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Extra's Magic

Chapter 191 Shadows Of Reckoning
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The moon hung low in the midnight sky, casting an eerie silver glow upon the desolate battlefield. Among the ruins of a forgotten city, a lone figure stood, leaning against a crumbling wall. His obsidian skin gleamed dully in the moonlight, marred only by a jagged wound that oozed rivulets of dark ichor. A triumphant smirk graced his sharp features, his icy eyes gleaming with a sinister satisfaction. The battle had been won, and the spoils were his.


Around him, the air seemed to shift and darken. Countless shadows, formless and ominous, began to converge, swirling like vultures descending upon fresh carrion. They circled the wounded demon, their presence unsettling, their intent undeniable. Yet, his smirk only deepened, for he was no stranger to the dance of death.

With a mocking sneer, he pushed himself off the wall, his powerful form unfolding with a predatory grace. The tattered remains of his once-proud cloak fluttered in the breeze, a testament to the ferocity of the conflict.

His hand drifted to the hilt of the wickedly serrated blade that hung at his side, its edge still glistening with the residue of his recent victory. The demon's laughter echoed in the air, a symphony of madness and triumph that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to listen. The shadows closed in, a suffocating shroud, and yet he reveled in it. The thrill of battle surged through his veins like molten fire.

"More, my darlings..."

He hissed, voice like silk unraveling in a storm.

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"Come to dance at the edge of oblivion."

The first shadow lunged a tangible extension of the void itself. The demon's blade met the darkness with a resounding clash, a collision of ethereal forces that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. The wounded demon's smirk widened into a feral grin as he twisted and parried, his movements a deadly choreography of blood and shadow.

Another shadow lunged, and then another. His blade danced like a serpent, a dance of death that cut through the very fabric of the night. Each strike was precise, a deadly symphony of violence that left nothing but shredded shadows in its wake.

The wound on his side throbbed, a constant reminder of mortality. But the pain was but a distant echo, drowned out by the cacophony of battle. He could feel his power surging, an inferno that threatened to consume him. With every clash, every swing of his blade, he fed upon the chaos, the energy of the shadows fueling his defiance.

As the battle raged on, the wounded demon's laughter blended with the shrieks of the defeated shadows. His icy eyes blazed with a manic fire, his teeth bared in a primal snarl. They came at him, an unending tide, and he met them with an unyielding fury.

The moon continued its slow descent, casting elongated shadows that danced with the living embodiment of darkness. The wounded demon stood, bloodied yet unbowed, a figure of defiance against the relentless forces of the night. He had already taken countless lives, and the prospect of more did little to faze him.

With every strike, he carved his mark into the tapestry of shadows. With every step, he wove his tale of defiance and power.

Amid the chaos of battle, the wounded demon's senses were heightened, attuned to the ebb and flow of the shadows' movements. He could practically feel their malevolent intentions before they materialized into action. It was as though he had become a part of the dance, a partner in the intricate choreography of death.

A trio of shadows lunged from different directions, their forms intertwining in a twisted waltz. The demon's blade whirled in a deadly arc, meeting their ethereal forms with a thunderous clash.


The force of impact reverberated through his arms, a sensation that fueled his adrenaline. With a calculated twist of his wrist, he shattered one shadow's form, scattering it into dissipating tendrils of darkness. The other two shadows reformed, undeterred by their companion's demise. They lunged again, their movements synchronized in a macabre harmony.


The demon's footwork was impeccable, a dance of evasion that saw him gracefully sidestep the lunges, the shadows barely grazing his skin. With a sudden pivot, he struck out, his blade carving a shimmering arc through the night. One shadow was severed in two, its halves evaporating into nothingness. The other, however, recoiled and regrouped, its inky essence swirling in agitation.

As the wounded demon advanced, his eyes narrowed in focus. He anticipated the shadow's next move, his mind attuned to its intangible intentions. Just as the shadow surged forward, aiming for his exposed flank, the demon's blade flashed in a blinding arc. The clash was deafening, a symphony of clashing energies that seemed to resonate with the very heart of the night.

In that fleeting moment, as the clash of forces sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the wounded demon's thoughts churned. His existence was a paradox, a fusion of darkness and defiance. The wound on his side throbbed with every heartbeat, a reminder of his vulnerability. Yet, he drew strength from it, the pain fueling his determination to stand firm against the encroaching shadows.

The battle waged on, a relentless ballet of strikes and parries. The wounded demon moved with an almost supernatural grace, his every movement a calculated step in the dance of death. He met the shadows with a ferocity that defied their intangible nature, his blade an extension of his will.


Each clash was a collision of worlds, a momentary rift in the fabric of reality. The wounded demon's laughter, a maddening symphony, melded with the shrieks of the defeated shadows. With every victory, he carved his mark deeper into the night, his legacy etched in the very essence of the battlefield.

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As the moon neared the horizon, its pale light cast elongated shadows that danced around the demon-like spectral phantoms. The wounded demon's resolve remained unbroken, his icy eyes ablaze with an unquenchable fire.

Amidst the swirling chaos of battle, the wounded demon's senses remained keenly attuned to the shifting currents of the night. His icy gaze swept across the battlefield, taking in the convergence of countless shadows that surged toward his location. It was as if the very darkness itself had risen to reclaim what had been stolen from it.

The demon's lips curled into a momentary snarl, a flicker of frustration and wounded pride. His recent triumphs had inflated his confidence, but now, faced with this overwhelming force, he had to reevaluate his position. A surge of anger and indignation welled up within him, battling with the cold rationality of survival. He bit his lips, the taste of iron and pride mixing in his mouth, and swallowed down the urge to stand his ground against insurmountable odds.

His obsidian form tensed, his muscles coiling like a predator about to pounce. But then, in a begrudging acknowledgment of the reality before him, he exhaled sharply. Sometimes, survival required swallowing one's pride. With a heavy heart and an even heavier step, he turned, pushing off from the ground with a powerful leap.

His cloak fluttered behind him as he ran, each stride a testament to the urgency of his escape. His heart pounded in time with his footfalls, each beat a reminder of his vulnerability. Yet, there was wisdom in retreat, an understanding that it was better to live another day and fight anew than to become a martyr to arrogance.

The demon's lungs burned as he sprinted, his mind a maelstrom of emotions. The moonlight cast long, stretching shadows that danced in his wake, a visual echo of the battle that had transpired. His senses remained sharp, a vigilant watch for any change in the shadows that might signify pursuit.

His pride was still aching, wounded by the decision to retreat, but he clenched his fists and banished the bitterness.

Survival was paramount.

He sprinted through the ruins of the forgotten city, each step taking him farther from the heart of the battlefield. The shadows seemed to withdraw slightly, their malevolent presence ebbing as he distanced himself from their realm of influence. But he dared not slow his pace; he knew that the forces of darkness were unpredictable, and their pursuit could be swift and merciless.

As he ran, his thoughts churned. The wounded demon replayed the clash in his mind, his blade meeting the shadows with a resounding clash. He could almost feel the echoes of the battle reverberating in his muscles, the memory of the ethereal forces colliding fueling his determination. But alongside that determination was a stark realization: sometimes, the strategic retreat was the path of wisdom.

"I'd be laughed at if anybody finds out..."

With every stride, his resolve hardened. The moon continued its descent, casting long, dwindling shadows that reached out like grasping fingers. His lungs ached, but he pushed himself onward.

In the end, the wounded demon knew that to live was to fight another day, to rise from the ashes of this night and embrace the darkness with renewed strength. Pride wounded but not defeated, he ran on, his obsidian form a fleeting shadow against the canvas of the night.