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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 433: Running
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Thanks to Number Two's cultivation, he was able to find Number One's body right after picking up Mira. He was both unconscious and severely injured, with a deep cut in his abdomen and many of his bones fractured or broken, but he was still alive.

The only reason he fainted was that he bore the brunt of the explosion caused by his and Mira's collision. He wasn't expecting Mira to be able to have so much power behind her attack, nor did he expect to encounter a very sturdy shield to form around Mira at the last second, which was the main reason for the large impact.

Number Two would've loved to help Number One deal with his injuries as he might actually die if he doesn't receive treatment or regain consciousness here soon, but unfortunately, the situation didn't allow him to do so.

Feeling the numerous auras approaching, Number Two immediately dashed in the direction he felt he would run into the least opposition. He didn't want to needlessly kill Battle Maiden Sect disciples, as the old man made it quite clear when he gave them this mission.

He said, "Don't fuck with the other disciples. Just capture the girl and make it back here with her alive. Killing the disciples of that Sect is the same thing as us declaring war against them, so unless you want to start a war, then don't cause unnecessary bloodshed."

Number Two, being a bit more intelligent than Number One, knew that if the old man was saying this, then it must be true.

He glanced at Mira, and although the thought of killing her had crossed his mind before, quite frankly, he didn't want to start or join a war between their two Sects, so all thoughts of killing her soon dissipated.

He still wanted to enjoy life! What's the point of being part of an Unorthodox Sect if he can't do whatever the hell he wants?! That's the reason he likes being in the Crimson Slayer Sect!

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He can kill whenever and whoever he wants, par some people that they shouldn't think of touching. He can have sex with all kinds of women! He can enjoy the unique euphoria of the Unorthodox Cultivation Techniques. These are just a few of the reasons why he likes his life in the Sect.

If he were to unintentionally offend some bigshot by killing his/her disciple(Mira) and start a war between the two Sects because of that, wouldn't his good life be ruined?

It's not like he can run away, either. He'll either be killed on the spot for causing the downfall of their Sect, or he'll be used as cannon fodder in the war. Either way, he dies a pointless and miserable death.

'Fuck! I shouldn't have taken this godforsaken mission! If only Number One wasn't a complete fucking idiot, I wouldn't have to go through this nonsense! I mean, our goal is to capture this girl! Why does he then have to go alert the whole goddam Sect of our presence with that ultimate move of his?! Should I just kill him now, so he doesn't end up creating more trouble for me?' For a brief second, Number Two looked at Number One with killing intent in his eyes before he eventually shook his head.

'No, I can't do such a thing. Not yet, at least. I may need his power to escape this shithole sometime in the near future.' Number Two's killing intent receded when he thought of this.

He kept running as fast as he could to try and escape this encirclement, but it seemed luck was not on his side today as he ran into a Battle Maiden sect disciple.

To make matters worse, this wasn't some ordinary Outer Court Disciple either. She was most likely one of the Top disciples in the Outer Court, as he could feel her Stage 9 Core Formation Realm aura.

'Are you fucking kidding me?! What is someone this strong doing here?! Shouldn't she be off doing missions further up the mountain?!' Number Two started panicking, and for a good reason. He could feel danger coming from the woman in front of him!

Meaning she could threaten his life if he wasn't careful!

The woman, who stood around 175 centimeters tall, with black hair and brown eyes, stood imposingly in front of Number Two with her sword drawn and her aura ready to fight.

The woman glanced at the man for a second before her attention was drawn to Mira's body. She tried searching through her memory of a tall fox-like girl with 9 tails, but nothing came up. However, seeing the white robes wrapped around the fox girl's body, she figured that the girl must be a new disciple who had just joined the Sect recently.

Then, she noticed that the fox girl was in horrendous shape. No, it would be more accurate to say that she has no idea how the fox girl is even still alive right now!

Seeing one of her juniors in such a state filled her with endless rage! The woman pointed her sword at Number Two and said, "Filthy vermin! Unhand my junior this instant, and I will allow you to keep your measly life on account that she is not dead! You have three seconds to decide before I attack!"

Number Two was stunned, but then he started laughing!

"Pfft-HAHAHA! You? Kill me? With that little bit of strength? Woman, although I admit that you are talented and can certainly harm me if I'm not careful, killing me is just wishful thinking on your part! Should I decide to escape, there is nothing you or anyone else around here can do to stop me!" Number Two said with a tone full of mockery, but the woman's face didn't change.

She just said, "I see…", then took out a talisman.

After inserting a bit of Qi inside the talisman, she said in a concerned but also anger-filled voice, "Master, some man infiltrated the Outer Court and has captured one of our most talented juniors, the one with the fox tails! I'm currently standing in front of him, but I have no confidence in taking said junior back! I implore master to come and help me seize this man, or I'm afraid my junior's purity will be taken from her!"

Number Two was stunned silly when he heard the woman's words, and he wasn't sure how to react. At first, he thought it was just a bluff, but then he felt the mountain below him rumble along with an angry shout on the other side of the talisman in the girl's hand.

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"Are you sure?! Does this junior of yours have different colored tails?!"

"Yes, Master! All her tails are different colors!"

"!? WHICH FUCKING BASTARD DARES TO ENTER OUR SECT AND CAPTURE ONE OF OUR DISCIPLES?! SEE IF I DON'T SKIN THAT INSECT ALIVE AND PUT HIS HEAD ON A STAKE! Ahem! Good job, disciple! I'll be there shortly! Just stall that filthy mutt for a few minutes!"

After her short talk with her master, the woman smiled and stared at Number Two with a 'kind' expression. If Number Two didn't know any better, he almost would've felt like the woman was doing him a favor by sending her master after him.

He just stood there, dumbstruck by this chain of events.

"You… You… You… WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY PRIDE OR HONOR AS A BATTLE MAIDEN SECT DISCIPLE?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CALL YOUR MASTER?!" Number Two screamed in rage and almost charged forward to attack the woman. Thankfully he had enough self-control that he didn't do such a thing, or else the person on the other side of that talisman might actually be able to catch him.

The woman, however, just shrugged her shoulders and said in a nonchalant voice, "Hmph! You said that I wouldn't be able to catch you if you decided to escape, so I called someone that would. Why should I risk my junior's life because of a bit of pride? I mean, look at how beautiful she is! Although she's wearing a mask, she's definitely a beauty underneath it all! Who knows what sort of filthy things you'll do to her once you're alone? I can't allow that to happen!"

Mira, who was faking her unconscious state, was both intrigued and impressed by the woman's behavior. A smile would have appeared on her face if she wasn't trying to act.

'It seems this Sect is even more impressive than I originally thought. I wonder what the higher-ups of the Sect do to establish such unwavering trust and comradery amongst the disciples.' Mira thought to herself before putting this thought to the back of her mind and focusing on the situation before her.

"FUCK!" Number Two yelled and instantly used a good chunk of his Qi to use his movement technique.

Red light shined underneath his feet, and within the next second, he zoomed past the woman and began running through the mountain range like his life depended on it, which in fact, it did.

The woman didn't expect Number Two to be so fast, but she wasn't worried. However, she still gave chase and followed his trail just in case her master was unable to find them.