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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 550
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Chapter 550

“Dad! Byron’s on the hook for attempted murder! He hired a hitman! And Aaron caught him red–handed. Even if I

brought in the best lawyers from around the globe, they couldn’t save him!”

Matthew bet his dad wouldn’t dare lay a finger on him. After all, he had a strong following within the corporation

and was clutching a major project deal he’d snagged from Cassius. So he put on a defiant air, “If you’ve got a

problem with me, just say it! Why drag Avery into this to rub my nose in it? Who’s been the dutiful son all these

years? Who’s been sweating blood for the company? Haven’t I worked my fingers to the bone? Besides, it’s Byron

who’s messed up, not me. If he could keep it in his pants, we wouldn’t be in this mess! If we keep cleaning up his

disasters, we’re all going down with him!”

His words were harsh but true.

Although Byron was Jeff’s golden boy, Jeff was at his wit’s end, running out of patience for his disappointing son.

“Dad, cool down. I think Matthew’s right on the money,” Avery chimed in, speaking slowly and deliberately. “As cold

as it may sound, for the sake of the Chambers Group, you have to make the tough call. No matter how much it

hurts to let Byron go, we’ve got to cut our losses. No matter how things got this bad, the guy who got nabbed is

Byron’s guy. Someone’s gotta take the fall.” Jeff’s lips were pressed into a thin line, his complexion darkened with


“Avery’s got a point! Dad! We keep protecting Byron, and we’re playing with fire!” Matthew, for once, agreed with

his usual adversary.

“If that’s the case, Matthew, you handle this mess,” Jeff said bitterly, his voice husky with the pain of a father about

to disown his


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After their father left, the boardroom held just the two brothers or rather, the last two survivors of a brutal game.

“Matthew, looks like it’ll just be you and me left to run the show. I’ll be counting on your support.”

Avery rose gracefully, a cold smirk on his lips, “When you see Byron, try to keep it gentle, will ya? He’s a notorious

crybaby. If he realizes he’s never walking out of prison, he might just lose it and tear you to shreds.”

“You just lucked out, don’t get cocky,” Matthew spat through clenched teeth, knowing just how to get under his skin.

“Bertha and Byron’s downfall has nothing to do with you. It’s Evadne and Thaddeus, that power couple, who have

the guts to stand up to the Chambers Group.”

The mention of the couple was a knife in Avery’s side.

His eyes blazed with fury, as if a wild beast was rampaging through his chest.

In three strides, Avery was in Matthew’s face, fists clenched so tight his knuckles cracked.

“Avery, you’re not thinking of getting physical here, are you?” Matthew taunted, pointing up at the security

cameras. “Go on, it’ll just ruin that nice–guy act you’ve got going.”

Avery, struggling to contain himself, slowly straightened Matthew’s tie, “Matthew, that self–righteous look on your

face is just pitifully hilarious.”

“What did you say, urk!”

Avery yanked the tie tight, cutting off Matthew’s breath. Gasping for air, Matthew tried to pry away the strangling

grip, “I was just provoking you, and you’re already itching to deal with those witnesses. No brains, no cunning, how

can you even compete with me?”

Realizing the trap he was in, Matthew’s eyes widened with humiliation.

“You’re not that stupid, at least. Using others to do your dirty work. I thought I’d catch you all in one swoop. Looks

like I’ll have to wait for another chance.”

With that, Avery released his grip and strolled away, laughing heartily, leaving Matthew in the empty boardroom,

gasping for breath and soaked in cold sweat.

Meanwhile, at the police station.

Evadne and Thaddeus, though not making an appearance, were there in spirit, watching over Beverly and the other

victim from

the shadows.

Legal eagles Jason and Gordon were there every step of the way, assisting the victims‘ families with paperwork,

patiently answering questions, and providing support.

“Mr. Gordon, thank you. And you, young man, you’re a friend of Ms. Evadne, aren’t you?” Mrs. Higgins said

tearfully, bowing gratefully to Jason. “Thank you for doing everything you can to help us!”

“Ma’am, please, no need for such formalities, Jason said, moving to support her, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m

helping not just for you or Ms. Evadne, but also for myself.

“For yourself?” Mrs. Higgins asked, puzzled.

“The girl who stood up to Byron on the live stream, that’s my girlfriend,” Jason replied with pride swelling in his


“Oh, I see. Not only are both of you kind–hearted, but you also make a handsome couple – truly a perfect match.

My heartfelt thanks to Miss Nydia and to both of you for your noble assistance!”

Jason was over the moon, his grin wider than a kid on Christmas morning with a brand new bike under the tree.

Beverly stepped out of the interrogation room and dashed into the restroom, desperate for a moment alone to

collect herself. She couldn’t bear the thought of her mother seeing her so vulnerable, let alone Gordon.

But Gordon, with a heart too big to leave her side, followed suit and stood outside the restroom like a loyal guard

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dog, a mix of patience and concern etched on his face.

The passing female officers shot him curious glances, but Gordon, typically conscious of appearances, seemed

impervious to their stares today.

Eventually, Beverly emerged, her eyes puffy from tears, shuffling with small, hesitant steps.

Before she could even look up, a clean blue checkered handkerchief appeared in front of her.

“Ms. Higgins, dry your eyes,” Gordon said, a warm smile reaching his eyes. “You’ve got the smudged mascara of a

rockstar after a concert, but I bet letting it all out made you feel a bit better, huh?”

Beverly took the spotless.handkerchief, reluctant to stain it with her tears. She gently dabbed her cheeks and

pretended that was enough.

“Much better, thank you, Mr. Gordon. I’ll wash it and return it to you soon.”

Gordon watched her with an intense gaze, his heart pounding uncontrollably as her vulnerable beauty and fluttering

lashes seemed to play a melody on his soul.

Suddenly, he couldn’t resist placing his hand atop her tousled hair, stroking it softly, his voice rough with emotion.

“Remember, if you ever face trouble again, come to me. No matter when or where, I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

Beverly looked

up, locking eyes with his radiant gaze, and felt her heart skip like a lamb in spring.

Across the street from the police station’s back entrance.

Evadne was nestled in Thaddeus’s embrace, the two of them waiting in the car for what felt like ages.

“Aaron just texted, he’s had buddies on the force keeping an eye on this case. Up till now, aside from Byron’s

lawyer, not a peep from the Chambers family. No one’s stepping up to bail him out, no stir at all.”

Evadne, snug in Thad’s arms, felt a sheen of sweat on her brow. It was the second day of her period, the cramps at

their worst. Thaddeus had told her to stay home and rest, but she never was one to sit still.

Now, a dull ache throbbed in her lower abdomen, making her squirm against him, as endearing as a little eel.

“Matthew’s laying low, hoping to be invisible. Why would he vouch for a lost cause like Byron? That would be like

painting a target on his own back,” Thaddeus remarked.