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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 811 - Same Energy
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Chapter 811 - Same Energy

Xiu was immediately attracted by that unfamiliar and looked at the woman who appeared from behind Xin Zimen. Xiu continued to look at Su Xixi's face while the latter did the same.

"She's Xiu," Xin Zimen told Su Xixi. "And little lass, this is..."

"Oh!" Xiu pointed at Su Xixi's face. "You're Ying Jie's mother!"

Both Su Xixi and Xin Zimen were surprised to hear that. Xin Zimen asked, "Did Ying tell you about her?"

Xiu shook her head, "Nope. She doesn't talk about her parents." She smiled at Su Xixi as she said, "But is it that surprising that I recognized her? Ying Jie has inherited all of her features. I'd be blind if I didn't notice that."

Su Xixi gave Xiu a look before saying, "She's perceptive." She looked at Xin Zimen and added, "Unlike her parents." Her eyes caught sight of a third person, "Oh, Wanwan, I didn't know you're here as well."

"Really?" questioned Dr. Ling. "You really didn't know I was here?"

"Why would I?" retorted Su Xixi.

Dr. Ling stared at her a moment longer before saying, "I'll reluctantly believe you." She smiled at her politely and added, "It's good to see you again, Mrs. Yan."

"Same here," said Su Xixi.

"I should take my leave now," saying that Dr. Ling gave her a bow and left. historical

While Dr. Ling stepped aside, Su Xixi turned her head towards Xiu and her brows jumped up slightly when she noticed Xiu's hand holding Xin Zimen's pinky finger as she seemed to be tugging at it with a pout.

"What? What do you want?" inquired Xin Zimen as he held her hand in his own.

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"Let's keep it a secret between us..." said Xiu.

"I'm not bringing you any take-out food," answered Xin Zimen.

"Ah-Xin!" exclaimed Xiu with her lips curved downward. "Just a bite. Just one bite! I promise!"

"I don't believe you," retorted Xin Zimen.

Xiu made a face at him, "How come you're not believing anything I'm saying today?" She swayed his hand that held hers and went on, "Aren't you, my most favorite person in the whole world? How can you do this to me?"

Xin Zimen's heart softened and he was about to fall for her tricks but he held back, "No!" He had to stay firm in his resolve. "Either it's one bite or two, it's all the same. One bite of poison is enough to take one's life."

"Is that the same thing?" questioned Xiu.

"It is the same thing," retorted Xin Zimen.

Xiu puffed up her cheeks and glared at him, looking super adorable to him. After a deep sigh, she said, "How about letting me take a sniff of it? I promise I won't taste it! Not at all!"

"The answer is no," said Xiu Zimen.

"Why is it still a no?" Xiu felt really wronged now. She was giving in so much. How can he do this to her?

"Because if I brought it for you take a sniff, you're gonna charm me into letting you eat it as well. I can't fall at the first step or else I'll keep falling later on."

Xiu gaped at him. He had never been this difficult with her before.

Meanwhile, Su Xixi was amazed by this scene. Was she dreaming? Or did someone really possessed Xin Zimen's body? When did he become so patient? And what's with that doting tone? Is he refusing her or placating her like a kid?

This scene... How long had it been since she last saw it? Way too long!

"I can bring you a cupcake," suggested Xin Zimen. "Eating something sweet will definitely make you feel better."

"But I was hoping for something spicy," said Xiu. She thought about it before saying, "But I'll take this offer. Something is better than nothing. I want that cupcake with lots and lots of cream on top!"

Seeing her big smile, Xin Zimen finally relaxed. Seeing that longing gaze of hers really made his heart feel itchy. He pinched her cheeks saying, "Are you happy now?"

Xiu nodded her head, "Yup! Much better than I was a moment ago."

Xin Zimen smiled at her lovingly before he shook his head at her, "How is it so easy to satisfy you?"

"Because I am a simple person," said Xiu with a bright smile.

Su Xixi's eyes were stuck on them even now. However, now she was more focused on Xiu's smiling face. She didn't know why but she found Xiu's smile very attractive. It had the power to make her feel calm. How strange!

Xin Zimen pushed her wheelchair and brought her to the sitting area. He stopped before a couch and sat down right in front of her. He touched her hand that couldn't move yet and his eyes flickered with some sadness as he asked, "Did it hurt during the therapy?"

Xiu shook her head instantly, "Not at all."

"Liar," said Xin Zimen and Xiu pressed her lips together. "Don't you dare lie to me again."

Xiu nodded her head but added, "I won't but it was really not that painful. It was bearable. Besides, I'm a strong girl. I could handle it."

"You sure are a strong girl," agreed Xin Zimen. "Why are you sitting here?" The question was directed towards Su Xixi who was now sitting on the couch opposite of them.

"Why can't I sit here?" asked Su Xixi.

"Because I want to spend some time with my little lass," said Xin Zimen without hesitation.

Su Xixi was taken aback a little but it didn't show on her face as she said, "Then keep going. What did I say to you?"

"Alone!" added Xin Zimen.

"Well, sorry! I'm not going anywhere," said Su Xixi as she refused to move. "I'd also like to learn about your niece."

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"You better keep a distance from my little lass," Xin Zimen said possessively. "You're a bad influence, to begin with."

Su Xixi smiled at him that didn't look like a smile as she said, "Aren't you mistaken? It was your wife who was a bad influence. I had been the one who had to keep her behind the line."

"Not like you succeeded though," Xin Zimen shot back. "Because Wen Ai had always been found across that line where she was not supposed to be." He felt a tap on his hand and looked at Xiu, "What is it, little lass?"

"I heard your wife was best friends with Ying Jie's mom," said Xiu.

"Not just best friends, we grew up together in the same house, in the same room! We were more than just best friends." Su Xixi told her.

Xin Zimen patted her head saying, "They were just like how you and Nora are. Loved each other the most and hated each other the most."

Xiu giggled at that, "Now I can picture their relationship perfectly well."

Xin Zimen looked at her giggling and his smile also broadened on instinct, "It seems you're very happy today."

Xiu nodded her head excitedly, "I am. I am truly very very happy. I actually feel like I'm perfectly fine as well. Should I stand up to show you?" She tried to get up but her legs didn't support her willpower and gave up as she fell back. "Oh, it seems like my body doesn't agree with my statement."

Xin Zimen chuckled at her, "There is no need to prove anything to me. It's good enough that you're feeling happy." He took a pause before rebuking her gently, "And don't be so impulsive again. If you can't get up there is no need to try so hard. What if you fell? Do you realize what would happen to your son if you fell?"

Xiu placed her hand over her stomach as she said, "My little tiger is stronger than his mother. He is even making me feel stronger. Nothing will happen to him." Xin Zimen nodded his head and she suddenly said, "Oh, Ah-Xin, you believe me?"


"You believe that it's a boy?"

Seeing her excitement, Xin Zimen nodded his head again, "Of course, I believe it! If my little lass is saying it's a son, I'd believe it without any hesitation."

Xiu grinned at him, "Awesome! As long as you believe it, I don't care if others don't!"

"I believe Regan also believed you," Xin Zimen pointed out.

"When did he not believe me?" Xiu retorted. "Even if I say I can fly, he'd still believe it. People say love is blind but his trust in me also blind. I don't know whether to feel good about it or distressed."

"Excuse me! Sorry to interrupt you both..." Xin Zimen and Xiu looked at Su Xixi who looked confused. "But I was wondering who is the little tiger?"

"My son!" replied Xiu as she patted her stomach. "He is here. He can hear. Would you like to say hi to him?"

Su Xixi went silent for a while. Xiu's 'little tiger' held the same energy as the 'squishy' she once heard about from Wen Ai. It made her feel nostalgic and left a bitter taste in her mouth.