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I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 269 - I Don’t Dislike Her
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Chapter 269 - I Don't Dislike Her

Fate-san jumped in just as dinner time was approaching.

To sum up what she’s trying to say, she’s asking for praise for a job well done…… I know this is something I’ve thought many times, but is she really a Supreme God?

[……Ummm, Fate-san?]

[Unnn? What is it?]

[……What’s with the situation right now……]

[I’m replenishing my Kaichanium right now!]

[……I- Is that so……]

Now then, as for my current situation, I really don’t know why this is happening…… Fate-san is sitting on my lap, tightly holding my hands.

I don’t know what exactly she was replenishing from being in this position, but I do know that this situation is a very bad one.

Not to mention the softness I’m feeling on my knees, as she was held within my arms in front of me…… In this posture where Fate-san was held within an unplanned embrace, Fate-san’s large bulges were against my arm, and it feels like my reasoning is being burned by a wire mesh.

However, even if I want to resist, the difference in power between Fate-san and I is obvious, and from a while ago, I couldn’t move my hand at all.

Whether or not she knows how I’m feeling, Fate-san seems to be in a good mood and she’s completely sprawled out and leaning her body against mine. She’s completely treating me like a chair.

Well, I guess this might be better than usual, as she isn’t forcibly trying to do dangerous deeds like usual……

[……Errr, you did great on your work today.]

[Really~~ Why in the world do works exist…… No way~~ I still have to work tomorrow. I hope tomorrow never comes.]

She’s speaking like a student on the last day of summer vacation, but in case you’re wondering, she’s still one of the great people of the God Realm. This may not be something I should be worried about, but is the God Realm really alright?

However, why does Fate-san hate her job so stubbornly? For instance, her knowledge and speed are probably orders of magnitudes greater than mine, so wouldn’t she be able to finish her job quickly if she gets serious about it?

No, well, I don’t know what it’s like to work in the God Realm, so it might take Fate-san lots of time to do even with her abilities but……

[Fate-san, why do you hate working so much?]

[……I mean, it’s “boring”.]

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[Boring…… As I recall, you said the same thing when I went to the God Realm before.]

[That’s right…… Being able to do everything you want is seriously boring, and I hate it with all my heart. That’s the reason why I don’t feel any motivation at all.]

While saying this, Fate-san lightly shakes her finger and brings a pitcher that was on the desk close to her.

Thereupon, she started pouring red wine that she took out of nowhere into that pitcher.

[Normally, I don’t have to say it out loud, but for you to clearly understand, I’ll speak it out loud……. “Don’t blend”.]

[!? ]

With Fate-san’s mutter, the red wine in the jug cleanly separated from the water, not blending with each other like oil and water.

[……”Blend”…… “Separate”…… “Return to Vessel”.]


Every time Fate-san said those few words, the red wine that had been separated mixed with water before cleanly separating again, and finally, defying the laws of physics, the red wine returned back to its original container.

[……Kai-chan, did you know about my abilities?]

[You can manipulate fate…… right?]

[Hmmm, describing it that way isn’t a mistake, but accurately speaking, I guess you can say that you’re mistaken? Being able to govern fate…… If I wish for, I can even “create” an originally improbable fate.]

Just being able to manipulate fate is a considerably cheaty ability, but it seems that Fate-san’s power is more than that.

She can even create a fate that is originally impossible…… The red wine that she poured out of the liquor bottle goes back into the bottle as if I was watching a movie playing on reverse…… It seems that even such an originally impossible phenomenon can be created by Fate-san.

I don’t know if I should say that it is to be expected from a God or not, but she easily overturned common sense…… That certainly shows how powerful she is.

[Therefore, I can move most things in this world the way I want. This power I have is part of the power of Shallow Vernal-sama…… So, if I get serious, not even the God of Time and Space or God of Life can resist my power.]

[……Fate-san, your eyes……]

[I’ve shown them to you once before, haven’t I? When I seriously use my abilities, my eyes change to the same color as Shallow Vernal-sama’s. Or rather, this is the original color of my eyes, and I usually just suppress my power because it’s too powerful~~]

When Fate-san said that with a chuckle, her eyes, which had changed to the same golden color as Shiro-san’s, returned to their original reddish-purple color.

Apparently, the usual reddish-purple eyes are proof that she is holding back her own power that could even twist the laws of the world.

If Fate-san becomes serious, even Chronois-san and Life-san can’t match her,but she basically never seriously uses her power, and the only time she uses it seems to be in the former battle between the God Realm and the Demon Realm.

[……As I said before, there are only four beings in this world that I can’t move as I please…… Shallow Vernal-sama, Underworld King, Shall-tan…… and lastly, Kai-chan.]

[……That’s because of Shiro-san’s blessing, right?]

[Right. That’s why I was so happy~~ when I first found Kai-chan…… I felt really excited at that time. It’s the first time I’ve met someone who can be my “soul friend” since I met Shall-tan.]


She has only told me later, but when Fate-san and I first met…… Fate-san had apparently manipulated fate so that no human could get close to her.

That’s why there wasn’t a single soul around when we met.

After Fate-san was silent for a while, she slowly spoke again.

[……Hey, Kai-chan. Can I ask you something?]

[Eh? Yes. What is it?]

[……Can you honestly answer me, do you dislike me? Do you find me unpleasant?]


It was a voice so frail that it was unimaginable from Fate-san, who was always so cheerful and aloof.

Is that why? I didn’t really think about my response, as I just told her my honest opinion.

[……No, it’s not like I’ve ever thought about you that way.]


[Yes, I certainly thought that Fate-san is a troublesome person, but I’ve never once disliked or felt displeased by you.]

[Ahaha, I see~~]

After hearing my words, Fate-san smiled somewhat happily before tightening her hold on to my arm.

[Then, one more question…… You see, my body is petite, but for Kai-chan, can someone like me be a “target of your lust”?]

[Bfuuhh!? W- What are you……]

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[It’s fine, isn’t it? Tell me~~]

It seems like she has returned to her usual tension, as Fate-san asked me something outrageous in a relaxed voice that sounds as if she was having fun.

While I’m shaken by her question, pushed by Fate-san, who was rubbing the back of her head against my chest, I just resigned myself to fa…… I just gave up, and spoke.

[……I think…… you are……]

[Fufufu, is that so~~ I see~~]

Somehow, I felt like the flow was turning in a dangerous direction. Especially since we’re in a really bad position…… My escape route is blocked.

If she comes at me just like she usually does in this situation, I may not be able to escape.

As my body stiffened while thinking about it, Fate-san, perhaps sensing my thoughts, turned only her face towards me and gave me an innocent smile.

[You don’t have to put your guard up, I won’t be doing anything else today~~]


[I’m plenty satisfied for today. Ahh~~ Kai-chan feels so warm~~ It feels much more comfortable against your body compared to my cushion.]

[……E- Errr……]

Fate-san seems to have gone into full-on slacker mode, completely leaning her body against me as if she was melted cheese.

I don’t know what’s going on, but she seems to be in a very good mood and is so relaxed that I think she’s going to fall asleep like that.


[Eh? What is it?]

[Kai-chan is really amusing~~]


[I can’t make you do what I want or make you go where I want…… However, you’re kind and fun, hmmm…… As I thought, I really like you the best. I’ll definitely have Kai-chan support me! Let’s do that!!!]


Dear Mom, Dad———- Fate-san was kind of the same as always, but it seems like I got along with her a little better, and she showed me a side of her that I hadn’t seen before. Well, even with all the things she does, as expected———- I don’t dislike her.
