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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 648 Cozy Picture
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648 Cozy Picture

Since the time they came, Xin Zemin could see his wife's eyes wandering around as if in search of someone. Although he knew that Zhao Huan was indeed familiar with 90% of the people here, he still was curious to know who made his wife so restless.

Zhao Huan didn't turn her head but answered, "I'm seeing whether your parents are here yet."


Zhao Huan turned her head and looked at her husband. "How am I a liar?"

"I can see it on your face that you don't care whether my parents come or not. That's something very common between you and my brother."

She smiled, not even refusing his words. "Can't help it much."

"But seriously, who are you looking for?" asked Xin Zemin.

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Right at this moment, Zhao Huan finally saw Xiu's figure and she relaxed. Indeed, she had been wanting to see whether Xiu would be at this wedding or not. Knowing Xin Zimen's fondness for Xiu, it wasn't really a question whether Xiu would be here or not. But if she was wondering about something else... She had already heard from Xin Zimen that Xiu already knew about her birth father but then why was she not keen on confronting him?

"I'm not looking for anyone. I'm just watching the youngsters having fun. It brings back a lot of memories."

Xin Zemin's brows furrowed up, "Don't say the memory is of our own wedding."

Zhao Huan scowled slightly at the memory. She still found it quite strange. But managing her expressions she said, "Unless absolutely necessary, I won't think about that day." She grumbled incoherently before adding, "If Wen Ai was alive, I'd have definitely punched her face on this very day to take my revenge!"

Xin Zemin pressed his lips together, holding back his laughter and his wife's brow raised slightly.

"You still think it was funny?"

He shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "I'm really sorry, Huanhuan. But I honestly think Wen Ai made our wedding day more memorable. Not just for us, but for everyone."

Zhao Huan gritted her teeth, "Let me remind you, dear husband. I was the bride! But she stole my stage!"

"She apologized to you later on," reminded Xin Zemin.

"Like that makes any difference," grumbled Zhao Huan and took a deep breath. "But I can't even curse her anymore. She already left the world way too soon."

Xin Zemin frowned as it suddenly clicked in his mind, "Huanhuan, you're actually missing her, aren't you?" He shook his head as he added, "And to hide that, you're grumbling so much. How childish!"

"I'm getting old and don't they say as you grow older, you start behaving like a kid? Maybe that's why I'm also being so childish."

"So, you do accept that you're missing Wen Ai?"

Feeling someone's gaze, Xiao Li looked back at his aunt and smiled happily before excusing himself and weaving his way through to them. He was close to their table when he got intercepted by someone.

"Yo, Li bro! Who is the best man?!"

Xiu had run from her table to get him as soon as she saw him. The chocolate that Nora offered her was in her hand; half-eaten. She took another bite as she poked his chest, "Go on!"

"We are still on that page?" asked Xiao Li in surprise.

"Yes!" exclaimed Xiu. "I won't turn the page unless you fill in the blanks that you left for me! I don't do well with mysteries. In fact, I have come to hate mysteries. So, don't play the mind game and give me an answer."

"Won't you know it in a bit?"

Xiu was exasperated, "Are you trying to be difficult with me? I'm gonna go and get Ah-Xin."

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"Are you threatening me with my own dad's name?"

"Of course," was Xiu's response and she didn't even feel embarrassed doing it. In fact, she was solemn with her decision.

Xiao Li tried to touch her head but she ducked away saying, "Watch it! I spent quite a while on my hair."

"Aren't you very touchy right now? Who spoiled your mood?" Xiao Li could perceive the change in her. It was actually quite obvious. She wasn't smiling like her usual self.

"If I tell you who spoiled my mood, what would you do?" Xiu threw the ball in his court.

"What do you want me to do?" Xiao Li also shot back by passing the hot potato back to her. "I'd do exactly as you say."

Xiu rubbed her hands saying, "My ideas are always evil, do you really think you can follow my evil ideas on your big day?"

"For this little sister, I'd follow any evil idea on any given day."

Xiu finally smiled softly at his response and said, "Li bro, you... Forget it! I'll wait for your mystery 'best man'." She even air quoted for emphasis. "But if I didn't like this mystery guy, I'm throwing my hands down!" historical

Xiao Li lovingly hugged her shoulders saying, "My dear sister, you'd love him. I promise. Have some faith in your brother."

Xiu narrowed her eyes at him as she stared suspiciously at his face but chose to believe him. She had given benefit of the doubt to way too many people. Besides, she didn't doubt Xiao Li even for a second. So, she'd definitely choose to believe him.

"This cozy picture of brother and sister is looking beautiful!"

Xiu lifted her eyes and paused.