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Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 683: Alex Looks the Hunt from the Sideline
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Back to the Freedom Sect,

Alex was a little exhausted after using the Spatial Gate for so long. He never thought it was this exhausting to maintain a single Spatial Gate for a few hours.

"Do you want to change with someone?" Aileen asked before glancing at many Space Temple disciples on the ground. "An Elder usually needs to maintain this for a day before they are qualified to be an elder, you know."

Alex shook his head. The reason he was tired didn't lie in his Spiritual Energy. Instead, it was his Mental Energy that was drained because he never practiced maintaining this technique for this long, so his body had yet to adapt.

Luckily, Alex still could withstand this for another two days with his immense Mental Energy. He stared at Aileen and replied. "I'm fine. Thank you for Great Elder's concern, but I should be fine until the situation is fixed."

"Is that so? Just make sure you don't fall unconscious suddenly, alright?" Aileen looked at his complexion and gave her approval before worrying her disciple. "How about you, Ryuu? How long can you hold on?"

"My personal best is twenty hours… But Alex's training seems to have opened the clogged potential that has been buried by my trauma… So I think I can last longer. I might even reach a day." Ryuu nodded with a smile.

"That's good then. With your progress and Maya's change of mind, my heart can finally rest assured." Aileen smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Master." Ryuu bowed to her.

"It's fine. You are my disciple after all." Aileen waved her hand. She then looked down, watching the people work with the land and informing Alex. "Anyway, we might need almost a day for this, so you can exchange with the others if you are too tired."

Alex also nodded this time before a notification appeared in front of him.

[Host. Anna wants to talk to you.]

"I am still in the middle of this though. I can't really summon the card and expect everyone to ignore it. I can try hiding them inside my pocket, but I need to touch the card and use Spiritual Energy to communicate with them. I'm sure someone will find it."

[That's why I will be the bridge this time. You can send any message to Anna through me and vice versa.]

"That's good then. What does she want to say?" Alex asked and waited for the system to respond.

[It seems they want to take advantage of the Tsunami on the surface. Feeling how big the earthquake was earlier, I'm sure Host knows this will happen, right?]

"Yeah. You are correct."

[The problem is that there are around one million sea monsters encroaching upon the land. These monsters are never disturbed so they can achieve this number. Anna wants to take this opportunity to kill as many as possible, even if they need to use the True Spirit Body. That's why they want you to use the Gacha Tickets and EXP Cards later, according to Anya's instruction.]

"Hmm…" Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "They can use my Inventory, right? Why would they ask for something like this?"

[The problem is they can't. Even though I have the consciousness of my own, your permission is the last thing that needs to be confirmed before I can do anything. After all, I'm your system, not theirs.]

Alex let out a hollow laugh inwardly. "Alright. I will be bored in this place anyway, so I can do something like that."

[Gacha Tickets x 541]

[This is your current count of Gacha Tickets. Meanwhile, you have a few EXP Cards that you have yet to use. Do you want to use them?]



[Tulip Spear (UC) x1]

[Summoning Coin (C) x1]

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The system exchanged all of his Gacha and used every single Summoning Coins received from the Gacha. Alex was quite satisfied with the reward and remembered another problem. "By the way, System. Do I get any missions from this? I mean, I have done many things in this place."

[There is basically none. You are mostly training and training, so there is no reward.]

"Tch. I almost forgot why I called you a useless system back in the day." Alex clicked his tongue.

[Love you too, Host.]

The reply remained the same, so Alex sighed. "Anyway, can you ask them what they are going to do with the Fire God Clan and the Divine Kingdom?"

[Anya is thinking about it right now since they want to take advantage of this Tsunami to increase their levels. Meanwhile, Anya had a safe haven, so she could wait on the back while making the strategy.]

"Oh." Alex thought for a moment and nodded. "Ask Anna to watch out for the Fire God Clan too. Considering the number, Divine Kingdom won't be enough. There is a high possibility that other influences will join, especially Fire God Clan."

[Do you want to kill them?]

"Not really. If we are exposed too early, we won't be able to utilize that huge piece of land as our EXPs source. I want them to watch their movement and see whether they are truly helpful or just watch and see. If my prediction is correct, they will do the same like that incident on the Sacred Continent." Alex contemplated and said.

[Then I shall pass this message to Anna.]

"Thank you." Alex nodded slightly.

[Any other messages do you want me to pass?]

Alex contemplated for a moment and said. "Observe the other influences for me, especially the Divine Kingdom. If I am not wrong, the host of this Seven Influences Banquet is them, right?"

[Yes. Alright, Anna has received the message.]

"Thanks." Alex thanked her once again before focusing back to his Spatial Gate.

"Alex. You have mastered the Space Cut right now. Do you want to go to Martial Arts Temple after this? We can search for another Space Element Art for you, and I do have some knowledge about them."

Alex looked down for a minute. 'I have many Space Element Arts in my inheritance actually, but I never look at them because I place no importance to them previously. Should I search the techniques from the inheritances instead of going to the Martial Arts Temple?

'Still, I am worried that I will have no teacher to ask about Space Element, so I can only study it alone and will surely need a longer time. I am afraid that I won't have enough time to practice two Space Arts if I choose them… Meanwhile, I can speed up the process by paying money to Aileen. It seems I will go to the Martial Arts Temple first, choose a book, and have Aileen to teach me. Besides, Aileen will surely suspect me if I ask a technique she never knows anyway.

'I don't really care about money since I can easily get it back while I can learn those Martial Arts in my memory later. I will prioritize speed this time.'

Having finalized his decision, Alex nodded to Ryuu. "Then, I will trouble you to guide me to Martial Arts Temple after everything is over."

"Judging from the situation, I am sure it will be fine after two days. We can go there after some rest."

"I have no problem with that timing." Alex nodded before glancing at Aileen. "Great Elder, I will need to trouble you later on."

"I can only teach you what I know." Aileen shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Besides, I will be taking payment for that."

Alex nodded and continued maintaining the Spatial Gate.

A few hours later, the system disturbed him once again.

[Host. They have killed around five thousand monsters within four hours. Anna will soon ask you to level up someone soon.]

Alex nodded and thought that his Spirits were the best. After all, it was hard to kill five thousand Martial Monarchs within four hours unless they use some big moves or their True Spirit Body. Little did he know that Anya already instructed them to use both.

[Want me to tell you something?]

"Sure. I am bored anyway." Alex agreed nonchalantly.

[They are planning to kill fifty thousand monsters in just a day before hiding from everyone else.]

Alex widened his eyes first before pondering about the plan. "It's true that we shouldn't appear on the continent as long as possible because it will make us more mysterious. This will impact how the Blackwade Clan perceive us, so this plan is working for me."

When he was talking to himself, the system sent him a notification.

[Gacha Ticket x331]

[Gacha Ticket x750]

"!!!" Alex widened his eyes and blinked a few times. "What the heck just happened?"

[I'm just showing you that Jeanne uses the first big move and kills a few thousand monsters by herself. Unfortunately, only around half of them can be recovered to be sold to Blackwade Clan. The rest are charred back or reduced to ashes.]

Alex chuckled. "That's surely like her. Jeanne and Leoz will be very powerful in this battlefield because of their element. My prediction is Leoz will only use his Thunder God Cannon rather than his most powerful technique. After that, there are still Anna and the others. Due to their exhaustion, I think Leoz will stop after reaching 3-Star Martial Saints due to the lack of EXP Cards and how his Berserk thing works."

The system didn't respond any more as if she was waiting for the request to use the Gacha Tickets.

"Use the Tickets and Coins to replenish the EXP Cards," Alex commanded.


Alex waited until it was completed before he asked. "By the way, can I just ask you to automatically open the Gacha?"

[There is no automatic system. You have seen how I manually open those many Gacha Balls, right? I have done it twice today according to your request.]

"Ahaha… I'm sorry about that. Though I can see that I'm pretty lucky, no? I mean three hundred Gacha Balls for a few thousand monsters… Isn't it almost ten percent chance to get a single Gacha Ball?" Alex asked excitedly.

[You are wrong. Although I can't say the exact percentage, it's less than one in a thousand. The reason you get so much Gacha Tickets is due to the mission. Have you forgotten about your repeated mission again? I think I have explained it previously.]

[Mission: Kill 100 1-5 Star Monarch Stage Monsters (Repeatable)

Reward: Gacha Ticket x10]

[Mission: Kill 100 6-10 Star Monarch Stage Monsters (Repeatable)

Reward: Gacha Ticket x10]

[Mission: Kill 100 1-5 Star Saint Stage Monsters (Repeatable)

Reward: Gacha Ticket x25]

The system showed him the repeatable missions again. There were still many repeatable missions, but the system didn't show as it was only to jog Alex's memory.

"Ah, right. I think our Gacha Tickets come mostly from here." Alex laughed.

[You are right.]

Alex nodded and continued keeping tabs on Anna and the others along with the Gacha Tickets. He kept using the Gacha Tickets and used the EXP Cards according to Anna's instruction.

Finally, after one day, he noticed the tickets didn't increase in the past three hours, so he thought the hunt must have stopped. He quickly opened the status of his spirits.

[Anna (Dark)

Level: 72/80 (2-Star Martial Saint Stage)

Exp: 214552/630000]

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[Leoz (Thunder)

Level: 73/80 (3-Star Martial Saint Stage)

Exp: 213112/640000]

[Nelson (Dark)

Level: 71/80 (1-Star Martial Saint Stage)

Exp: 378674/620000]

[Fabio Fabotelli(Fire)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 214024/610000]

[Greg (Earth)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 45175/610000]

[Vera Fabotelli (Water)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 45178/610000]

[Jeanne (Thunder)

Level: 72/80 (2-Star Martial Saint Stage)

Exp: 12421/630000]

[Anya (Light)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 51675/610000]

[Artur (Light)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 4167/610000]

[Jean (Water)

Level: 70/80 (10-Star Martial Monarch Stage)

Exp: 4675/610000]

He was surprised that some already reached Martial Saints. In fact, the others could reach Martial Saint Stage with his EXP Cards, but Anna must think about their mental situation and didn't force them to level up. After all, exhausting and recovering continuously was like dying over and over again.

After reaching the exhaustion, Anna must have stopped.

"Tell them they have worked hard."
