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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279

Frederic’s eyes narrowed, his voice hard and sharp. “What the hell are you talking about? What does

Emeric’s woman have to do with me?”

“Years ago, before you even knew me, you were the investor behind NexGen Network. That was just

when Myra was making a name for herself! Rumors were flying that you were Myra’s sugar daddy. You

were even caught meeting her in secret. Are you really saying there was nothing between you two?”

Every time Elspeth thought about Myra, she couldn’t help but bring this issue up, her eyes turning a

furious shade of green.

Back then, she chose Frederic not just because he was the heir to the Abernathy Group, but because

everyone was saying that he was the man behind Myra. She wanted to take away everything that Myra


Even if she couldn’t, she wanted to destroy it with her own hands!

Frederic frowned, a slow burning anger rising in the depths of his eyes. “There was nothing between

Myra and me.”

Elspeth flinched under his gaze, her heart suddenly feeling timid.

‘Let’s say, hypothetically, that there was something between us. Do you think I would’ve left Myra and

married you? I’m not the kind of man who keeps a mistress hidden away, too afraid to bring her home.”

Elspeth felt as if her throat was being strangled, her breath hitching in her chest.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with his words.

But they stung her ears like a slap in the face!

It was as if she was just a substitute for Myra, that Frederic married her as a second choice!

“So you did like her back then, didn’t you? You still haven’t let her go, have you?”

Elspeth shook Frederic’s arm with all her strength, her teary eyes wide as she asked, “Frederic! That

woman is a lowlife! She had affairs with many high–profile men in the entertainment industry, and she

ruined her own reputation with drugs! Any man who got involved with her would destroy his own

reputation! She’s only fit to be Emeric’s shameful mistress!”

Frederic felt an uncomfortable pang in his heart at her words.

Indeed, he had met Myra before he knew Elspeth.

And at that time, whether in terms of fame, beauty, or talent, Elspeth was inferior to Myra.

In his memory, Myra was not despicable like Elspeth described. Even after she tested positive for drugs

and left the entertainment industry in disgrace, he believed she had been framed and did not look down

on her because of it.

“I know what kind of person Myra is. And besides, if she was really as bad as you say, do you think

Emeric would’ve married her?”

Frederic’s expression was even colder than before. “Back then, I just felt bad for Myra. She was

ostracized and bullied by her fellow artists, but she never said a word. As one of the shareholders and

bosses, and considering she was a promising artist, I feel it reasonable to look after her. I don’t

understand why you’re bringing up these old rumors now. I chose to marry you because you

understood and accepted me, because you were generous and forgiving. If you keep bringing up these

irrelevant things, I can only assume that you’re not the person I thought you were. I have to wonder if I

made the right choice marrying you.” Elspeth’s eyes were wide with shock, her face scrunching up in

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Frederic’s words were like a knife to her heart, puncturing it with countless wounds!

“Frederic. I’ve been with you through thick and thin. I was pregnant with your child, I endured the

ridicule, the pressure of our relationship being unrecognized, all because I wanted to be with you. How

can you see me this way?”

When Elspeth began to cry pitifully, Frederic’s heart finally softened. Letting out a long sigh, he gently

patted her trembling back.

“Stop crying. I was a bit harsh. Don’t take it to heart.”

In the past, Elspeth wouldn’t have been so easily pacified. But times had changed, and she knew when

to admit defeat and count her blessings.

So she pushed away the anger in her eyes, clinging to Frederic like a limp noodle, nearly melting in his

arms. “Frederic, don’t be mad at me. I just care about you too much, love you too much, I’m afraid that

you won’t want me anymore.”

With that, Elspeth pressed her tear–stained lips to Frederic’s in a passionate kiss.

Frederic was tired, and after such a long time of coldness, this moment of tenderness was a welcome

respite. The anger in his eyes faded, replaced by desire. Elspeth tugged at Frederic’s tié, her robe

slipping off her body as they kissed passionately, slowly making their way to the large bed.

Meanwhile, at the Elmsworth mansion.

As the weather grew colder, Evadne had stopped kayaking at the mansion’s lake. But she was always

disciplined, never slacking off when it came to fitness.

Right now, Evadne was clad in a tight sexy pink workout outfit, running on a treadmill. Her face was

flushed red with exertion and she was drenched in sweat.

Jason held a towel in one hand and a water bottle in the other, reporting to Evadne in a gentle tone.

“Miss Evadne, Chairman Emeric and Frederic have already sent out their guest lists for the dinner

party. I compared the two lists, and they overlap by fifty percent.”

Evadne’s expression remained calm. “As expected.”

“I’m a bit worried.”

Jason looked concerned as he voiced his worries. “Myra’s birthday party is being held at the K Orld

Hotel, while Elspeth’s is at the Abernathy Hotel. Inadvertently, we’re clashing again.”

“Let’s be clear, who wants to have anything to do with that witch from the Abernathy Group? Elspeth is

the one who’s shameless. She could’ve celebrated her birthday on any other day, but she insisted on

sharing it with Myra. She’s not worried about karma, is she?” Despite running at a fast pace, Evadne

still had the energy to mock Elspeth.

“Elspeth is indeed deliberately causing trouble. But this birthday party isn’t being held at our Skyrim, it’s

at Elmsworth. I’m afraid.”

“You’re worried that the guests might only want to please Frederic and ignore us?”

“You’re very wise, Miss Evadne.” Jason didn’t forget to sincerely flatter her.

“You really are a hopeless romantic, aren’t you?”

Evadne stepped off the treadmill, her forehead slick with sweat, and Jason, ever the gentleman,

reached for a towel to wipe away the moisture.

She snatched the towel from him, insisting, “I can do it myself.”

Jason bit his lip as a pang of distance shot through him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Evadne was

drifting further away from him. Even after his confession, their relationship seemed to have taken a step

back. He felt like they were drifting apart even more?

“The guest list for Emeric’s party includes the bigwigs from the Chambers Group: Not only that, but I

also sent an invitation to Jareth. He was thrilled, immediately canceled his plans with the Abernathy

Group, and confirmed his attendance at Myra’s birthday bash.”

Evadne moved her gaze away from Jason’s forlorn expression and began to wipe away her sweat.

“With two of Elmsworth’s most influential families, the Chambers Group and the Fairhaven Group,

attending and their top–tier représentatives present, the fence–sitters and the undecided will soon have

their answer. The era of the Abernathy Group and the Chambers Group monopolizing the spotlight is

coming to an end. Once I become President, it will be a new era of balance and power. We have the

solid backing of the Ashbourne and Chambers families, and with Jareth’s support, no one will dare to

cross us.”

Jason nodded in agreement, “That sounds promising.”

Evadne sipped from her water bottle, never once meeting Jason’s gaze.

“Miss Evadne, Jason began hesitantly, “have I done something wrong recently? Is there something I

can improve on?”

Evadne blinked in surprise, “No, not at all.”

“Yes, there must be.” Jason’s voice was tinged with desperation, his handsome face flushing slightly:

“Miss Evadne, where did I go wrong? Just tell me, and I’ll

correct it.”

“Jason, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that you’re almost thirty. You need to have a life of your

own, a love life that people would be envious of.” “Miss Evadne.”

“My sister, Nydia, has been close to you since childhood. I’ve noticed that you two have grown up with

a special bond, and can see that you’re somewhat fond of her.”

Evadne tried to play matchmaker with sincerity in her eyes. “Why don’t you two give it a shot? Don’t

feel pressured. Your family, the Dempseys, are renowned for their intellect, and Emeric considers you

like a son. You being with Nydia will face no obstacles. It would be like adding a cherry to the top of the

family cake.” “Miss Evadne, I appreciate your concern.”

Jason’s heart pounded wildly, but his voice was firm. “My fondness for Miss Nydia is due to her being

your sister and Emeric’s daughter, one of my masters! It is my duty to care for her. Additionally, I’ve

watched her grow up, but my feelings for Miss Nydia are nothing more than that of a brother for a


Later that evening, Thaddeus returned to Windermere Estate after a long day’s work.

The temperature–in Elmsworth was dropping quickly. A snowfall was expected in a few days.

He suppressed his coughing all the way home, but the moment he stepped through the door, the warm

air hit his chilled body, and he couldn’t hold back his coughs any longer.

“Mr. Thaddeus!”

Alva rushed to his side, her heart aching as she saw Thaddeus coughing so violently, his face pale with

a flush of red. “Mr. Thaddeus, what’s wrong? Have you caught a cold?”

“It’s nothing, Alva. Just get me some hot water,” Thaddeus reassured her, not willing to divulge about

his injury.

“But, Master Thaddeus, you don’t look well.”

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Alva was not convinced. “Why don’t we call the doctor?”

“It’s really alright. I just need some medicine, Thaddeus tried to pacify her with a smile.

“Mr. Thaddeus, Mr. Frederic requests your presence in the study. He has something to discuss with

you,” the butler relayed the message!

In the study, Thaddeus had to suppress a grimace.

Frederic and Elspeth were draped over each other on the sofa, dressed in matching velvet robes.

Elspeth, with her carefully applied makeup and messy hair, was hanging off Frederic, planting soft

kisses on his cheek.

The sight was enough to make Thaddeus turn on his heel, a wave of nausea hitting him.

“Alright, alright, Thaddeus is here,” Frederic managed to pull away from Elspeth, albeit reluctantly.

“We can continue later.” Elspeth’s slender fingers danced across Frederic’s chest, her eyes full of


“Dad, you wanted to talk?” Thaddeus interjected, his face nonchalant.

“Your mother’s birthday is this weekend. How are the preparations coming along?” Frederic asked.

“My mother’s birthday?”

Thaddeus smirked, a cold laughter escaping his lips. “All these years, I’ve spent her birthdays with her

at the cemetery. You never once prepared a celebration for her, let alone paid her a visit. Why the

sudden interest?”

Frederic was taken aback, his expression stiffening.

“If you mean Elspeth’s birthday, I’m sorry. That’s not my responsibility. I haven’t made any


Thaddeus‘ smile faded. “Elspeth is your wife and Glynnis’s mother. The two of you should be enough to

handle it. It’s not appropriate for outsider to interfere.”

The word ‘outsider‘ seemed to set Frederic aflame.

“Don’t tell me you’re not an Abernathy? After enjoying the bounties of the Abernathy Group, and in front

of the group’s CEO, how dare you utter such nonsense?”

A shadow of a sardonic smile played at the corners of Elspeth’s eyes as she lay on her husband’s


“Do you have anything else to say? If not, I’m going to bed.”

In the past, Thaddeus might have wanted to argue.

But now, he had no energy to waste words with this gullible man who was so easily manipulated by

Elspeth and her daughter. “Thaddeus! I didn’t dismiss you. Get back here!” Frederic stood up abruptly,

almost tossing his delicate wife, Elspeth, off his lap.

“Oh, there’s something I forgot to tell you”

Thaddeus halted, his tall and imposing silhouette stood there, not looking back. “I won’t be attending

Elspeth’s birthday party.”

Elspeth’s face changed drastically at his words!

“What do you mean?”

Fredenc was also stunned. “You’re not attending your own family’s party? Are you going to the

Ashbournes‘ instead?”

“Yeah. Is there a problem?”


“Is that so?”