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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 277
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Chapter 277

277 - Reunion and Negotiations

<Author’s Notes>

We have received one new review since the last update. Thank you very much.

Also, the manga was recently updated at Comic Gardo. Eve has also made her appearance, making me look forward to the appearance of Liz, the Four Revered Saints, the Dragonslayer, and Erika as we progressed from here.

This chapter starts Volume 9. For the moment, I’m hoping to update regularly at weekly or bi-weekly intervals (although there may be periods where I update at shorter intervals, just like in the previous volumes). I look forward to the ride with you all again along with Volume 9.

The representatives of the two countries sit at the long table, facing each other.

The Prime Minister of the Faraway Country———— Lieselotter Ornick.

The Mad Emperor—————- Falkendotzine Mira Dias Ordzit.

Sitting on the right side of Liese’s seat is me, Mimori Touka———— and diagonally behind me stands my deputy, Seras Ashrain.

Sitting on the left of the Arachnid Prime Minister, from the seats closest to Liese, would be Kokoroniko Doran and Gio Shadowblade.

On the other hand, no one is seated on either side of the Mad Emperor.

A tall blond man stands diagonally behind the Emperor.

He introduced himself as Wright Mira, Mira Empire’s General.

On the Emperor’s other side, there stands a young man with round glasses.

He seemed to be a counselor or something like that.

After the two camps had finished their greetings, the first one to speak———- was the Mad Emperor.

[Splendid, it brings me great joy that your side is in sync with mine. Even your tactics far exceed my expectations. First of all, allow me to give you my honest praise.]

[It’s us who should be praising you instead...... Once again, please accept our gratitude for supporting us in this war.]

The one who returned the courtesy politely was Liese.

I could feel some nervousness from her voice.


Liese...... She’s getting slightly overwhelmed by the Mad Emperor’s presence.

I guess it’s not hard to tell why.

His voice——– Listening to it feels like sharp claws were being pointed at the nape of my neck.

And then, there’s that ghost-like, immensely beautiful face......

It is indeed a beauty that rivals that of Seras.

In addition, although he is young and has a small-build, he had the overpowering presence befitting of an Emperor.

I think this might be the first time I’ve encountered someone like him.

At that moment......

[Oya? What’s up, Poppo-chan?]

In the area near the camp enclosure, a girl slumped down.

It was Kashima Kobato.

Looking like she became weak on her knees, she slumped to the ground.


[Ah——- I- I’m sorry......]

Kashima glanced once at Ikusaba Asagi, who was looking at her.

Then, she wryly smiled.

[I- I heard about them...... but when I saw a lot of the real deal myself...... I kinda feel overwhelmed.]

[Huh—— So that’s what this is about huh? Well, I guess it’s just like Poppo-chanya~~]

Seemingly convinced, Asagi lends a hand and pulls Kashima up.

[T- Thank you...... Asagi-san.]

[Ya alright?]

[......, ——–I- I’m sorry. It’s just, as expected...... impossible for me......]

Kashima wobbled.

She clearly looked pale.

Extremely pale.

[Are you sick?]

[U- Unnn...... I’m just feeling a little unwell...... I- I’m sorry———- It’s probably just like that time in Jonato......]

[Ahhh...... If I remember correctly, you were overwhelmed when the main forces of the Holy Extermination Monks lined up in Jonato’s royal capital before the fight against the Great Demon Emperor’s army, weren’t you, Poppo-chan...... Though you say that, you’re probably anemic. Hmmm, even though you can endure a battlefield where blood splashes and severed arms fly...... I wonder if it’s that? Poppo-chan is just the type that can’t handle tense situations? Well, I guess it’s better than collapsing from anemia in the middle of battle.]

[No...... I’m afraid of blood splatters and flying arms, and seeing them made me feel shocked...... How should I say this...... I feel more comfortable at those times because I can still move...... I- It’s just like that even back then. I’m just weak at places like this......]

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[So that’s why you’re not that eager when I asked you earlier huh.]

[U- Unnn......]

[That’s kinda timid of you, but well...... I guess it’s Asagi-san’s fault for forcing you to go here with me. Ummmー! She’s not feeling well, so please can someone bring her back and let her restー!?]

Asagi called out to Mira’s soldiers.

[Asagi-san here has been invited by Emperor-san to come here, so I will stay hereー. Andー that’sー why, Mira’s soldier-sans. Please take care of Koba-chan for me.]

[I- I’m really sorry...... Everyone...... for causing a ruckus...... I’m sorry.]

Weakly apologizing to those around her, Kashima is led out of the camp by Mira’s soldiers.

As she was being led away, Asagi called out.

[Ahh, just because our Poppo-chan’s weak doesn’t mean you could play dirty tricks on her, oーkay? Nuhahahaー.]

Upon her words, the people on Mira’s side who looked like civil officials stared at Asagi.

Their stern gaze looked like they wanted to ask what impoliteness she’s saying, especially when their Emperor was in the middle of negotiations......

Well, that inability to read the mood is typical of Ikusaba Asagi.

......Even so, Kashima just now......

It looks like she was hurriedly glossing over something, trying to cover something up.

No, she probably did mean what she said earlier.

“She kinda feels overwhelmed.”

It didn’t feel like she was lying at that time.

But, for her to become that pale———

Could it be that there’s some other reason?

However———— If there was another reason, what was it?

Just before she slumped down, Kashima was looking at me.

Yes...... She looked surprised.

I know that this Fly King outfit had this ominousness around it.

However, from the look on her face......

It’s as if she realized the truth about something———– that she’d been hit with a powerful shock.

......, ———Don’t tell me.....


That isn’t possible.

I’m pretty sure I’ve eliminated all factors that make “me” me.


Moreover———- Why the heck are they here?

I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw the two of them.

Did they take the Mad Emperor’s side?

Or perhaps...... Were they sent here as spies by that sh*tty goddess?

In other words, could those two just be pretending to be on the Mad Emperor’s side?

......To be honest, the idea that they were spies fits to a tee.

However, I still have too little information at hand right now.

So that they won’t connect all the events that happened with my true identity———- with “Mimori Touka”, I must find the opportunity to investigate the real situation.

While I had such thoughts in mind......

[I see. The superb command was the achievement of the Princess King Seras Ashrain huh.]

The conversation between the Mad Emperor and Liese moved forward.

[Y- Yes. As you’re well-aware, our Faraway Country has preserved our war potential. However, the overall leadership and the results of this battle are largely due to Seras-dono, who is well-versed in the art of war.]

[Not the guy sitting there———- Fly King-dono?]

The Mad Emperor’s gaze turned to me.

Liese was also looking my way.

Her gaze seemed like she was asking me to answer him.

[I’m just the head of a small mercenary group. I don’t have the military skills to command a large army as Seras did...... In this battle, I’ve only participated as a mere soldier.]

[You seem to be changing your voice......]

It seems like he was bothered about my voice, which was distorted by the Gem of Voice Alteration.

I originally intended to change my voice in these negotiations.

Considering that Kashima and Asagi are here, it could be said that this voice alteration is required.

The Mad Emperor, pointing at his face with his thin, white finger———-

[Is your Fly King mask because you want to hide your true identity?]

Mirroring his movements, I brought my hand on my mask.

[Having your face “well known”...... isn’t always a good thing. For example, if I were to undo this Fly King outfit, it’s highly likely that information about me would reach the royal capital———– Even though I’ll be able to enjoy my daily life, they would still tie the identity of the me within this mask to that of the Fly King. The fact that I wear this mask in public places allows the me within this mask to be “free”.]

Gently putting my hand away from my mask, I continued.

[Unlike my real face, masks like this can be easily changed or thrown away...... But that isn’t something one can easily do with your real face. In addition, there’s a certain annoyance that comes with having your face “popular”...... I’m sure you, who is the Emperor of your country, are well-aware of this.]

Putting a hand over his mouth, the Mad Emperor chuckled.

[I see...... Indeed, I understand what you meant. Ahh, I’m sorry for digressing. Well then, first, let’s talk about our mutual demands, Lieselotte-dono.]

[Ah, yes.]

Regaining control of the situation, the Mad Emperor Interlocked his fingers on top of the table.

[I don’t know if you’re aware of this...... but the other day, my Mira Empire declared war on Alion Kingdom, which had sent their army to your country. Therefore, Alion and my country are currently in hostile relations. If time permits, I will tell you later the reason why we decided to become enemies...... but is that reason important to your country?]

It seemed like he wanted to put that off for now.

I guess they have something they want to talk about first.

In that case, I guess it would be better if we listen to what he has to say first huh.

I’d like to know why they turned against them though.

But for now, I think it’s better to go along with them.

Liese also didn’t say anything in particular.

Seemingly sensing that he was being urged to go on, the Mad Emperor slightly changed his posture before he continued.

[As I told you through my earlier messenger, my country wishes to form an alliance with you.]

After a brief pause, Liese responded.

[———-W- We too...... are also thinking positively about the alliance.]

[We do know that you have a separate King, but is he also open to the idea of an alliance?]

[Yes, o- our King is of the same opinion......]

[Was the reason your King isn’t here because he is wary of us?]

The one who asked this was Wright Mira.

He was a man with a softer voice compared to the Mad Emperor.

However, he feels more like a “sly fox”.

[T- That is......]

Liese glances at me once.

It looked like she’s trying to ask for my help.

Seeing what she wanted, I spoke.

[The people of the Faraway Country haven’t negotiated with influential humans for a long time. And...... during the initial negotiations with Alion’s Thirteen Cavalry, they were deceived by Alion’s Cavalry Commander. They had such events....... so I hope you can understand their caution in sending their King to the “frontline”......]

Hearing my words, Wright smiled.

[Rather than Liese-dono here——— It feels more like you’re the Prime Minister of their country, Fly King-dono.]

[It’s rude to say such things in the presence of their Prime Minister, Wright.]

The Mad Emperor rebuked him.

Hearing his words, Wright lowered his head.

[I’m sorry for my rudeness...... I didn’t mean to offend you. But as his Majesty has pointed out to me, it was a comment that may have offended you. Please forgive me, Lieselotte-dono.]

[I’d like to apologize for Wright’s insensitive words. My apologies, Lieselotte-dono.]

[Ah, no...... I- It’s alright.]

With a sincere look on his face, the Mad Emperor slightly inclined his head.

[The point is...... We just wanted to make sure you had the authority to make this decision. If possible, I’d like to avoid situations where you bring our words to your King’s ears and we would need to wait for his response.]

[I- I do have it...... the authority to make decisions......]

[Understood. Well then, once again, we’d like to ask you———- Would you be willing to form an alliance with our country, Mira.]

[Errr, yes...... I guess so——– Yes, that’s right......]

Fumbling about, Liese continued.

[O- Our country hasn’t raised any n- negative opinions about forming an alliance with you......]

At that moment———- Sighs leaked out.

The sighs belonged to some of the men who seemed to be civil officials standing behind the Mad Emperor.

I’m sure it was in response to Liese’s conduct and words.


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This isn’t good.

Liese couldn’t demonstrate what she’s good at.

I think she’s being overly cautious.

I guess it’s probably because of the trauma of what happened before the war.

Because of this, she began worrying about every trivial thing.

I have this impression that she’s always speaking while feeling uneasy if it would be alright to say something.

Most of all...... She’s being slightly overwhelmed.

That peculiar intimidating feeling that the Mad Emperor gives off.

I told Liese to give me a signal if she wanted me to be the negotiator.

However, she still doesn’t give me such a signal.

She plans to do it all by herself.

Or perhaps, it may be because of the memo that Seras and I handed over to her, stating what to be careful about when negotiating.

Perhaps, thinking that after all the trouble we went through, she couldn’t let herself show such a shameful sight.

From what I see, Lieselotte Ornick is currently trying too hard.

At that moment......



[Send those behind me who made foolish reactions back.]

Hearing his command, Wright’s eyes narrowed——– but he still retained a smile.


The ones sent back were the ones who had let out a sigh in response to Liese.

Perhaps, thanks to this, Gio, who seemed like he was about to say something, stopped.

Even though he didn’t say anything, he clearly looked rather displeased.

......It isn’t hard to believe that the earlier flow of events were just a trick by the Mad Emperor to make our side have a good impression of him———— but I guess that’s just too far fetched huh.

[From the words Fly King-dono said earlier, it’s no wonder that their Prime Minister isn’t accustomed to negotiating with outsiders. Besides...... What is important right now is whether we can communicate or not, not manners or formality. Don’t get too worked up, Prime Minister-dono.]

[Y- Yes...... Thank you for your consideration...... Errr, Falkendot...... zine M- Mira Dias——–]

[Pardon me. If you didn’t know the inner workings of Mira, one would really think that it is my name. Please refer to me as Zine.]

[Ah, yes...... Well then...... Emperor Zine...... Errr, t- the next matter would be......]

In the second half of her sentences, Liese’s voice was fading away.

This is even worse than stuttering.

I could feel concern coming from Seras behind me.

......Seriously, Liese......

Even at her limits, she planned to persist huh.

If things continue like this, she would really be overwhelmed by the Mad Emperor.

I like her spirit——- but......


I think it’s time I opened my mouth.


[Eh? Y- Yes....... What is it, Belzegia-dono?]

[In this war, Liese-dono has achieved a great amount of meritorious deeds. However...... I don’t know if you’ve been working without sleep or rest, but you look a little tired......]

Turning towards the nearby Liese, I asked.

[When it comes to making decisions, of course, I’ll seek your directions...... but how about it? Why don’t you just let this Belzegia handle the negotiations leading up to the decision? Unlike you, I’ve slept and rested well this morning......]

For a moment, Liese looked puzzled at my words.

But after that, she seemed somewhat relieved.

Looking like she decided to hand over the role to me, Liese spoke.

[Y- Yes...... Well then, I’ll leave this to Belzegia-dono’s hands. My apologies.]

[Understood. Well then......]

Interlocking my fingers just like he did earlier, I faced the Mad Emperor again.

[On behalf of Prime Minister Lieselotte Ornick———– From here, I will act as the negotiator.]

Asking if the Emperor is alright with this or not, I continued.

[Would that be alright?]

It was only a little bit.

However, I could feel a hint of a welcoming atmosphere from him.

Upon my words, the Emperor’s lips suspiciously———— and bewitchingly raised.

[——————————-I’ll allow it.]