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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 768 How Will It Work?
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768 How Will It Work?

While Xin Zimen was feeding her, his phone rang. He looked at the called id and took the call. He silently listened to what the caller said before speaking, "Why don't you say it to her yourself?"

"I've been doing it all along but your WIFE is persistent!" said the other person on the phone. "Or more like stubborn! Tell her, none of this will work on me!"

"Okay," he replied and hung up the phone. Seeing how Wen Ai's eyes were glued to the side of his face, he said, "It was Sister Huan."

"Oh?" Wen Ai's ears perked up. "What did she say? Did she like my gift?"

"She said to tell you to stop sending her gifts," answered Xin Zimen calmly. "How long has it been? Over a month and you're still sending her flowers, chocolates, and gifts every single day!"

"I'll keep doing it until she forgives me for creating that scene on her wedding day." Recalling something, she added, "I mean now it's our wedding day as well."

"I heard something from the main house."


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"My dear mother got to see all the flowers, chocolates, and gifts you sent Sister Huan and created a scene."

"Huh? What for? What is up with that old hag?" She smiled at Xin Zimen and said, "I mean what's mother-in-law's problem."

Xin Zimen shook his head at her and answered, "My mother said to Sister Huan, 'Which old lover's love has woken up again for you? If you already had someone in your life, why did you marry my son? Don't think this is your Zhao family, it's the Xin's clan. Leave these cheap acts at your mother's place.' And a lot along the same line."

Wen Ai's eyes darkened as she listened to that and she scoffed, "I guess your mother is eager to see this lover."

Xin Zimen placed his hand over hers and went on, "Can you stop doing it? Don't create trouble for Sister Huan. She isn't like you and me. I heard she cried for hours after hearing that. You know very well, she won't talk back to my mother. Or to anyone for that matter. She is too nice for that."

Wen Ai looked at him, "This is why people like Sister Huan shouldn't marry in families like yours. She is too good for that family. At this rate, that typical monster like mother-in-law will chew her alive without any remorse!" She snorted, "But I shouldn't expect anything else from her. She can ever treat her own sons as pawns. What else can't she do?"

"Mom only chose Sister Huan for my elder brother because she could strengthen his position. But now with the addition of you, she's feeling another crisis. There is no way she'd treat Sister Huan well."

"I think the first person to get a beating should be your mother!"

Xin Zimen paid for the food and stood up as he said, "I don't really care. I don't even wanna go back to that family anymore!"

Xin Zimen suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face her. He looked into her black eyes and said in low voice, "Ai... Let's just live our own life, eh?"

Wen Ai's resolve immediately vanished looking at his face. How was she supposed to say no to this handsome face? She sighed out, "Fine fine. I won't look for trouble but only as long as no one steps on my boundaries."

He smiled at her and patted her head, "That's like my Ai."

She held his arm and said, "Do you know that I've come to fall in love with my name?"

"Huh? Didn't you always love your name? From a young age, you had a habit of saying your name everywhere. 'I'm Wen Ai, always remember that!' Aren't those your favorite words?" he questioned curiously.

She shook her head, "Nope! Back then I was simply reminding people that they shouldn't take me lightly and that they should always remember my name. Now, it's different."

"How is it different?"

"Now I don't want anyone to say my name," she said. "Except for you." His smile froze as she went on, "I suddenly want to thank my dad for naming me 'Ai'. At least, in this way, you say I'm your Love.[1]"

"If you like it so much, why do you always stop me from saying your name?"

"Because whenever you call my name, my heart starts beating wildly. I lose control over my own heart. At that time, my heart dance to the beat of your voice."

Xin Zimen's smile widened as he said, "For a violent tyrant, you sure can do some sweet-talking."

"It comes naturally when you're around," she retorted with a grin. She continued to hold his arm and leaned against his side. Even it was obvious that they loved each other, they had never said it to each other. Maybe because it was so obvious, they never felt the need to tell each other.

No, actually, he did try to say it. But she ended up kissing him to stop him from continuing. Just hearing her own name would make her lose her mind, but if he heard her telling her how much he loved her, she really thought she'd forget to breathe.

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"Feifei asked me something."


"She asked how will our relationship work?"

"What did you say?"

She laughed out saying, "I said, it'll be a mystery you'll never be able to solve"

He rubbed her head and said, "It's still a mystery to me as well. Just why on earth did I agree to marry you?" historical

"Maybe because I'm so cute?"

"Cute and you?" he shuddered and she hit his arm making him laugh at her reaction. "Only I'll agree with this. So, don't go around telling this to others. Because you're only cute to me!"

*End of Flashback*

[1] If anyone forgot, let me remind you that 'Ai' means 'Love'. So when he said, 'That's like my Ai.' She interpreted it in her own way.