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Extra's Magic

Chapter 161  Combat Exam (2)
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Chapter 161  Combat Exam (2)

Clank... Clank... Clank...

Twisting my wrist with a swift flick, I felt the blade slash through the air, deflecting the boy's thrown daggers with precision and ease.

'I guess I'll have to beat some sense into them.'

Channeling Mana into my legs, I kicked up a cloud of snow underneath me, lunging forward like a comet streaking through the night sky.


Approaching the trio I noticed as the tall boy unsheathed his weapon, a gleaming sword that reflected the pale moonlight and the girl pulling out a whip made of shimmering silver strands.

'I need to eliminate the range threat first...'

I darted toward the short boy, who was still throwing daggers in my direction with unnerving accuracy.

I would've reached him if not for the sword-wielding boy, who swung his blade in a wide arc, intercepting my path with a resounding clash.

"Going somewhere~?"

He bared his teeth, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

However, I simply slid my blade against his, parrying his attack and also jumping back, which in turn allowed me to avoid the potentially lethal reach of the silver whip.


The Silver weapon struck the ground, coiling like a snake through the air and causing the ice beneath to shatter into thousands of shards that glimmered in the sun.

'I should avoid being hit by that...'

Observing the girl's weapon, I realized that the silver whip had incredible range and could easily disarm or immobilize me if I wasn't careful.

I could already imagine a scenario where it coils around my limbs, preventing me from any further movement, allowing the trio to attack.


Shadows started to coat my blade, making it seem as if my Longsword disappeared into thin air.


Feeling the Mana flowing through my body, I took a step forward, closing the distance between the girl with the silver whip and myself.

She barely had the time to react, as I swiftly swung my concealed blade, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.


Our weapons met, however, her silver whip proved resilient against my attack, coiling around my blade and entangling it momentarily.

"Edgar, strike him now!"

The girl yelled out to the swordsman, straining her muscles to hold onto my sword.

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Unfortunately for her, her attempt to stall me only bought Edgar a split second.


As the guy lunged to help, I suddenly released my Authority, dismissing it and seeing as the longsword dissipated into thin air.


Before Edgar or the girl could react, I delivered a powerful kick to Edgar's chest, sending him sprawling backward and effectively disabling him for the moment.

Without hesitation, I ducked to the ground, avoiding daggers that the third member of their group had thrown in my direction.

I rolled to the side, quickly regaining my footing as I assessed the situation.

The odds were still against me, but with Edgar momentarily incapacitated and the girl momentarily confused, I had a chance.

'Time to eliminate him...'

Turning my gaze toward the boy throwing daggers, my eyes locked onto his and a smile spread across my face, making him tremble.

Swish... Swish...

Multiple daggers flew through the air toward me, but with precise footwork and a few swings of my sword, I deftly dodged or deflected each one, making my way toward him.

"Stella, I need help!"

The short boy screamed in desperation, realizing that I was closing in on him.

I could see the fear in his eyes, his panic increasing as I closed the distance between us.


However, it seemed that the girl had already recovered from her momentary confusion and swung her silver whip in a swift and precise motion, aiming to entangle my legs and halt my advance.

Of course, I was prepared for such a move.


Jumping into the air, I executed a perfectly timed and powerful leap, clearing the path of the silver whip and avoiding being immobilized.

The fluidity of my movements and the precise coordination between my arms and legs allowed me to evade the entanglement effortlessly.


Stella shouted, to the boy, who was still struggling to recover from the kick to his chest.

"Get up and come help us!"

However, she was forced to shut up as I swiftly closed the distance between us with a lightning-fast lunge, my sword aimed directly at her exposed flank.


She grunted in pain as my sword made contact with her, penetrating her defenses and leaving a deep gash on her side.

I've finally drawn the blood of my enemy...

As Stella staggered back, clutching her side in pain, I could feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The battle was far from over, but drawing first blood had shifted the momentum in my favor.


Edgar had managed to rise to his feet, his chest heaving as he glared at me with renewed determination.

He clutched his sword tightly, his knuckles turning white. The short boy, who had been throwing daggers with uncanny accuracy, seemed unsure of his next move as he assessed the situation.

I couldn't afford to give them a moment of respite. With Stella momentarily weakened, I decided to press my advantage.


The snow beneath my feet crunched as I closed the distance between us, my eyes locked onto Edgar's. I could see a mixture of anger and frustration in his gaze, and I knew he was itching to retaliate.

As I lunged forward, Edgar met my attack with a swift and calculated parry.


The clash of our blades resonated through the cold night air, the sound almost musical in its intensity. Our swords danced in a deadly ballet, each move a calculated step in a deadly dance of combat.

I could feel the strain in my muscles, the weight of the fight pressing down on me, but I pushed through, my mind focused and my movements precise.

Meanwhile, the short boy had regained his composure, his daggers once again finding their mark. I deflected them with a series of quick and precise movements, my focus never wavering from Edgar.


In the midst of our duel, I noticed a flicker of movement from the corner of my eye. Stella was attempting to circle around, her whip poised for another strike.

I had to think fast...


With a sudden twist of my wrist, I disengaged from Edgar, ducking and rolling to the side.


Stella's silver whip cracked through the air where I had been standing just moments before, the sound a stark reminder of the danger I was in.

As I came back to my feet, I saw the short boy charging toward me, his daggers glinting in the moonlight.


I sidestepped his attack, using his momentum against him to send him stumbling past me. Before he could recover, I brought the pommel of my sword down on the back of his head, sending him crashing to the ground in a daze.

Why would you, a guy who throws daggers, even try to engage in close combat with a sword-wielding opponent like me?

With one opponent temporarily out of the picture, I turned my attention back to Stella and Edgar.

Stella was relentless, her whip snapping and coiling with deadly precision. I could tell she was a formidable opponent, and I couldn't Our weapons clashed, the force of our blows sending shockwaves through the air.

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afford to underestimate her.


With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us once again. Our weapons clashed, the force of our blows sending shockwaves through the air.

"Fucing killer..."

She gushed out through her gritted teeth, spitting on my face, however, I managed to avoid this 'Saliva attack', simply by angling my body to the side.

"Are you all deaf or something?"

Sighing, I pushed her back, my Authority, which I had already re-summoned, forcing her whip to recoil.

"I didn't kill that woma... Ella!"

Growling, I turned my attention to Edgar, who was about to cleave my head off with a powerful swing of his sword.

Did he forget that killing is prohibited?

I glanced at his eyes, instantly, determining that he was lost in a blind rage.

At that moment, I knew I had an advantage.


As he lunged forward with his sword, I swiftly sidestepped, allowing his momentum to carry him past me.

He was like a wild animal, blindly attacking without thinking.


I lifted my hand and caught Edgar's wrist mid-swing, using his own momentum to throw him off balance.

Before he could even react, I brought my elbow straight to his face with a swift and powerful strike, sending him sprawling to the ground.


Seeing as his body tumbled to the ground with a loud thud, I took a moment to catch my breath and assess the situation.

Edgar was knocked out, the short boy was barely managing to hold onto his consciousness...

Stella was the only remaining opponent of the trio that could still pose a threat.


We both locked eyes for a moment, each of us assessing the other's next move.

"Do you still want to continue? If you lose, you know you'll be failing the exam, right?"

I asked, trying to reason with Stella.

Although they attacked me first, I couldn't bother spending another 5 minutes in this fight.

I'd rather conserve my strength for the monsters...

"Fuck you!"

However, my wishes fell on deaf ears as Stella let out a thunderous scream and charged at me, her weapon raised high.

It seems that she, really, was stupid.