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In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 167 - 167 Side by Side
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167 Side by Side

(Warning: This chapter contained a subtle hint about another form of a relationship of an adult, reader’s discretion is a must)

The young man came inside the tent, a newbie knight who gets assigned as one of the crown prince’s private guards. Xander looked around the room and saw his brother and Henry, his head, turn to the crown prince.

“Did you call for me, your majesty?” Xander asked him with a stern look.

Justice gave him a chuckle. “Xander, why so serious? Come on, get inside, and have a drink.” She pours a cup of caftea for him, “It’s just a caftea though, we are still on duty.”

Xander takes the caftea gratefully, and then he leans on one post, finally getting relaxed for a bit. “So, I guess you have some odd jobs for me?”

“Yes, I want you to go back to the capital and assist Vale discreetly.” Order Justice, who had reasons to convey this duty to Xander, “Your duty as my new private guard is still unofficial yet. No one will suspect a single knight who came back early from the isolation encampment.”

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“That’s true, I am still a knight on paper, but what kind of task that I have to do besides assisting the primary captain?” He smirked at Justice and the others, knowing fully well that the crown prince has something in store for him. “You got some side assignment for me, I assumed?”

Justice looks at Xavier, “You know, your brother is becoming bolder and bolder. I don’t know if I wanted him into my private guards now.” He said with a wince.

“Take him, at least this one will keep you in check, and that’s what you need right now.” Said Xavier with a grin on his face.


“That’s true…” Nodded Henry from beside him.

Justice rustled his hair and said to Xander, “Guess in this way, I could assess your work. So, I need you to retrieve some files for a healer named Rosy. She got the certification as the regional healer two years ago, the same year as our Anne.”

Everyone’s attention goes to Justice immediately. Even the crown prince curses when he realized his slips tongue.

“Wait, our Anne?” Asked Henry with his eyebrow rising. “Oh, so it’s our Anne now, not just miss Anne or River, Anne?”

“Oh, shut up Henry. I know you’re overjoyed by his words.” Xavier teased Henry, even giving him a wink.

Xander looks at all of them and laughed. He was indeed happy for his brother and knew how miserable he was when Anne was gone from his life. Xander saw him hopping around from one bar to another, having a drink with a questionable fellow or woman. Looking at him here in peace with his friends is the best thing for his brother inside Xander’s mind.

“Your majesty, I do have a question. How can I get all the documents about miss Rosy?” Asked Xander to him. He doesn’t need to know how to gain the entrance of such delicate matters.

“I have someone inside the library. He will give you access to everything that you need inside the main hospital library.” Said Justice. He then handed Xander a coin with a small red stone in the center. “This is my seal of approval. Only my trusted man has this. When he saw this, the man will surely gain your permission immediately.”

Xander felt the coin in his hand. He was delighted by this task, because it was his dream to work together side by side with his brother, and now, he even become the new private guard of Xavier’s best friend. Xander took one of the horses and galloped away to the capital.

Meanwhile, Anne and Leo were trying to get some rest before they begin their duty in about six hours. Leo just stared at the tent, don’t know what to do. He and Hector were best friends, even inseparable. Now, he will never see his face again.

Tears rolled down from his eyes. He would wipe the tears, but another came rolling just the same, not long after the whimper become a wail. Almost everyone heard the cry, but Anne was there, trying to comfort his newfound friend.

“Oh, Leo, are you o… alright?” Said Anne, when her arms embrace the frail body of Leo.

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Leo looks at Anne. “Oh, Anne, I’m sorry, it just came downing on me, that… That I will never see Hector again.”

“It’s alright, let it all out, you need to… On second thought, let us go out at once, it will be good for you.” She pulled Leo away from the bed and they took it upon themselves to walk around the encampment.

The fresh air of the night, with a wind cascading into their face, gave Leo much need it time to calm himself. Anne saw his face and smiles warmly, she holds into his arms when he talks about his story with Hector.

“We met at the civil servant exam. I was the bronze pass recipient, while he was a silver pass recipient, we knew immediately that we will become… A special friend. Actually, after I gained my certification, I should go back to my village and open a small clinic.” He took a sigh when his eyes gazed at the stars above. “Everything changed when Hector decided to remain in the capital for a while. I was mad, but then, also intrigued, he was very dedicated to his work, his newfound experiment.”

“I thought that was one of his qualities that you have admired?” Said Anne with a smile.

Leo chuckles, from Anne’s teasing remarked, “Indeed, and of course, just like you said, he had many qualities.”

They took a walk for a while until Anne was sure that Leo was ready to go to bed, Henry look at the two of them from the shadows, this is one of the moments that he enjoyed, looking at her from afar, admiring her undetected. Although a bit weird in this author’s eyes.

At another time, the werewolf Xander, already passing the front gate of the capital, took the liberty of taking some supper and continued to the main hospital. Xander doubled check the name of who is working at the main hospital today. When he saw the intended name, he smile at the helper and rushed into the library. He knocked on the library door, and when a man asked him to come inside, he met with a man with thick glasses and a wide smile.

Xander smiled and said, “Mister Andy? Hello, my name is Xander.”

“Yes, how may I help you, mister Xander?” Asked Andy, a bit curious when he saw Xander.