming more and more berserks in their fights." Henia murmured, creating a transparent dome around her and the others to prevent the energy debris from affecting them as they had done with the dead victims.


But at the same time, Stella and Ignis appeared before them.

"You are...

"Watch to evacuate the place, order of the general." Ordered Stella, looking briefly at Ignis, who nodded his head.

Without further ado, Ignis creates a scarlet portal that emits burning heat as if it were a portal leading into the depths of the underworld.

"Ugh, are you sure they don't want to kill us?" Fyora made this grimace when she saw the unbearable heat emanating from the portal of Ignis.

Being a mage with a deviant affinity for frost, she was weak in the face of flames, which is the opposite of her affinity.

[[...Sigh, Ignis, it's not the time.]] Stella looked at the gigantic man with a grimace, guessing the actions of Ignis.


The latter slams his tongue before reducing the heat emanating from his portal.

Seeing his actions, everyone understood that he was making them a prank, which resulted in increasing their mistrust of these two strangers who helped them throughout their rescue missions.

"Don't worry, even if they don't look; those two aren't enemies." Henia intervened when she saw the suspicious look in their eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Brenda was the first to take the first step, followed by her captain, before everyone crossed the gate a dozen seconds later.

"You must also leave," Stella affirmed, looking at Henia, who was the only one who did not participate.

"...Are you sure that my help is no longer needed?"

"Your help? No, without talking about you, even I or the new captain have no place in the battle. So let's leave here, as General Heepha ordered; she knows what she did."


"Sigh, very good." These were the only sentence that Henia said before crossing the portal, followed by Ignis.

[[I'm going to report before I leave.]]

Stella affirmed, looking above her.

But just as a precaution, she scanned the whole kingdom and surroundings to see if she had not forgotten someone in the chaos. But to her great relief, this was not the case; apart from the enemies, no one was in the kingdom and surroundings.


At the same time, Zenof carried out the same mission as Stella. But instead of being on the planet, he faced a dilemma a little particular to the point of threatening his life at the slightest imprudence.


In the farthest corners of Heepha, Aither's white dragon always faced Linn's absolute emptiness.

The place where Zenof was currently would probably be the most dangerous place after the Heepha battlefield.

'In just being close to these monsters, I have trouble keeping my aura under control. How could these two create such spells? Did someone influence them?' He murmured while looking at the giant dragon with confused eyes.

The reason for his presence was determined in advance. Unlike Stella, who was able to rescue Linn without too much difficulty, Zenof had never been exposed to raw energy.

'This form of energy, I feel like I've already heard of it; but I can't remember where it was.' He continued to have dark eyes while watching Aither suffer more fatal injuries than before.

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'Tsk, this idiot could have saved his life if he had taken the elixir offered by the goddess. But because of his wild pride, he's now between life and death. And as if it wasn't enough, he had to take me with him in his reckless action. And above all, the situation turned out to be more complicated than expected.

-I agree that the queen of space could compete with her opponent, but who would have thought that even little Sylvia could defeat Corrupt?! And as if that were not enough, Master Sabrina is the most mysterious among them. Her new power not only exceeds that of the blood monarch, but she could probably defeat me in her current state.

-Finally, this is not my fight; I am relieved not to have participated in this futile bloodbath.' While remembering the thrilling memories he had experienced recently, he realized there was more exciting than looking at the books.

This new passion that he discovered and that he would follow will lead him to attend more than he imagined at the moment.

[Tsk, if I let this idiot die, the queen will blame me for eternity. And since I'm currently under her command and within her reach, I can't afford to put her on my back. It's frustrating, but that's how it's.]

While pronouncing these words aloud, his wings light up on his back, followed by his frantic blood-red primordial aura, surpassing that of Aither and Corrupt, which manifested around his small childish body.

And the next moment, his body gained in size, and his teenage appearance suddenly became that of an adult in his twenties with long red hair and blood-red weave energy covering his entire body.

He points his palm at Aither's dragon and Linn's absolute emptiness with his eyes closed.

[Unique skill: Seal.]

He whispered in a low voice.


His energy channeled around his palm and manifested thin nets as a white spider's web that crawled toward the white dragon and Linn's absolute emptiness!

"Hm?" But the next moment, he frowns, noticing that his skill is trying to be absorbed by the chaotic energy around them.

"Tsk, that's problematic." Following this squeak on his part, his aura burst further as he strengthened his skill which stabilized the second after and rolled around the gigantic body of the dragon and the invisible blade that began to take shape as Zenof's white web enveloped it like a spider wrapping its prey in its net.

Time passed slowly in proportion to the disappearance of Linn and Aither's skills that clashed in a battle whose winner had still not been decided.



Hearing the two destructive powers emit threatening rumblings and struggle in his nets, Zenof could guess that his seal could not contain the two beasts forever.

But this short break gave him enough time to go and save Aither, whose life was only due to a fragile thread.

His silhouette eclipsed with an incredulous speed but worthy of a high-ranking primordial mage.

And the next moment, he reappeared with Aither in his arms.

[Sigh, you owe me one now.]

He retorted by giving the same elixir that Corrupt had drunk to Aither.