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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 554 The Businessman
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Chapter 554 The Businessman

While Hector and Venessa were contemplating the pros and cons of the proposal presented by Kahn… Throk had a constricted expression but he tried to hide his disagreement to see what kind of endgame the human saint was aiming for.

Both Venessa and Hector relied on their position as members of the imperial family and all their wealth, properties and everything about their existence was provided by the imperial clan.

But they had nothing of their own.

This was also the reason why he proposed this idea to both of them. To have these two gain a sense of having a backup source of income that was their own and couldn't be taken away by anyone.

And Kahn's business proposal was a godsend opportunity for both of them. Something that was far more beneficial compared to only providing safety and resources.

The money and connections they invested would keep increasing as the months passed by while their influence, their authority and even their personal standing even without the support of their biggest backers would keep getting stronger than before.

"But who will get the credit of sponsoring master Oakenshield?" asked Hector with a concerned expression.

Because the whole announcing their support and sponsoring the old dwarf was done by both the parties only to get their name known to the empire.

"Since both of you have allied with us…

You both will get the credit." said Kahn.

"Nonsense! That's unacceptable." spoke Hector.

Venessa also agreed with his statement because it was indeed the case. But then Kahn carried on…

"However… to your people… it will appear that only you are the official sponsor since you could negotiate the prices on your will and use it to make deals with those people who want to earn your favor.

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You tell them that it's you. And since you're providing them with the trademark weapons, you will be seen as the official sponsor." spoke Kahn in a calm tone.

"The rest should depend on how you reel in the fish by yourself.

You provide us money, materials, resources and everything that's needed to make weapons and armors…

In return, we will sell it back to you at the manufacturing price.

After that… you sell the product through your channels based on the market price or your own choosing based on the type of people you want to reel in on your side.

The profits you'd make on the investment and processing fee to us will be at least tripled after you're done selling them throughout the empire.

The more you give us, the more you'll receive in profits.

You invest One and get Three at the end." elaborated Kahn.

Again… the two imperial scions were left speechless because of how well thought plan Kahn came up with.

Because it didn't matter solely about credit anymore. They could achieve that by spreading the news as it is. It was up to the populace and who they believed in.

? ?? ??-??? ??, ?,?,? But what Kahn suggested to them was a proper business strategy that would not only help them earn a lot of money that was their own but also make real and powerful allies who actually depended on them for quality weapons supply.

It was a leverage over their followers they couldn't just get with verbal praise or promises. Rather, the supporters would believe that Hector or Venessa actually had the final say, thus cementing their support even more.

Like Kahn said, nobody needed to know the inside deal. And gaining more support and followers would be left to their capabilities.

Hector at the moment had a competitive look in his eyes. Because he wasn't the guy who liked to rely on uncertain things.

"You're the smartest human I have met so far." said Hector as he truthfully admitted.

Venessa however… had a different expression. ? ??? a ???e?

Instead of being surprised or taken aback… she was intensely staring at Kahn as her gaze was completely transfixed on him.

After having a detailed conversation with the involved parties on how to start their deals and revive Throk's company… the two imperial scions left their people in order to renovate the dusty company building.

Kahn and Throk sat in his main office and started a conversation of their own.

"You're so fucking dumb, boy!

How is selling everything to the prince and princess beneficial to us?

We will be tied to them and later they will negotiate prices on their own. We will be forced to accept loss since we don't have any other customers." complained Throk as he thought that Kahn saturated their business completely.

Kahn in return, facepalmed himself.

"This is why a shepherd cannot do a butcher's job." he said and started explaining.

"Think about it…

They will be giving you money, resources, materials, transportation, security, connections and everything we need to expand the business to a much grander scale.

They will be the figureheads and face everything related to the selling and purchases.

We will get our cut only for manufacturing without having to spend a single harlen from our pockets unlike before when you had to buy the materials on your own and pay the suppliers and distributors.

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No matter what one believes… whether it's Hector or Venessa backing us… everyone will be under the impression that you have the support of at least one of the imperial scions." said Kahn in a calm voice.

"Then others who previously stood on equal footing with you in business deals will come flocking towards you. Because gaining your support will also mean that they'll have a way to rely on the imperial family.

But this time… it will be you who has the biggest bargaining chip.

It will be us who will decide what price we will sell our products to them.

However… We won't be selling any of our products to them on manufacturing cost… but the market price." said Kahn with an evil smirk.

"So even if they don't want to… they will buy stuff from you at a high cost and they will sell it in the market at a higher price.

But in the meantime… we will make the profits without even spending anything from our end since the prince and the princess will be paying for everything.

Although the prince and princess will also earn a lot… we are earning many times more than we're putting in any effort for.

And given the scale of the operation… We will build new manufacturing buildings, sites for forging and will get the required necessities under the name of investment from the two.

Just our share of profits will be tens of quadrillion in just a single year." explained Kahn.

The Businessman inside of him was exuding an aura of richness just with these words.

"So by taking a small initial loss while favoring the imperial prince and princess… it's us who will be making a lot of money in the end." he concluded.

"I take my words back.

You're not some prince of an empire… but some genius business strategist, aren't you?" asked Throk with his eyes wide open as soon as he realized what Kahn achieved today.

To his words, Kahn replied in a laid-back manner as he spoke…

"I'm just a regular everyday normal accountant."