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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 356 - Incoming Guests
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Another week passed by and now, there was perfect harmony in the Verlassen fiefdom under the rule of their sovereign who had made their lives better in many ways by abolishing unnecessary taxes, creating thousands of new facilities and job opportunities for those without work where everyone would be given a job based on their skills and capabilities and most importantly… he created a system that allowed people to apply for said positions through the government outlets created in every city and town.

Kahn on the other hand was finally content after fully gaining control over the fiefdom. Now everything was in his hands and whatever happened in every part of the empire and sectors reached his ears without delay. The information network had risen to a great level and now, nobody made any big moves without his approval first.

The generals and Omega were left in charge of being the people in command, each of whom looked after one sector.

Omega was in charge of the Covenant Army that now had 52 million soldiers in it.

While Jugram was left in charge of the military to who even the other semi-saints had to report to.

Oliver controlled the air force such as their warships, weaponry and flying ships throughout the fiefdom.

Armin was the head of the Hippocrates federation as well as the owner of the Ayurveda alchemy company, the leading figure of the alchemy corporations.

Ceril had yet to return for some reasons so he and Blackwall were the only ones without a vital role so far.

Ronin as usual controlled the entire information infrastructure of the fiefdom as well as the seven deadly sins in the background.

The Bloodborne & Ayurveda company was now thriving on a completely different scale.

Just the first month's earnings of both were above 4 quadrillions. And the Seven Deadly Sins that not only controlled the underworld but also Kahn's business empire under many established corporations was gaining a lot of authority.

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Kahn alone controlled 90% of the economy through them and even the Adventurer's Association that made the highest contributions in hunting monster resources was also controlled by him.

Plus with the military in his servitude, there was no form of resistance either inside the fiefdom or on the borders.

The People's Court has become a weekly thing now. And each week, a hearing would be held because Kahn didn't want it to lose its effect anytime soon.

Using this opportunity, Kahn decided to establish a news network to report various happenings over the cities and regions of the fiefdom and in the evening, a one-hour segment reporting everything such as a major construction project for the people or funds issued for hospitals in a particular city were announced.

For the first time in the history of this region, people felt like their lives were as important as the upper class of the society because before Kahn, they would only hear such broadcasts when the matter was related to the government or noble factions which had absolutely no relevance to their day to day lives.

And the public of the empire in various regions, as well as the capital, found his administration more appealing than the one they had in their regions.

This way, people got to know what happened in what city. Even things such as murders or rape cases were reported while hiding the identity of the victims and the criminals would be jailed and kept in custody till the hearing in people's court.

Incidents of monster attacks and the number of casualties over various hunting grounds and forests spread over the fiefdom weren't shied away from either.

Kahn's new government was legally allocating various resources and funds for the public welfare and the amount was also announced during these broadcasts.

And through this method, Kahn also cemented his public support as a righteous ruler who responded to public demands rather than just sitting behind the walls in his castle.

For the normal people… it felt like they had finally seen the golden days and actually felt proud of belonging to the Verlassen fiefdom.

Which Kahn promised them on the first day of his arrival.


As the week came close to the end… Kahn held a meeting, where all the generals, Albestros and the new figureheads of the military, as well as the government that loyally served him, were present.

More than 3 thousand people were now seated in 3 different levels of platforms and each of them had an important part to play in his regime in different cities and sectors.

Ronin started reading an official announcement from the government of the capital Rathna and relayed the message.

And revealed that the capital is sending new semi-saints to learn and train under the military officers as they are the promising talent of the next generations and would play a vital role in the future of the empire.

And since the monster this year is expected to be bigger than usual, they wish to lend a helping hand by sending these young prodigies and many forces as well warships to serve and protect the people.

However, after hearing this declaration…

Everyone had an irritated expression on their face.

Kahn, who sat on his black and golden throne while donned in his gray general-like attire spoke in a solemn tone.

"As you all can see.. This is nothing but bullshit.

If they truly wanted to help, they should've sent 20 to 30 semi-saints who have experience in real-life battles against enemy empires or monster outbreaks.

But they're sending these newbies in the name of training them. So you can understand their objectives."

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Everyone present in the grand throne room nodded in affirmation. Even the semi-saint commanders of the noble factions had their heads down at this moment.

"What do we do now, my lord? It's not like we can tell them to return. If we do so, it will give a bad reputation to your name.

And I'm certain the three factions from the capital will use it to defame you throughout the empire.

Saying that you value your pride and sovereignty more than the lives of common people and that's why you refused their help." spoke a mithrans minister of the government.

"Well, we will have no choice but to play along for now.

However… no matter what happens.. Do not succumb to their oppression, strength or whatever they may offer you." he spoke in a domineering voice as he looked towards the crowd seated in the hall.

"Their goal isn't to help the fiefdom but to regain their fallen reputation in the eyes of the common people.

If any of you are forced one way or another, just report back to the peak grandmasters of my council. I will personally get rid of the issues." affirmed Kahn.

He then stood up and walked forward towards the center of the throne room.

"Just remember one thing…" he spoke in a grim tone.

"This is our house and they're the invaders.

And how do we treat the invaders?" spoke and asked Kahn as he relayed his true intentions to all his subjects.

"We make them regret the moment they targeted us."