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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 529
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Chapter 529

Byron’s gaze burned into Avery’s face, a masterclass of innocence and kindness, as the rage roiled within him,

threatening to blow the top of his head off!

Just as he was about to explode, Matthew shot him a look that cooled the fire in his veins. That icy glare was a slap

of sobriety-

On the drive over, Matthew had suggested that Evadne wasn’t the one behind their recent troubles.

“If Evadne wanted to mess with you, she would have done it when her sister was being pushed around by you, not

waited until now. And besides you and me, there’s only one other person who knows your dirty laundry in such

excruciating detail.”

“Who is it? Who’s trying to screw me over? I’ll grind their bones to dust!”


“Right. Damn straight! Ungrateful snake! She must’ve ratted me out to get her sentence reduced! Just you wait till I

send someone to take care of her!”

“Even if she knows your business and snitched on you, what can she do from behind bars? There’s no way the cops

could’ve gotten such direct evidence without help. Clearly, someone’s working with her from the outside, helping

her get her revenge on you”

“Who? Who is it?” Byron was a broken record of fury and frustration.

“Who else? I’ve checked Bertha’s visitor logs. Only Avery has seen her lately! But he’s currently the golden boy in

Dad’s eyes, so a head–on confrontation won’t do us any good. We need to regain our standing in Dad’s heart first.

Lay low, then find the perfect chance to take him down!”

“God bless the Chambers family! All my boys are right here with me!” Jeff’s voice was thick with emotion as he

wrapped his arms around Byron and Avery, reveling in the joy of reunion, eyes misty with tears. “From now on, we

must all stick together for the sake of the Chambers legacy. No more troubles, you hear? Matthew, you’ve worked

hard, but Avery you’ve also been Instrumental. The stock market’s steady, and the Helgen project’s on track. So

I’ve been thinking.

“Dad, on top of the good news today, I’ve got another surprise for you.” Matthew’s pride was palpable as he

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Avery’s eyes narrowed, a shadow of malice flickered over his features, but he remained silent.

“What’s that, Matthew? More good news? Spill it! Jeff was in such high spirits that a little rudeness was easily


“Bring it in.”

At Matthew’s command, the waiting secretary came in with a file and handed it respectfully to Mr. Jeff.

Jeff took the file with a puzzled look, then his eyes lit up as he burst into laughter.

“Well done, Matthew! What kind of deal did you land here? This is a tremendous surprise!”

Avery’s smile froze, his fists clenched under the cuffs of his crisp shirt.

Tve been nurturing this deal in secret for quite a while, but didn’t want to jinx it by speaking too soon, Matthew said,

his smile genuine and warm. 1 didn’t want to get your hopes up for nothing. I only wanted to share the good news

once the contract was signed and everything was settled. You know me, always careful and thorough, not like Avery

who just goes for what he wants, no matter what.”

Jeff chuckled, “That’s true. Avery used to be the rebel of the family. After fifteen years away, he comes back as the

most understanding and sensible one.”

Byron joined in with a sneer, “Would’ve been nice if that sense of duty showed up sooner rather than looking like an

ulterior motive now. Just kidding. You know how direct I can be. Don’t take it to heart, Avery”

Avery’s eyes narrowed to slits, a flash of hostility crossed his face, but his smile was serene, “Byron, you’ve had a

tough time in the pen, and with all those meds, it’s only normal for your brain to lag behind your mouth.”

Byron ground his molars, barely restraining himself from lunging at Avery.

“Ah, you two always loved to bicker. Can’t you just give me some peace, like Emeric’s kids?” Jeff was in such a good

mood with his son out of jail and a new project in hand, he didn’t care about the bickering

“Avery you’re now a managing director at Chambers Group. You’ll need to contribute even more. If you have any

issues with projects, come straight to us. As brothers, there’s nothing we can’t discuss for the good of the Group.”

Matthew approached with a brotherly smile and a meaningful pat on the shoulder. “Dad’s getting on in years, and

he’s been looking worn out, We need to let him rest. From now on, you can come to me with work matters and

spare Dad the trouble.”


Chapter 529

“Right Avery, Matthew is the CEO after all. You’ve got a lot to learn from him,” Jeff added, restoring his full esteem

to his eldest

Avery locked eyes with Matthew, whose gaze was dark and threatening, yet in the next moment, he smiled

graciously, “Matthew, you do have a knack for this. I have much to learn from you. I hope your project ends well,”

Exiting the study, Avery’s mood was dark as he strode down the long corridor.

“Avery, what’s the rush? Dad just said we should all have dinner together.”

Matthew called out, following leisurely.

“Do you really want to share a meal with me?” Avery turned, his gaze slicing through the air like a cold blade.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” Matthew couldn’t hide his smugness at having turned the tables. “I can’t wait to see

you crushed again, grinding your teeth in frustration. And I’m eager to see the look on your face when the person

you’ve been plotting against sits unharmed before you, your plans foiled and your disappointment complete. It’ll be

absolutely thrilling”

“Well, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I never waste my precious emotions on trash, or trashy deeds.” Avery’s lips

curled into a smile, and he adjusted his glasses with a long pale hand.

“Whatever.” Matthew, still riding the high of his victory, couldn’t be bothered to squabble with Avery over petty


“Mr. Chambers!”

The moment Harvey burst into the room, his mouth was set to spill a cascade of urgent words, but upon noticing

Matthew’s presence, his lips snapped shut as if spring–loaded.

“So, all your lackeys, they call you Mr. Chambers? Matthew sneered with mocking amusement.

“Ha! Such a pity that there’s only one Mr. Chambers at Chambers Group, and that’s me right here. Still, I’m a

generous man, I wouldn’t deny you your little fantasies,” he said, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and

carelessly wiping the hand that had just patted Avery on the shoulder. “You can keep playing Mr. Chambers in your

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dimly lit back alleys, leading your pack of rats!”

With those words, Matthew tossed the handkerchief at Harvey’s feet and sauntered away, head held high.

Avery could dismiss all that had been said, but that last jab struck a nerve, the venam in his glare too potent to be

veiled by the sophisticated gold–rimmed glasses.

Dammit. The nerve of that upstart! Does he actually think he owns Chambers Group?” Harvey spat in indignation,

loyally indignant on his master’s behalf.

“How the hell did Matthew get his hands on that resort project in Country T out of nowhere? Check it out, will you?”

Avery’s voice was laced with raw anger and teeth gritted in fury.

“Yes, Mr. Chambers,” Harvey replied, his lips tight. He pulled a slender stainless steel case from his pocket and

presented it with both hands. This just arrived for you today, from the boss.”

Avery’s chest tightened as he took the case, his grip fierce.

“Also, the boss sent a message: this medicine’s potent–think it over before you use it.”

“Understood,” Avery’s voice was a desperate rasp.

“Mr. Chambers, ever since that snake Matthew bit Miss Evadne with his venomous words, her online detractors

have m multiplied, hurling insults like confetti. Should I arrange for someone to clean up this mess? Harvey asked


Avery’s eyes flared with a crimson rage as he crushed the steel case in his hand.

After a moment of heavy breathing, he said, “Leave it.”

Harvey looked shocked. “You’re really going to let it slide?”

“To me, Evadne is like a goddess on a pedestal, pure and inviolable. The pain of her being out of reach is something

you’ll never understand. Once, I wanted nothing but her happiness. But now I wish to tarnish even her, to drag her

down from her pedestal to

wallow with me in the mud.“.

Avery thought, “Evadne, I am the scorpión, venomous to the core, destined to kill the frog that bears me across the

river. That’s the cruel nature of the scorpion. But I would never harm you.

I will love you in my own way.”