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First Immortal of the Sword

Chapter 169: Plotting
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Chapter 169: Plotting

As Qiao Leng walked out of the hall, his heart couldn’t have been any heavier.

The family head didn’t immediately set out to get revenge. This proved that his anger hadn’t muddled his head. Still,?when Qiao Leng heard his three commands, he sensed the family head’s steely determination to take revenge!

That he decided to leave Yangku Town tonight means that Elder Wen’s death has alerted him to the potential danger; he’s realized how terrifying Su Yi is.

The wise know better than to put themselves in danger. Yangku Town isn’t Yu Family territory, and if we attempt revenge tonight, it will inevitably lead to casualties. Given the circumstances, the family head can only endure for now.

But his second and third orders are unquestionably preparation for getting revenge!

In an hour, he’ll meet with Provincial Governor Xiang Tianqiu. It’s highly likely that he wants to borrow the provincial government’s power to deal with Su Yi!

After all, Su Yi is working for the sixth prince, while Xiang Tianqiu is in the second prince’s camp. The family head can use this to his advantage.

And it’s easy to understand why the family head would want to meet the sixth prince at the Cloudscouring Tower tomorrow. He’s probably going to offer an exchange and pressure His Sixth Highness into giving up Su Yi….

As this occurred to Qiao Leng, he felt cold inside.?Is this the shrewdness and strategic prowess of the influential?

After a while, Qiao Leng shook his head. He dared not consider this any further. Instead, he hurried into action.

It was true that he was a Martial Dao Grandmaster, but this affair involved the Yu Family, multiple princes, and the provincial government. Ultimately, Qiao Leng was just an ordinary man; it was hard for him to change anything.


Half an hour later.

The Yu Family’s procession left Yangku Town in a hurry, seizing advantage of the darkness to rush back to the provincial capital.

An hour later.

The Imperatorial Provincial Capital, the governor’s estate.

Xiang Tianqiu had long since received word, and he sat upright in a grand hall, sipping tea as he waited.

His physique was a bit bloated, and his beard and whiskers were flecked with white, but his eyes were sharp as a hawk’s. As he surveyed his surroundings, his gaze was imposing.

As the governor of an entire province, he was like a master of the frontier. His authority was so vast, he could intimidate an entire region.

Moreover, Xiang Tianqiu was in the third level of the Inner Furnace Realm, making him a Grandmaster of the older generation.

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Before long, the wide-sleeved, long-robed, bearded Yu Baiting arrived.

Xiang Tianqiu rose and welcomed him with a smile. “Brother Yu, I heard you were still relaxing in Yangku Town. Why is it that you’ve rushed back in the middle of the night? Don’t tell me something happened?”

Yu Baiting smiled faintly. “There was a bit of an incident, but that’s not what I’m here to discuss.”

“Please, sit down,” said Xiang Tianqiu.

He was just about to order a servant to bring tea when?Yu Baiting?stopped him. “Governor Xiang, when we’re done discussing business, I’ll be on my way. No need to trouble yourself.”

Xiang Tianqiu was a bit stunned. He laughed, “Well, I’ll just have to clean out my ears and listen!”

Yu Baiting thought for a moment, then got straight to the point. “Tomorrow morning, I’m meeting with the sixth prince at the Cloudscouring Tower.”

Xiang Tianqiu’s eyes instantly narrowed, and the atmosphere within the hall shifted, growing a little heavier. Some time passed before Xiang Tianqiu finally laughed, “Brother Yu, don’t tell me you rushed here in the middle of the night just to tell me that you’d decided to join the sixth prince’s camp?”

“Of course not,” said Yu Baiting calmly. “I just want to borrow some of your prestige while discussing a certain condition.”

“What does that mean?” Xiang Tianqiu’s eyebrows?knit together.

“A little whelp who works alongside the sixth prince has offended my daughter,” said Yu Baiting calmly. “He’s left me deeply displeased. I plan to have the sixth prince take action and eliminate the offender himself.”

“Don’t tell me the sixth prince plans to use your daughter’s life as a threat to force the Yu Family into his camp?” exclaimed Xiang Tianqiu. “If that’s really the case, he’s a fool!”

Yu Baiting shook his head. “I don’t know what the sixth prince is thinking, but since this incident has already occurred, I have to resolve it.”

Xiang Tianqiu was silent for a moment, his gaze full of hidden meaning. “Brother Yu, if you agree to support the second prince, I, Xiang Tianqiu, guarantee that you won’t even need to act personally. The sixth prince and his subordinates won’t dare try anything like this ever again!

Yu Baiting said evasively, “Governor Xiang, you’re in too great a rush. Meals are to be eaten one bite at a time, and paths are to be walked step by step. I trust that you don’t wish to see our Yu Family stand with His Sixth Highness either, right?”

Xiang Tianqiu burst into laughter. “Brother Yu, rest assured. Even if the sixth prince refuses to deal with his offending subordinate, I certainly won’t refuse!”

Yu Baiting immediately rose. “Now that I’ve heard that, I can rest at ease. Farewell.”

With that, he hurried out the door.

Xiang Tianqiu watched him leave, then sank into thought.?It seems that this subordinate of the sixth prince has thoroughly infuriated Yu Baiting. Otherwise, there’s no way the old fogey would have come knocking on my door before the Tea Party…..

A moment later, he burst into laughter.?But this works out well. Yu Baiting, you’ve always tried to stay neutral, but after this incident, can you still refuse to make your position clear?

“Father.” Suddenly, a young man in silver robes walked in, his eyebrows sharp as swords and his eyes bright as stars. He was valiant, with a stately bearing. action

Xiang Ming.

Provincial Governor Xiang Tianqiu’s son.

He was the closed-door disciple of one of the Heaven’s Origin Academy vice palace heads, Wang Jianchong, and the man of the hour amongst the provincial capital’s younger generation.

When he saw Xiang Ming walk into the room, Xiang Tianqiu felt as if he were looking at a younger version of himself, and his gaze softened. “It’s the middle of the night. What are you?doing up at?this hour?”

“Father, I told you earlier,” said Xiang Ming in a low voice. “I want to take Junior Apprentice Sister Wen Lingzhao as my wife.”

Xiang Tianqiu knit his brow, and he sighed. “Last time, I already sent someone to deliver a message to Zhu Guqing. I told her that, so long as Wen Lingzhao is willing, I’ll personally intervene and help her dissolve her marriage. But, as you know full well, Wen Lingzhao refused.”

He’d once seen Wen Lingzhao, albeit from a distance. She was indeed a stunning beauty of immeasurable appeal, and extraordinarily talented too.

But her background was a bit of a problem. For one thing, she was already married to someone else.

Although she and her husband were only married?in name, the potential impact on his reputation left Xiang Tianqiu rather opposed to the whole idea.

Xiang Ming took a deep breath, then said seriously, “Father, I want to invite Junior Apprentice Sister Lingzhao’s parents to the Imperatorial Provincial Capital as our guests, when we talk to them about this in person. Ideally, I’d help Junior Apprentice Sister Lingzhao dissolve her marriage contract then too”

“All this over a woman?” snorted Xiang Tianqiu. “Is she worthy of such infatuation?”

Xiang Ming suddenly flung himself to his knees, a determined look on his face. “Father, please help me realize my wish!”

Xiang Tianqiu’s expression shifted. Some time passed before he said, “I can agree to help you with this, but you must first accept two conditions.”

“Please tell me, father,” said Xiang Ming in delight.

“First, even if you marry Wen Lingzhao, she can only ever be your concubine.”

“Second,” said Xiang Tianqiu gravely, “Before long, I will leave my office as provincial governor and proceed to the Jade Capital to work directly beneath the second prince. When the time comes, you are to proceed to the Jade Capital and work for His Second Highness alongside me.”

When he heard this, Xiang Ming fell silent for a while. Finally, he gnashed his teeth and said, “Father, I agree!”

Xiang Tianqiu nodded, then waved. “Quick, to bed with you.”


The Auspicious Inn.

Day broke the next morning. The night had passed without incident.

Cha Jin didn’t sleep well that night. That nothing happened made her sigh in relief, but at the same time, she found it hard to understand.

The Yu Family was one of the provincial capital’s five peak-level factions, and they’d just suffered such an enormous loss. How could they possibly take it lying down?

“Get everything in order, and we’ll leave for the Imperatorial Provincial Capital immediately.” Su Yi was already up. He stretched, then opened the window. A clear breeze and gentle sunlight washed over him, soothing his mind and heart.

Cha Jin hurriedly rose and rolled up her sleeves. She prepared everything Su Yi needed for his bath, then left to order food from the inn.

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There was no denying it; she was gradually getting used to the role of “servant girl.”

It was hard to say whether this was due to Su Yi’s training, or simply because her mental state had quietly transformed.

After they ate and exited the inn, Su Yi was surprised to discover a horse-drawn carriage waiting for them.

Chen Jinlong then appeared not far away, looking ill at ease. “Brother Su, I’ve been waiting for you.”

Su Yi pointed at the carriage. “Did you arrange for that?”

“That’s right,” said Chen Jinlong hurriedly. “But before we depart for the provincial capital, there’s something I need to apologize to you for.”

“Apologize?” Su Yi arched his brow.

Chen Jinlong grimaced. “Last night, I was threatened by a Martial Dao Grandmaster. He forced me to reveal some information about you. I’ve been thinking, and I really feel ill at ease about it; I dare not keep this a secret from you. That’s why I waited here for you this morning; I hope to request your understanding and forgiveness.”

Su Yi was stunned. “No wonder Qiao Leng and that old man acted like they already knew everything about me.”

Chen Jinlong instantly broke out in cold sweats, then said in a quavering voice, “Brother Su, as you know, my cultivation is shallow. When he threatened me, I didn’t dare….”

“Enough. No need to discuss this any further.” Su Yi waved dismissively.

Chen Jinlong instantly felt a massive weight lift from his shoulders, and he smiled. “Brother Su, this way, please. If we travel by carriage, we’ll reach our destination in less than four hours.”

With that, they immediately set off, leaving Yangku Town behind.

“Brother Su, do you have a place to stay after arriving in the provincial capital?” Chen Jinlong asked tentatively.

He sensed that Su Yi didn’t seem averse to him, nor was he putting on airs or throwing his weight around. Otherwise, he never could have worked up the courage to ask such a question.

Su Yi shook his head. “Do you know which of the city’s inns is the most comfortable?”

“No matter how good an inn is, it’s hard to avoid crowds and prying eyes,” said Chen Jinlong. “Brother Su, if you’re not opposed to the idea, you can live in one of the residences my family purchased.”

“Your family?” Su Yi arched his brow.

“My father purchased several residences in the provincial capital years ago,” explained Chen Jinlong. “They’ve been empty all this time. Of them, ‘the House of Waveswept Rocks’ is the most tranquil. Brother Su, if you don’t disdain it, you’re welcome to take up residence there.”

Su Yi thought for a moment, then took out a stack of silver banknotes and passed them over. “How about this? Lead me to the residence in question, and I’ll pay rent. Take these silver notes for now.”

Chen Jinlong immediately tried to refuse. “Brother Su, don’t act like such an outsider. We once cultivated together at Blueriver Sword Manor; we’re sectmates! How could I accept your money in good conscience?”

“Take it.” Su Yi’s brow furrowed slightly.

Chen Jinlong quivered and hurriedly took the silver notes. Inwardly. he sighed.?As expected, Su Yi won’t give me any chance to curry favor with him at all!

Four hours passed in much the same way, and gradually, the outline of a vast city came into view.

They’d arrived in the Imperatorial Provincial Capital.