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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 347 - Despicable Deeds
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While Kahn's crusade against the ruling powers of the Verlassen fiefdom kept carrying over for weeks and each day, his covenant soldiers and assassins bringing in more criminals spread across the whole fiefdom… the structure of the authority itself changed drastically.

Because with each passing day, he was able to plant more of his people who either chose to serve him as they thought of him as a man worth following and pledging loyalty to or someone who truly wanted to better the lives of common folks.

In every sector of the government infrastructure, he had temporarily put the people that were already present there since he couldn't outright bring in people with no expertise to fill in these positions and call it quits.

This wasn't a criminal organization he had to control and experienced people that already knew the ins and outs of the government were necessary. So making more loyal people was a better choice than placing those he had brought from someplace else.

And once his hold over the government itself was cemented lawfully.. Kahn moved to his next target…

The Military.


On a sunny day, Kahn summoned the three semi-saint commanders, who still hadn't picked his side even after his warning on the very first day he arrived, for a secret meeting.

In a manor located outside of Aesir, Kahn and his general sat on one side of a grand and luxurious living room while on the other end.. Were the three remaining semi-saints.

Out of the six semi-saint commanders, Kahn killed one with his own hands while two had already pledged their loyalty to him.

So now, two from the top three noble factions and one from a native military clan were left. But their situation was extremely delicate in reality.

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A white lionkin shaman, a centaur knight and a female orc warrior stood straight on the opposite side.


"So which of you is going to make a correct prediction and tell me why I have summoned you three for this meeting?" asked Kahn in a carefree tone as he yawned.

"Because… it has something to do with us and the.. The… People's Court, am I right?" stuttered the white lionkin as he asked with a terrified tone.

"Bingo! It saved me some time. So let's get right off to the main topic.." spoke and then his gaze turned deathly as he instantly released his now upgraded aura mixed with Rudra's.

And now that he had leveled up, his aura was even more intense and horrifying compared to the time when he met these three commanders for the first time. Making them all kneel in front of him in mere seconds.

The next moment, Kahn pulled out records after records from his space ring and placed them in the middle of the room. And soon, a big pile of these big and broad books amassed in the living room

"You should know what these are, right?" asked Kahn.

Stunned! All three of the semi-saints were stunned on the spot.

"This! How can this be?! These are the records of military budgets and recruitment records of the past decade!" spoke the female orc warrior.

In reality… these were the exact records and ledgers containing the inner details of the military. And these were handed to him by none other Commander Stark when Kahn secretly visited the military clan's headquarters.

It was also the same night when the House Stark pledged their loyalty to him.

"I have all the evidence against you three.

And after seeing the gravity of your crimes… I feel very reluctant to keep you bastards alive." spoke Kahn in a deathly tone as his insurmountable aura forced their bodies to cave in.

"You bastards didn't even let the dead rest in peace." he said.

"You stole the armors and weapons from the bodies of the deceased soldiers every year after the monster tide, saying that they were not repairable and sold them to weapons manufacturing companies." he said and stood up.

Tap! Tap!

Kahn then kept increasing his aura and walked towards them menacingly.

"You fuckers even embezzled the funds allotted as compensation to the families of the soldiers who died in the battle against monster waves.

Basically, you destroyed their families that already lost their breadwinners and put them on the streets.

Do you have any idea how many innocent lives you motherfuckers have destroyed?!" shouted Kahn in a furious voice that sent shivers in their bodies.

"Your crimes are just too despicable. If people got a hint of it… do you think even your factions and government can protect you from public wrath?" asked Kahn in a solemn tone.

"And on top of it.. You even made a huge scam in soldier recruitments.

You enlisted those who paid for good positions and ranks in the military and treated them like elite soldiers without even proper training or experience.

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These spoon-fed bastards don't even know how to hold a weapon properly but you made them leaders of battalions with thousands of soldiers in them.

You left the fate of millions of soldiers in the hands of these unqualified dirtbags and filled your own pockets with the money they paid you.

How many millions of soldiers have lost their lives because of you? Did you even bother counting?" his grim voice resounded in the room.

"And you! Unlike these two… you're actually a native of Verlassen. How can you do that to people from your motherland? The ones who died also belonged to the cities where your entire clan lives." he berated the orc warrior.

"Forget about me… If this news leaks out to the public… just imagine what will happen.

Hell.. The whole army of the empire will hunt you three down. And there will definitely be a grand execution where you will be burned alive.

I, myself… am looking forward to that day." spoke Kahn in a wrathful tone.

All three of them were shivering in fear as their bodies had goosebumps all over. What Kahn had was something that would indeed spell out their inevitable death if anyone found out the truth.

As for Kahn.. He had luckily made a right ally. Because these records were something that one wouldn't even notice if they didn't know where to look.

And thanks to the old swordsman semi-saint aka commander Stark, Kahn got the exact documented evidence with the seals and signatures of these three commanders that were carefully hidden in the main headquarters of the military.

The old man risked his life to get them and barely managed to smuggle them out since this information was so crucial that the other semi-saints wouldn't even think twice before trying to kill him.

"What do we need to do my lord? Please spare our lives." pleaded the centaur knight semi-saint.

But instead of replying… Kahn took a round lotus-like artifact out from his space ring.

And as soon all the three semi-saints saw the round object… their faces turned ashen white.

Because the object in Kahn's hand was…

The Blood-oath Token!