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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 382 - Battle Of The Kings
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The clash between two tyrannical creatures had been going on for quite some time and Kahn with the help of generals, outright massacred thousands of red-colored snake monsters but on the other hand… his biggest trump card that even killed a drake in the past was now toyed around by the legendary rank Bjormngandur.

At the moment, Rudra was riddled with superficial wounds all over his body but luckily even the large and long spike-like teeth of the opponent were not able to pierce through his hexagonal-shaped defensive scales.

However, the large amount of neurotoxin venom spewed by the opponent had affected Rudra greatly and even for someone with a legendary rank poison immunity, he was struggling to adapt and move freely in just minutes after their battle began.

While Rudra also spewed his corrosive acid… the table turned on in a matter of seconds because the enemy monster was hardly even affected because its body was not only stronger than Rudra but also immune to the acid because its own venom was more potent.

To make matters worse, Rudra was also weaker because of the difference in levels and couldn't overcome the difference. Even with rank superiority, he was still 20 levels below the Bjormngandur.

During the battle, Kahn also noticed that both monsters with the basilisk bloodline had the hypnotic gaze skill. So Rudra couldn't kill the enemy using this ability like he did with the magma drake nearly a year ago.

But just when everyone thought that the battle was all lost.. Rudra spoke again.

"Hahaha!! Thanks for the warmup."

"Now let's begin the real fight!" declared the basilisk subordinate.

[Hey! Are you playing some game right now?! This isn't the time to fool around. You will die!] berated Kahn through the hive mind skill.

[Hmph! You should know better, human… I was letting my body process and develop immunity against his venom.

You have been poisoned before. So you should know better about how it works.] replied Rudra in a scoffing tone.

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[Didn't you say that we shouldn't fight on the battlefield advantageous to the enemy?

Now.. It has lost its only advantage against me.] he iterated.

The next moment, Rudra's massive figure suddenly jolted like a spring and for the first time since the battle started, he was faster than the Bjormngandur.


Their ginormous bodies clashed again and caused shockwaves that caused ripples through the mashed and muddy lands. The force was so great that even some of the trees on the solid ground were uprooted.

Even Kahn, who stood 3 kilometers away, was pushed back from the aftermath.

This time, it was the turn of the enemy to get surprised. Because just now, Rudra became three times faster than before and even the force behind his tackle was two times stronger.

Soon, both the gigantic creatures started biting and ripping off the flesh from each other's bodies while the clash of their figures broke tall trees and rose the water level, causing tidal waves.

But thanks to the terrain advantage, the Bjormngandur who lived here soon adapted to Rudra's quick attacks and used the waters to slow down the opponent since it was actually an aquatic type of creature while Rudra was more of a mountain monster.

Their clash carried for another hour and now…

Rudra was heavily wounded to the point his black blood spread over half the battlefield and his movements became slow because of the gashes and mauled regions of his body.

However, despite his sorry state… Rudra was enjoying the battle as if he was feeling more ecstatic.

"Again!!" he shouted at the opponent in their Slytherin language.

Kahn and the subordinates who had completely wiped out the enemy forces stood afar from the main battlefield. Although he lost more than 60 thousand of his fodder monsters… he still gained over 40 thousand bodies of these red snakes that were even a better alternative in terms of strength and hunting abilities in the water.

Kahn on the other hand had a constricted expression on his face.

"I can't tell if he's a battle maniac or a masochist." spoke Kahn.

Rudra was attacking the opponent despite his wounds and bleeding figure like a madman who lost every sense of reasoning.

However, the next second, Bjormngandur spoke to Rudra.

"After killing you… I will gorge on your body and finally break past my limits. So prepare to regret the moment you entered my domain."

In the following moment, hundreds of orifices opened from its body and a large amount of its venom was expelled out all at once in the form of a yellow cloud.

In just a minute, the entire 3 kilometers of the battlefield was filled with this dense cloud to the point one couldn't even see what stood in front of them.

"Fine then… I guess it leaves me no choice." spoke Rudra as if he was finally done playing games.

Crackle! Crackle!

The next second, all the wounds on his body started closing and the defensive scales became harder while his entire body underwent a transmutation.

Each one of the hexagonal scales became pointed outward like a thorn and now, Rudra looked like he had a battle armor of his own.

His eyes remained the same but the two giant horns on the back of his head now started blistering red as if they were on fire.

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His entire body started growing bigger while even Kahn couldn't see what was going on. But as soon as he sensed the changes in the aura of the subordinate… he was baffled on the spot.

[System, what's happening to him?] asked Kahn.

[The subordinate is using the… ] explained the system.

"Don't tell me… he.."

[Yes. The subordinate Rudra has completely inherited the abilities after eating the body and the core.] elaborated the system.

"That monster!… he already mastered it without even practicing." said Kahn while standing rooted on the spot.

Because now, Rudra's neck region is was burning red while the now armored scales appeared as if they belonged to a completely different species.

Kahn was instantly reminded of a certain monster he faced before that shared similar features.

[[Author : Reference Art for Rudra's new form in chapter comments. Check it out.]]

"Bloody hell… he's become even more powerful than he already was. No wonder he wasn't afraid of this opponent.

Rather… the enemy should be afraid of him." said Kahn with eyes full of surprise.

Because at this moment.. Rudra was going to use the ability that nearly killed Kahn many times when he fought the Magma Drake, the dungeon boss.

Because at this moment… Rudra was using…

The Dragon Bloodline!