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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 781 Sealed And Forgotten
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A sense of dread and ominous feeling spread around the entire floor as the dungeon boss whose true appearance was still clouded in smoke and hundreds of flickering lightning bolts while revealing only its eyes. 

But after it revealed its intentions to toy around with Kahn first instead of killing him on the spot… Rathnaar suddenly commanded Kahn to let him take over his body. His majestic and overbearing tone hinting that he wouldn't take a No for an answer. 

[And why the hell would I do that? You trying to pull something here, you bastard?] refuted Kahn. 

The situation was already dire and he couldn't even move his body but now, Rathnaar suddenly wanted to assume control. 

[I said let me take over your body for a while and I'll do the talking. If you want to leave this dungeon alive that is.] he spoke in an overbearing tone. 

Kahn argued for a few seconds but eventually, he complied and allowed the system to temporarily give control to the peak saint. 


Suddenly, a majestic and tyrannical golden aura burst out from Kahn's body. 

Unlike his usual Black and Red one… this Golden aura belonged to the Peak Saint. 

In the following moments… Kahn's entire aura changed and he broke through the intangible force of the floor boss. 

Kahn's entire mannerism changed and instead of being a frightened and cautious person, his expression turned lax and authoritative. 

"It's been a while. What are you doing inside the Elven Empire instead of your own?" asked Rathnaar in a kingly tone, showing no signs of fear on his countenance. 

At this moment, he displayed a temperament of a supreme being that stood on the equal standing with the dungeon boss. 

The dungeon boss himself was quickly taken aback. It gave a suspicious look at Kahn… now Rathnaar. 

"You… Who are you? You're not that human child from before. 

And how do you know who I am?" asked the enormous being that was veiled in smoke and lightning.


Suddenly, a golden throne appeared behind and the peak saint, who was now in charge and he casually sat and leaned on it while folding his right leg over the left one. 

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He rested his right hand on the armrest and revealed an indomitable countenance. 

"Is it that surprising? Well, I am bound to this new Hero of Darkness via a Soul-Oath. 

And we have met each other before." responded Rathnaar nonchalantly. 

"Nonsense! You're lying. 

I should be dead to the outside world. On top of it… there are only a few people who know my true form to even recognize me." queried the dungeon boss while glaring at Rathnaar furiously, not believing the first emperor of the Rakos Empire. 

"Hmm… I didn't know your kin lost their memories with old age just like us humans. 

Besides… You've become much weaker than before. 

There was a time when both of us were equally matched." spoke Rathnaar as if he was some sort of mafia boss discussing a territorial dispute. 

"Seriously, who are you?! 

I do not recall a human being familiar with me, much less being as strong as me." raged the dungeon boss and the surrounding dark clouds started becoming wilder. 

"Kastvabaan." said the emperor. 

"Should be 1100 years now since we last met in Kastvabaan." spoke Rathnaar with a visible shameless grin. 

"Svatlforkin." Rathnaar spoke a name, leaving no hint. 

[What the hell are you talking about old man?] Kahn yelled again, having no clue or any control over this situation. 

But as soon as he spoke that name… the Dungeon Boss's glowing red eyes turned wrathful. 


The very next second, a tremendously destructive blue aura shot towards their group. 


A massive explosion occurred and the nearby 3 kilometers of the region was simply pulverized. 



However, a massive golden dome that had encapsulated their bodies and freed Kahn's subordinates revealed itself as their bodies were completely unharmed. 

[What are you doing, old man?! You're angering it for no reason!] shouted Kahn from the inside. 

[Shut up, you little twat! Let adults do the talking.] rebuked Rathnaar and maintained a carefree appearance. 

[I'm using some of my Soul Essence to protect you and your subordinates. But it won't last for long.] he iterated and continued. 

This was indeed the truth. If Rathnaar wasn't using a fraction of his own soul essence, Kahn and the company would've been instantly obliterated into nothingness just like how the dungeon boss killed Ervalen, the Hero of Life in just a single moment. 

"Rathnaar Whitlock! So it's you, you bastard!! 

I'll kill you, you impertinent and vile vermin!! 

You shall know my vengeance after a millennium!!" bellowed the Dungeon boss, its voice sending shockwaves in the entire floor. 

"Ha ha ha ha! 

Ha ha haha!" 

But instead of feeling threatened or worried… Rathnaar started laughing as if he heard a joke. 

"It took me a while to figure it out. But this formation…" he gazed around the hundreds of archaic magic formations that were dozens of kilometers on their own and were stacked on each other in various places and angles. 

"Someone sealed you with the Maskaanxavir Formation… the Commandment of Fellowship, didn't they?" he asked nonchalantly in a mocking tone. 

"To see that you, of all powerful enemies I once faced, would be caged and sealed like this for a millennium… I can barely contain my laughter. 

Ha ha ha ha!" said Rathnaar and started laughing hysterically, adding more salt to the wound. 

Kahn, who was in the backseat, quickly asked the peak saint… 

"Do you know who this is?" 

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"Yes, I do." responded Rathnaar as he kept leaning on his throne without a worry. 

"Kid… Do you remember the time when Throk Oakenshield was done forging your gear? 

And during our conversation, I told you that I killed one to forge my sword. 

That was his cousin. One of the 5 who were the strongest of their kind." revealed Rathnaar about how he knew this dungeon boss and what kind of history they had. 

"Do you mean he is a…" 

But before he could speak, Rathnaar interrupted Kahn. 

"He… isn't someone who should be existing in the Zivot Empire. Rather, the strongest empire in the world where he should be reigning like an undisputed monarch." 


Finally, the smoke surrounding the dungeon boss spread pushed around, surrounding the entire 5 kilometers radius. 

And as the lightning storm and the smoke subsided, Kahn and the group saw the true appearance of the dungeon boss. 

6 massive wings, each being 1 kilometer in width on their own came out of the dungeon boss' back. 

4 ginormous black horns. 

Incredibly sharp claws and hind legs as big as a mountain. 

A 3 kilometer long tail that was even stronger than Rudra's entire body. 

A maw full of shining sharp teeth that could chomp on the hardest metals in the world easily. 

And finally… an entire body made of black, golden and blue scales that was akin to an Ancient Rank armor in itself. 


The 7 kilometers tall being roared and left everyone flabbergasted as they shivered while feeling the life leaving their bodies. 

Rathnaar then finally introduces the being's species. 

"This… Is a Royal Dragon." he spoke with a smirk as he revealed the real identity of the dungeon boss. 

"The Lightning Dragon Emperor, Vildred."