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Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 578: The Start of a Killing Spree
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"Don't worry, Anya. I'm not splitting the group with the thought in your mind." Alex smiled, assuring her that he wasn't insane or had his feelings taken over his rationality. "It could be said that we are the spear, Stina's group is the sword, while Fabio's group is the shield. I am preparing for the bigger war."

Anya fell into silence after hearing his explanation. "If that is the real reason, then I have no qualms."

Hearing Anya's approval, Alex smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

Anya sighed. "We can regroup first before attacking them… but the situation might not be in our favor, forcing us to attack them quickly. I have some images of what kind of situations those are, but I believe this is the best combination."

Alex nodded before a roar came from his left. He turned around and saw a 5-Star Martial Emperor tiger charging at him. The sword appeared in his hand as Alex waved his swords.

"Triple Draws!"

Like other people who experienced Alex's sword for the first time, the tiger quickly realized the first swing. The tiger tried to bite the sword to stop it before noticing the second and third slash. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Knowing that he couldn't dodge this attack, it channeled all of its energy to strengthen the part that would be struck by Alex's sword.

"Roar Roar!"

The tiger let out roars as it managed to block the strike toward its attack, but failed to block the two strikes aiming at its front legs.

After regaining its composure, the tiger quickly made its distance from Alex while observing him with its sharp eyes. Unfortunately, both Anna and Artur already appeared beside the tiger, swinging their respective weapons.

Without holding back their strength, they slashed the tiger without holding back. For the tiger, Anna and Artur were overkill as their weapons cut his body cleanly.

"Ro-uu…" The Tiger let out a shrill as it realized that he died.

"Good Work." Alex nodded to Anna and Artur, looking at Artur take the privilege to gouge out their core from the body.

"What should we do now? We have made the plan already, so should we go now?" Anya asked.

Alex didn't answer her immediately. Instead, he took out Nelson's card and asked, "Nelson, do the people here know about my identity? Or at least my Sword and Spear?"

"No. I don't hear anything about it even on the Nilis Continent. If you are going to use both weapons, I think they won't know your identity." Nelson answered calmly.

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'I see. Thanks." Alex tossed the card inside the Inventory before saying, "If I use both of my weapons, what do you think?"

"This is a big question. From Nelson's words, we understand that no one will recognize you. However, seeing an anomaly like yourself will surely invite chaos upon this continent. There is a chance for the people from Heavenly Continent to know that you are on this continent." Anya narrowed her eyes.

"You already know that we have the guarantee of the Underworld. Even if we need to, we can just escape to that place and struggle our way there. This continent only has Martial Monarchs, so we should be fine there." Alex explained.

"It's true that we should be able to struggle there… and your plan about the Blackwade Clan. Have you considered the local people here? Like this Martial Arts Pavilion… what will they do if they found out your power? Have you considered the possibility of them joining the Black Devil Sect to target you and mess up our plan?"

"I have considered it as well. We can simply use my teleportation to make a move at a time they would never expect. After all, we would move from this place and destroy their reinforcement before going toward the Underworld. At that time, they wouldn't have the chance to react." Alex said with a serious expression.

Looking at his expression, Anya could only agree with him. "Alright. We are going with your plan. After this, we should see whether we need to adjust our plan."

"Yes." Alex nodded with a smile. "Alright. Seeing we have come into a conclusion, shall we start? Our mission this time is to kill monsters and Black Devil Sect. We can get their monster cores and EXP for you guys. I hope most of you reach at least 8-Star Martial Emperors."

"We surely can. We are already 7-Star after all." Anya nodded with a smile.

Alex looked at her for a while and turned around before pointing at three directions. "Stina's group is going that way. Fabio's group is going this way, while my group will follow me in this direction."

"Understood." They nodded and disappeared from that place.

Their initial plan was to wipe as much as possible both monsters or Black Devil Sect members before relying on Narman to guide them. Alex encountered a few monsters and people along the way. They killed the monsters and spared the humans because none of them had the Blood Energy.

There wasn't a reason for him to stop in front of them either, even if they came from the five influences.

After a while, Alex suddenly halted his movement.

"!!!" Anna also stopped and asked, "Why did you stop? Something caught your attention?"

"No. There are around thirty people in front of us, to which half of them had blood energy. They are fighting the monsters at the moment and have no sign of betraying or whatever." Alex said, according to the view of his Spirit Eyes.

"Hmm… Shall we kill the monsters and Black Devil Sect members, or only the monsters or even all of them?" A cold glint flashed on Anna's eyes.

"Hmm… We don't necessarily need to kill other people unless they are in our way. Our priority target will be the Black Devil Sect and their space rings while killing the monster for EXPs is a bonus. If those people stop us from killing Black Devil Sect, then kill them as well." Anna said after pondering for a minute.

"Yeah. Let's do that." Alex nodded.

Suddenly, Anya pouted, confusing Alex and the others. "I thought this was my unlucky day since Alex denied my plan a few times."

"Haha… This is not." Alex chuckled, while Anna and Sherry rolled their eyes.

"Master, can we make some big move for a diversion or something?" Sherry asked.

"Hmm… I think we should refrain from it for now. I don't want to get unwarranted attention that much. The people should already recognize us in a week or so. According to the information, this place will be open for a month. After two weeks, I am sure we can't find a single monster in this place because they have been exterminated by these many people.

"At that time, the people will band together to protect their lives until the cultivation palace is opened and put our monster cores to use." Alex pondered for a moment before saying, "We will see it first, but most likely, we can use it as much as we want after a week."

"Alright. I will just use something that can easily kill those people without making a big scene." Sherry nodded.

Anya tapped the ground two times as a stream of light flew out of her staff and went inside Alex's, Anna's and Sherry's head.

Alex closed his eyes for a second, feeling the power-up from the light. He felt that his strength managed to reach the 7-Star Martial Emperor level. Although he could see an 8-Star Martial Emperor within their ranks, she should not be a problem because of Anna and Sherry.

"Let's go. We won't talk to any of them and just leave after completing our objective," said Alex while clenching his weapons.

The trio nodded and flew toward the group.

Intruding the battlefield, Alex found out that there were around fifty monsters in this area. The 8-Star Martial Emperor surely stood out amongst the rest.

"Crimson Blade."

The 8-Star Martial Emperor was a female with silver hair. Her blade glowed with crimson color as she slashed a bull monster in front of her.

Surprisingly, the sword cleanly cut two gigantic horns from this bull that was charging at her. Slicing the bull horns wasn't enough for her. She took another step to spin her body one time and swung her sword downwards.

"Tyrannical Slash."

A sword wave flew out of her sword, splitting the bull into two.

It was at this time, Alex and co entered the battle. Their group stood out because of the way they entered and their masks.

Behind his mask, a flash of astonishment filled his face. He never expected that this woman turned out to be the Martial Arts Pavilion group leader, Chloe.

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He shook the thought off his mind and flew toward two 3-Star Martial Emperor disciples. The sword and spear already moved toward their neck.

"Heaven Light Slash."

Unfortunately, the two disciples somehow managed to react and struck at Alex's sword and spear.

"Blood Slash."

Both of them had the same technique because they were from the same sect, but this was when Alex showed his superiority.

"Ignition Break."

Alex changed his technique at the last moment, creating a red glow on his weapons. Upon clashing with his enemies' weapons, it caused a small but powerful explosion, knocking the weapons out of their hands.


Using the chance, Alex used his Heaven Light Slash again and killed these two. He quickly scanned the area and moved into his next target before they could react.

The next opponent was a 5-Star Martial Emperor, but he was more prepared than the previous two.

Alex paid no heed as he thrust his spear toward him.

"Phantom Trust."

The spear looked like it was extended to a certain extent, causing him to see the spear already arrived at him despite Alex being so far.

He blocked it with his spear but noticed that Alex's spear was a camouflage. The spear's only purpose was to distract him, so Alex could get closer.

Moving the handle of his spear to block an incoming attack from Alex's sword, he used it as an attack.

"Spear Great Swing."

Alex was a bit surprised finding someone who used the spear handle as a weapon but regained his focus in a split second. He couldn't use his Ignition Break to strike the handle because it would mean the spear would spin, and the spearhead would come from the side.

A smile appeared on the enemy's face, thinking that Alex wouldn't be able to kill him. Yet, Alex surprised him once again. Pointing out his finger toward the enemy, a ray of red light flew out of Alex's finger.

"Flame of Extinction."

This time, Alex completely used his weapons as bait and killed the enemy.

At the same time, the other also reacted to this. The closest people, one Black Devil Sect member and one Martial Arts Pavilion Member, leaped toward him.